Yoro went for a thrust, but the Shadow managed to dodge and get a few shots in on Yoro, pinning him into a seat and getting in a couple more. However, once the Shadow realized it was alone, it slinked towards the door of the car, getting through safely. Yoro dismissed his Persona, sitting in the seat where the Shadow struck him. He panted heavily. "Ngh... this isn't good... i'm still not at 100%... I need healing really bad..." He spoke to the air. "Tak, where are Aki and the others?" A voice entered Youhei and Yoro's head; Takahiro's voice.
"Shit man, I don't know. I haven't gotten a response yet."
"Alright... one last shot..." Yoromatsu took out his communicator, tapping the touch screen a few times. All of a sudden, Youhei's screen on his communicator started glowing red and the communicator let out a loud siren noise. The screen would read; "DISTRESS SIGNAL RECEIVED - KIRIJO, YOROMATSU. LOCATION: QUARTER MILE NORTH OF PORT ISLAND STATION. STARTING GPS... OPENING MAP..." Then, a map would fill up the screen, showing the current location of Yoromatsu's phone.
As the group stood around the lounge of the dorm, the communicators of the SEES members would suddenly switch on, letting out a loud, blaring siren. The screen began to glow red. On it in white letters, the screen read; "DISTRESS SIGNAL RECEIVED - KIRIJO, YOROMATSU. LOCATION: QUARTER MILE NORTH OF PORT ISLAND STATION. STARTING GPS... OPENING MAP..." Then, a map would fill up the screen, showing the current location of Yoro's phone. After a couple of seconds, a mechanical voice on the phone said; "DISTRESS SIGNAL RECEIVED - KIRIJO, YOROMATSU. LOCATION: QUARTER MILE NORTH OF PORT ISLAND STATION. SHOWING MAP."
Yoromatsu let out a deep breath and set his phone next to him. "Press the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your communicator. That will shut the siren off."