Kigarra said
Hey guys, sorry for being a ghost. School has just really sucked out my creative juices OTL" I didn't mean to hold this rp back so much....
Lennon79 said
Result. Welcome back Herr GM XDConsidering how many people have been inactive, it's probably worth having a show of hands as to who's still here.
Lenaya said
I haven't seen these people post in a while: kingdomkeylight, AgniSpirit, Ontos and Kigarra I too recall Kiga saying she was busy on another RP site....but not sure where the other three poofed off to.
Kisuji said
I can reach out to Kiga-tan, but busy is busy after all. Not sure if she'll rejoin us here.
Pudding said
I'll just wait until its over then
Lenaya said
I picked Unicorn because she's/he's lower level, like me at the moment lmao xD Dia's all I got but hopefully Theo will allow for an...upgrade? Idk.\o/ breakfast yay
Ontos said
Well, what do I do that makes me so lovable? O_O
Kisuji said
Being you.
Ontos said
I've pretty much now am only able to post once to twice a week. I think I should give up on this...
Kashiwara said
Name: Kashiwara YuuheiAge: 17Gender: MaleAppearance: His outfit consists of a fluffed hood with a on the sleeve. He has two gold coming from his ears. His hair is light blue with dark blue tips. He wears a necktie with his tight undershirt, exposing his chest. His shirt is tucked into his pants which are white like his wannabe cardigan. He has a blue sash with a gold tip. His belt buckle is also gold. He wears two gloves and has his hair often tied up into a ponytail and held in place with a fancy bow-knot. When not held up, his hair falls to his back.Personality:Yuuhei is a freak. He is obsessed with . So much that he can't go twenty minutes without a to drink. However, with such excess water, he dedicates it to fitness. No amount of water goes wasted with him. Aside from his hydration quirk, he loves games and competition. A simple race would be oodles of fun for him. He enjoys the small things in life. Having a door that can lock will bring a smile to his face. He is quite intelligent and playful. He enjoys playing with humans emotions as well. He is extremely manipulative. If he can get without having to put forth effort, he will gladly pull as many strings possible so long as the input is under the output for him. On a side note, he took an extreme liking to detective novels and the like. In his through Japan, he even became a part-time student detective using his connections to work his way past the process and become quite adept at the work. He is keen on using his manipulative abilities with his skills as a detective to solve cases. Using these both identifies his intelligence as rather high.Weapon: Hand-To-HandArcana: JusticeInitial : DominionUltimate Persona: N/ACharacter Stats:Athletics: 11Academics: 9Charm: 10Courage: 9Backstory: He is an Osaka boy with a upper- family. His father wished to instill discipline in his son, so he introduced him to Shogi, an advanced form of chess when he turned 13. Only when he beat his father and attained exceptional grades in school would he allow Yuuhei to train his . This drove her to increase her academic standard. He now applies strategy to most things he does. Kashiwara Yuuhei also participated in obstacle courses built on his father’s land. His father gave him private gymnastic lessons, which he used until his father’s death. Instead of taking the car to go to the store or the park, he would run, performing gymnastics and flips.He wasn’t very popular in school, as he kept to himself most of the time, but he wouldn’t mind out so they could have fun, such as taking cleaning duties after school. He was regarded as a hero for saving kids from fights and other mischievous things children do in middle school. He enjoyed his school life, however, he had to move quite far away at the beginning of his high school years to Gekkoukan High School. Moving from “country” to the country. Not that big of a deal, however, he lost all his friends in the move. Of his three years in Gekkoukan, it was quiet for the most part. No one bothered him, and focused on his studies for the most part. He didn’t join a club, nor did he attempt to talk to other people (minus protecting them from bullies and such). However, he understood humans immensely, yet, they didn’t understand him. With his father’s death, he didn’t talk to anyone and remained closed in his own circle.(Sorry, I was tired and couldn't conjure a good story.)
Ontos said
This is getting weird. 3 people who have been RPing or in RP discussions with me have been involved with accidents this month.That is quite statistically unlikely.
Kisuji said
*SMACKS*Don't hug the injured! D:<
Lennon79 said
Wait, does that mean that there are states where insurance mandatory? O_oDo the (stereotyped) American thing; sue him all the way down to the clothes on his back XD