Name: Akio Abe
Codename: Reaper
Age: 37

Personality: Akio is strict but fair. He leads the team with efficiency and purpose. He is a patriot and loves to fight, a far cry from his personality before his attempted murder. He cares about the people under his command and would die for any one of them. He isn't terribly great at relationships and making friends, but that's alright with him.
Service Record: The True Imperials incident, 2022-2023
Operation Rising Sun, 2023
Operation Black Heart, 2023
Operation Okinawa Freedom, 2024
Operation Snowy Peaks, 2024
Operation Guardian Angel, 2025
Saibo Training Instructor, 2025
The Dover Nuclear Plant Incident, 2026
Operation British Payback, 2026
Operation International Freedom, 2026-2031
Saibo Strike Force Training Seminar, 2034-2035
Operation Honest Work, 2037
Operation Savior, 2038
Backstory: [WIP]
Weapon: Sniper Rifle and MP9.
Cybernetic upgrade: Dead-Eye- Allows him to react to events with super human speed and precision for a short amount of time.
Other: Honk.