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    1. TheDayAfterTommorow 10 yrs ago


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Added a list :D.
If i decide to create the Rp, i need a few more people willing to join.
A mixture of fantasy/modern, i will go in more depth if others are interested as well.
Bump :D
Incest (Not biological parent/son/daughter)
Age difference
I may be interested in this, although i am doing lots of Rp's right now, could you PM me with a basic plot for Teacher/student (would prefer to be the student.)
Shifting around in his chair, Kye peered around at the other inhabitants of the tavern, most everyone was laughing and drinking, everyone except Kye of course. After finishing his mead in peace Kye pulled his lucky talisman from a pouch at his side, he felt the smooth surface then quickly shoved it back into the pouch. Kye stepped outside the tavern, the cold darkness relaxed him, he was in his element, he always tracked best in the night. after untying his horses reigns from the nearby stables, he hopped on his horse and began riding toward the northern most gate, he thought about this fugitive he was hunting, why would a shapeshifter kill the queen? what would be a maidens reasoning behind such a pointless murder? as various thoughts entered and left his mind he reached the gate, supposedly where the girl had escaped through, he looked up at the guard towers then back at the ground in front of the gate, after some time he discovered a small trail of paw prints leading into the forest just beside the road, he mounted his steed and traveled onward through the undefined trail the shapeshifter had set hours before, being careful to follow what he assumed to be the path the shapeshifter had taken, he would catch up in no time, his horse could easily outrun a wolf, that is if it can manage the terrain.
I may post the apps here. :D
What is your Dreamscape idea? could you explain in Pm? i am probably interested :D.
I would be willing to do most types of RP, If you are interested please PM me, although i am looking for mature partners, i am willing to work on a few separate RP's at once, i am very active and hope anyone who would like to apply is as well, thanks! (Some stuff i will do: )
-Zombie apocalypse
-Hunter/Beast (Perhaps shapeshifter or something like a witch :D)
-Wild west
-Superheroes (one or both)
-Fantasy realm
-And lots more, i may even consider fandoms. (Would like a few dark themed ideas)

-Please be active, i only RP with fairly active RPers, it enhances the experience.
-Please be mature (18+), i do enjoy mature character interaction, violence and gore.
-I RP casual - high casual, please do the same.
-I only RP males, considering the fact that i am male, no exceptions, sorry.
-Please have good spelling and grammar, it really helps me immerse into a RP.
-I do like darker themes
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