Avatar of TheMusketMan
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: TheMusketMan
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 635 (0.16 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. TheMusketMan 11 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current If I was ever in a death or glory situation, I'd want The Trooper by Iron Maiden play in the background.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Back on RPG for the first time in like, two years.
10 yrs ago
Listening to some Aerosmith
10 yrs ago
Working on a new rp.
1 like
10 yrs ago
Sick as all hell, freaking sinuses.


Most Recent Posts

1. Not being able to take care of myself when I'm 80.
2. Career ending medical condition/ physical injury
3. Being paralyzed from the waist down.

Pretty much anything that will render me useless in reality.
@Awson I mean, no of course not, they're probably still young but by RPG standards, they might as well be on their deathbeds.
So glad to be done with that garbage. I came back to this site on a whim today, I have not been on this account in years!

Look at this avatar! I thought this shit was funny when I was 15. I turn 18 next month. Its crazy how time works you know, I remember so vividly being terrified of my freshmen orientation back in...2013? I'm going to boot camp in two months. My 14 year old self would shit himself. So I guess I'm back for a few months. I remember the spam forum being a favorite haunt of mine, despite it being a hive of scum and villainy back in the day. Now there's a lot of...posting games. Not any better, not any worse I suppose. Anyone else from the old days? I'm talking 2013-2015, around that area?

Well those are the old days for me, I remember some people who were around since its inception in 2007. Those people are probably fucking dead they're so ancient.
OOC will be up shortly, which reminds me, where shall our students be from?

You were in class, learning about Medieval Europe, but now you're knee deep in clear water, colorful stones winking at you in the sunlight. You look around and realize that there are other students in the river as well, looking about with confusion. The river is large, about 70 yards across, but shallow. You stand up and realize there are hundreds of students here. The banks of the river are peppered by green shrubs, plump dragonflies buzz past you in a squadron formation. The sun watches over the confusion with a joyful glow. You look to the banks and see an armored man on a boulder and a chill runs down your spine. He looks like something out of medieval legend, blood red armor, adorned with thorn-like spikes on various pieces. A long sword hangs from his waist and it seems to be glowing. He is surveying the river silently and his gaze stops at you. He lets out a chuckle that makes your knees wobble. Then he is gone. A roar could be heard through the picturesque foliage. A gasp runs through the hundreds of students as thundering paws trample through the forest. You stumble back and fall into the gently running water. Your muscles tense as the beast gets closer. Blood curdling screams ring out and you look down horrified as the clear water is turned scarlet red...

The Main Idea

This is a Dark Souls/Sword Art Online inspired role-play where students of a High School/University are mysteriously transported to an ancient land that is now and ruin and filled with creatures corrupted by a dark force. The students must survive and learn more about their new environment anyway possible to escape. Whether that means banding together or betraying each other...

Other Stuff

The interest check will be used for stuff like where the students are from, whether we want a fleshed out lore or you want me to give you clues as we go along the rp so you can piece together the story Dark Souls style. You can have as many characters as you can handle as there are hundreds of students trapped in this mysterious land. Any other questions/suggestions I would be happy to hear, so let em rip!
In Halestorm 10 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Just discovered them 10 minutes ago. I can say they're the first band I've considered pure rock in my lifetime. I'm pretty happy.
My first day in high school. ( a couple hours ago.)

Ey, look at you, moving on up in the world.
@KRAZY J You might wanna put some spaces in your backstory, on secondary review I see a lot of run-on sentences and the whole thing is cluttered overall. Also could you put what year he joined the SSF?
Name: Akio Abe
Codename: Reaper
Age: 37
Personality: Akio is strict but fair. He leads the team with efficiency and purpose. He is a patriot and loves to fight, a far cry from his personality before his attempted murder. He cares about the people under his command and would die for any one of them. He isn't terribly great at relationships and making friends, but that's alright with him.

Service Record: The True Imperials incident, 2022-2023
Operation Rising Sun, 2023
Operation Black Heart, 2023
Operation Okinawa Freedom, 2024
Operation Snowy Peaks, 2024
Operation Guardian Angel, 2025
Saibo Training Instructor, 2025
The Dover Nuclear Plant Incident, 2026
Operation British Payback, 2026
Operation International Freedom, 2026-2031
Saibo Strike Force Training Seminar, 2034-2035
Operation Honest Work, 2037
Operation Savior, 2038

Backstory: [WIP]
Weapon: Sniper Rifle and MP9.
Cybernetic upgrade: Dead-Eye- Allows him to react to events with super human speed and precision for a short amount of time.
Other: Honk.
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