Takahiro had begun his analysis of the Shadow. In his mind's eye, data on the Shadow was listed before him. He relayed what he saw to the group. "Magic wouldn't be a good route. It seems to be strong against all types of magic. Try using physical skills."
Right after Takahiro was finished speaking, the Shadow prepared another attack. With a roar, it reared back and thrust its hands forward. A torrent of fire came forth from its palms, scorching the group significantly. Takahiro growled. He didn't know what to do. Perhaps they could retreat. This thing was incredibly powerful.
Upon recovering from the attack, Unmei would feel a dull pain in her head. However, it would very quickly become more painful than a migraine. This pain seemed to be affecting her Persona as well. Orpheus grabbed his head, letting out a pained roar. Its eyes turned blood red as its body began to twist and convulse. Eventually, Orpheus burst apart, revealing a monster dressed in black. It appeared slightly humanoid. Two legs, two arms that had hands with five fingers. However, it had coffins for wings and its head appeared to be the skull of some sort of mechanical sharp-toothed monster.
Takahiro gasped and gazed at this monster. It felt cold... cold and malicious... this was the thing he sensed earlier! He had a bad feeling about this. It appeared Unmei had control over the creature. Based on what he could tell from how he felt, though, that control was very limited. He attempted to analyze the creature.