Character name:
Maximus Decimus
Solis 13, 8:60 Blessed (70 years old)
Mage (Blood)
Skills and talents:
Blood Magic Mode
Blood Sacrifice
Blood Wound
A cane, which acts as the focus for his spellcasting. It's also a family heirloom.
A collection of 16 journals bound together by a strip of leather. These journals chronicle Maximus's adventures through Thedas. The things he has seen, sketches of monsters and tips on the best way to kill them, secrets of the Grey Wardens' Joining ritual (Encrypted of course), and little notes and reminders.
Bedding for those nights in the wilderness.
Maximus's life began in the great city of Minrathous in 8:60 Blessed. His life was marked with privilege since the very beginning. The first mage child of a Soporati family, his family was elevated to the status of Laetans. From a very young age, Maximus showed a great talent for the magical arts. So much so that at the age of 13, he was accepted into the Imperial Circle of Magi in Minrathous. It was there where his magical ability really flourished. It was also there where his instructors noticed his unhealthy appetite for knowledge and obsession with power. At the age of 36, he became a Senior Enchanter in the Minrathous Circle, giving him access to some of the artifacts in the Circle's care. One of these artifacts held a demon who, in exchange for its freedom, taught Maximus the forbidden art of Blood Magic. Maximus's life went downhill from there. He would frequently lock himself in his room, practicing his art and growing his power. Many of the Enchanters knew-- or at least suspected-- that Maximus was up to something, but he was largely ignored until he was caught doing a blood ritual. Not with slaves like he normally did, but this time, he had Apprentices on the altar. Faced with being branded Maleficar and being hunted down by Templars, he left. At the age of 40, he left the Imperium and traveled all over Thedas, completing jobs for people and even falling in with Mercenary companies eager to have the power of a mage. Eventually, he met a young woman in the Ferelden village of Lothering and settled down. He married, had a couple of kids (one of which was a mage), life was good. That is, until twenty-five years later. He learned from a friend in the Chantry that the Templars knew of his abilities. While he wasn't sure if they knew he was a Maleificar, he wasn't willing to take that chance. He left Lothering that night, abandoning his family. He was found two weeks later back east by Duncan, the leader of the Grey Wardens in Ferelden. At the time, he was hungry and desperate and attempted to rob Duncan and the two other Wardens with him. Maximus was emaciated however, and the other Wardens overpowered him quickly. Duncan saw the power Maximus held however, and asked him to join the Order. Seeing no better option, he accepted. Not to mention that the idea that the Templars wouldn't be able to touch him was very attractive. After five years of being with the Order, he became one of the mages that assisted with the preparation of the Joining ritual. He was conveniently on business in Orlais during the Battle of Ostagar, and after hearing what happened and how Loghain was shutting Grey Wardens out of Ferelden, he decided to stay in Orlais and wait until Ferelden fell and the Blight spread to Orlais.