[Will format when I have some time]
Unfortunately, I didn't save your CS's. (Totally my bad) So you'll have to post your characters again. ><
What if I told you that a day consists of more than 24 hours? Would you believe me? Of course you wouldn’t. But I promise you, it’s the truth. Just listen for a moment and I will explain. There is an hour that few know about. An hour hidden between one day and the next. That’s the Dark Hour. Of course, only we know about it. Normal people transmogrify into coffins and remain blissfully unaware of everything that occurs. Blissfully unaware of the mysterious beings called Shadows that also lurk about. But, there are people, however rare, that can function during the Dark Hour. Some of these people may even awaken to a power they can use to fight the Shadows. We call this power “Persona.” Shadows can only be defeated by Persona-users. That is the goal of our group; defeat the Shadows. But we can’t do this alone. Will you lend us your strength?
Yes, I know, “Boooo, I hate rules.” I’ll try to keep this section brief. There are a few things you need to be aware of before you go forward with this thread.
1. Godmodding and Powerplaying are both major no-nos. I only warn people once for this. The second time it happens, you will be terminated and your spot will be free to the next person who wishes to join.
2. Please, try to use proper grammar. Spelling, punctuation, capitalization and the like are all pretty important.
3. As GM, I have the final say on everything. Not to say i’m going to be a total tyrant. Just know that if there is a disagreement, I will step in, hear both sides, make a decision, and that will be that. Also, please note that I do not like people who backseat GM. This includes, but is not limited to, refereeing disagreements between players, telling me that my style of GMing isn’t the “right” style, and controlling characters that only I control (this falls under the godmodding category). Overall, I have a policy of mutual respect. You respect me, I will respect you and I will not act like a total cunt.
For more information, please see my handy-dandy help section at the bottom of this thread.
Character Sheet
Please fill out the following sheet in its entirety. Once more, if you need help, please consult my handy-dandy help section at the bottom of this thread. I recommend using Japanese names for your characters since this role-play does take place in Japan. However, this is not required. Your character doesn’t even need to be Japanese. Foreign exchange students are perfectly acceptable. To keep this as canon as possible, I do have to take a bit of control with your characters’ backstories. Please consult my handy-dandy help section at the bottom of this thread for more information about what I mean.
Age: [15 - 18]
Weapon: [No guns please]
Arcana: [Choose from the list in my handy-dandy help section]
Initial Persona: [Choose from the list under your chosen arcana. An arcana with a black line through it is taken.]
Ultimate Persona: [Leave this blank. This comes later]
Character Stats: [You have a total of three points to spend on the following stats. Consult my handy-dandy help section at the bottom of this thread for more information about what these stats mean and what I do with them.]
Athletics: 9
Academics: 9
Charm: 9
Courage: 9
Backstory: [I recommend looking at my handy-dandy help section at the bottom of this thread before you begin writing]
First off, you might be asking what Godmodding and Powerplaying are. Well, Godmodding is whenever you control another character as if it was your own. This includes, but is not limited to, indirectly controlling the character/enemy/NPC by influencing thoughts and emotions, directly controlling the character/enemy/NPC by making them move and talk without player and GM approval, and, in the most extreme cases, killing another character/enemy/NPC without player and GM approval.
Second, I am a stickler for proper grammar. While my standards are fairly high, I do not expect you to meet or exceed them. Mistakes are fine, everyone makes them. Just make sure you try your best and try to use this role-play to improve your grammar if it is lacking.
Third, as GM, I am one-part referee, one-part ally, one-part enemy, and one-part the world. As GM, I control enemies, NPC's, some allies, and the nature of the world your characters inhabit. It is also my job to settle out-of-game disputes. Someone has to be in charge, right? Imagine if a GM couldn't resolve disputes. The game would quickly and very easily fall apart.
Please make sure your character's backstory meets the following criteria before submitting;
-They had to be in Japan ten years prior to the story's beginning.
-They have not awakened to their Persona yet.
-They transferred, for no apparent reason, out of their current school to Gekkoukan High School.
You may or may not notice that my character does not meet two of the three criteria. That is because he’s technically an NPC that I filled out a character sheet for.
The Magician
Pyro Jack
Jack Frost
The Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit
The Hanged Man
If you have questions, feel free to drop me a PM.
Accepted Characters
Yoromatsu “Yoro” Kirijo
18 years old

Yoro is pretty old fashioned. He has been taught, since he was a little boy, to always be polite and courteous. Especially to women. Even now, he is still a gentleman. He's a nice guy to most everyone, but a little out of touch with common people and their lives. But that's to be expected, since he has spent his entire life as part of the social elite. He has never eaten at a common restraunt nor has he lived a common life. He has always been afraid to even try to eat at common restraunts for fear of looking like a fool.
Fencing Epee
The Chariot
Initial Persona:
Ultimate Persona:
Player Stats:
Athletics: 9
Academics: 9
Charm: 12
Courage: 9
Yoromatsu Kirijo is the oldest of the two Kirijo siblings, a senior at Gekkoukan High School, and Student Council President. Being the heir to the Kirijo Group, Yoro has become used to dealing with immense amounts of pressure. To the outside world, Yoro is just a very rich, very popular High School student. But behind closed doors, he is the leader of the "Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad" or "SEES." This group is dedicated to the defeat of the creatures called "Shadows." Everyone in the group is able to wield a mysterious power known as "Persona." Yoro awoke to his Persona when he was just a child. He accompanied his father and his research team. While they were researching, they were attacked by Shadows. Overcome by the feeling of intense danger and want to help his father, he called on his Persona. Even though he was very young when this occured, it wouldn't be until he entered High School when SEES would be formed. Now, he fights alongside his comrade, Akira.
Name: Fukugawa Youhei
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Despite his mixed blood Youhei looks ethnically Japanese, with the exception of his wide jaw and shoulder length dark blonde hair. He wears glasses and when out of his Gekkoukan uniform, tends to stick to dark jeans and grey shirts with rolled sleeves.
Personality: On the surface Youhei is easy-going and highly social; however his normally upbeat attitude contrasts dramatically to his pessimistic or lethargic moments. He tries to keep his friendships balanced so that he never appears to be favouring one person over another, but always fails because he never thinks things through properly. He takes things as they come, with no particular overarching plan or goal in mind; to Youhei every day is lived in the moment. As you might expect, he has no idea what he will do in the future.
Deep down however, Youhei nurses a deep sense of personal inferiority and insecurity. He was sheltered for much of his life but in the last few years has found his world completely turned on it's head twice over. He also harbours a very deep-seated fear of being the outsider in the group. He is still readjusting to Japan and often makes his cultural heritage known, whether intentionally or otherwise.
Youhei can be a shameless a flirt and loves to get a good reaction out of others. He is also quite a heavy smoker and prone to the occasional fit of spontaneous rage, both of which make him a joy to be with when drunk. Youhei has a lot of experience working with his hands, both due to his agricultural history and his interest in bushcraft. His father often took him hunting as a boy and could be harsh in his teaching; before long Youhei became a proficient hunter and fisherman in his own right, with many of the other skills that come with the work. Camp cooking is a speciality, although he can cook reasonably well otherwise.
Weapon: Venetian Warhammer

Although he is just as likely to discard his weapon and fight bare-handed...
Arcana: Hanged Man
Initial Persona: Inugami
Ultimate Persona:
Backstory: Youhei was born to a poor but happy home in Hokkaido, the son of a British immigrant and a local farmer. His mother passed away shortly after he was born, leaving Youhei to be raised by his loving but awkward father along with his fractious brothers. The five of them managed the farm for many years, never excelling but always surviving until a business deal gone wrong led to bankruptcy. Youhei, along with his eldest brother, split off from the rest of the family and headed to England to live with his mother's family; there he studied agricultural engineering at a local college and planned to spend the rest of his life in the UK, even to the point of formally renouncing his Japanese citizenship.
However just before the start of the new school year, he received a series of letters from a certain school in Japan, along with notifications of his transfer. In the end and against his will, Youhei was shipped off to Iwatodai to attend Gekkoukan High School, effectively throwing him back two school years... Still, he brought his new found sense of British humour with him and slowly began to adjust to Japan. After the incident at the Iwatodai Dormitory, he agreed to join SEES along with the rest of his dormmates and now just goes with the increasingly chaotic flow.
Name: Sakagami, Hitomi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Hitomi has a weak, petite build and she certainly weighs accordingly - namely, not much at all. Her hair is thick and silky, black in color and reaching up to her waist. Her bangs reach down just enough to cover her eyes, with some strands framing her face and falling neatly on her shoulders. She never keeps her hair tied, as she feels safer with it open and hugging her form as if to hide her from sight. Hitomi wears glasses, not because there’d be anything wrong with her vision but because they, too, act as a small barrier between her and whoever she’s talking to. The rims are dark red, but only partly visible from under her bangs.
Her eyes – on the off chance that you managed to get a glimpse of them – are dark brown, almost black, and slightly bigger than normal. She has long, thin eyebrows, and a very small nose and thin lips. Her face is somewhat round, and that, coupled with her height usually make people mistake her for someone a few years younger. She likes dark makeup but, out of fear of being judged for it, forgoes wearing any. Instead she likes to paint her nails, always decorating them with different shapes and colors (most often small, black stars). She always walks a bit hunched and her steps are silent, making her appear like a ghost stalking through the night.
Hitomi loves dark colors, and her favorite things to wear would most likely be something gothic, maybe a lace dress and a miniskirt, but since she doesn’t have the self-confidence to walk around in something like that (as she fears people might react negatively or assume she’s a gloomy person just because of that or something), she always goes with something more mundane instead. Most often she goes with a large hoodie, decorated with smilies and flowers and other things that make her appear happy, as she wants people to look at her and see someone joyful and easy to talk to. She wears a long skirt up to her knees, not daring to go with miniskirts like she’d like to. On her feet she wears white ballerinas and socks that reach up to her knees.
Overall, despite her eyes being hidden and her posture being rather bad and pathetic, Hitomi strives to look friendly and easily-approachable, always smiling and acting polite. Whether or not she succeeds appearing the way she wants to or just ends up scaring people away with her slightly strange antics is a different matter altogether however.
Personality: Considering Hitomi’s personality, the Strength appears to be a very ironic choice for her.
She’s extremely quiet and introverted, always hiding behind games, books, and anything she can get her hands on at the time. She doesn’t like talking to people, because she always fears she messes up somehow. And when she does talk, what she thinks and what comes out of her mouth are two entirely different things. See, Hitomi wants everyone to like her; she can’t handle the thought of someone hating her, and so she tries to appear as the perfect person for everyone. Due to that, she’s very careful about that she lets out of her mouth. She tries to always have something good to say about everyone, she tries to be very optimistic and nice - even among those she hates.
Some people think of her as spineless because of that, while some think she’s just the nicest thing around. While the first of the two is pretty true, the latter is not. She isn't all that nice, in all honesty; in fact, her uncensored thoughts can be surprisingly mean and snarky - after all, all the years she has spent suppressing any negative feeling have left her bitter. She has started to hate both herself and the world around her for being so unfair and demanding so much from her, not realizing that nobody expects her to be perfect but she, herself.
Hitomi absolutely loves books and games of all kinds. There is nothing quite as empowering as being able to kick ass in a video game the way she never could in real life. She plays everything, but has a particular fondness for visual novels, where she can feel like her choices matter and nobody judges her for them. She's a walking dictionary on all things gaming, and never leaves the house without hr trusted PSP.
It's really easy to embarrass her. She isn’t used to people being close or talking to her for extended periods of time for example, so someone doing that is bound to make her fidget and get flustered. Due to her lack of self-esteem, despite trying to appear otherwise, she actually tends to assume the worst about every situation. Someone glanced at her from the corner of their eye? Could it be they’re judging her? Is her hair messy?! Hitomi also doesn't like loud, obnoxious people, nor anyone she thinks is a bother to others. She says it’s because she believes everyone should put the needs of others before their own but in truth, it’s just because she’s jealous of someone being able to do what she isn’t; being themselves and not caring what others think.
But, despite all her shortcomings and bitterness, Hitomi really wants to help people and doesn’t like seeing anyone get hurt. Also, despite her cowardice when it comes to social interactions and showing her true colors, she can be surprisingly brave when the situation calls for it - such as when she's defending someone she views either as weaker than herself or a friend. Her Arcana being Strength and not Hermit might sound surprising at first - but when you get to know her, you see it isn't that odd a choice in the end. She might be frail physically, but she's very strong mentally, being able to comfort others even when her own self-image is what it is. She just needs a chance to show it, you could say.
History: Strength comes in many forms - sometimes pathetic ones.
Hitomi was born in Kyoto, Japan, as an only child of the family. Her mother was always home for her while the father of the house worked, and from an early age Hitomi was always instructed to be polite and proper no matter what. Her parents wanted their little girl to be perfect, and they said so many a time whenever they praised –or scolded – her. What they didn’t realize was that “being perfect” is a rather heavy burden to bear, and that Hitomi had to work really hard to try and live up to her parents’ expectations. She studied diligently and was always polite just like she was told to, though she quickly learned that she just wasn’t exceptionally smart. Try as she might, her grades were always solid C's and B's, never the A's her parents would have wanted. And while her parents never said a word about being disappointed, Hitomi couldn’t help but feel she had let them down anyway. It was a horrible feeling, and so she decided to try even harder. She didn't want to give up, and figured that if she just endured and bettered herself, she could eventually make them proud.
She was always a really introverted child, and although her parents tried, at one point, to see if travel helped her cure from it, it was in vain. The first trip she remembers was to an island whose name she has forgotten ten years ago. None of that helped though. She remained quiet and meek and due to that, she faced some bullying at school. It wasn’t anything major, but due to her shy nature, she suffered all the same. She never dared to utter a word to anyone, however; she didn’t say anything about it to the teachers or her parents, and she never spoke up for herself against the bullies, either. She didn’t want to cause trouble or inconvenience anyone. Yet, strangely enough, whenever one of her friends - few as they were - was in trouble, she never failed to go to their rescue. It wasn't like she hadn't been scared to death facing the bullies, but she didn't see a choice. Abandoning someone in need never even crossed her mind, even if it made her suffer even more abuse from the bullies as a result. Her friends tried to constantly bring her out of her shell and tell her to do stand up for herself the way she did for others, but to no avail. She couldn't. She was scared and felt weak, not quite realizing the strength she'd already showed when defending others.
Eventually, her friends figured they’d need to do something about the treatment she received themselves. They meant well when they went and yelled at the bullies, telling them they wanted them to die and such. And in the end, encouraged by her friends, Hitomi, too, said that she agreed. She said that she wanted them to die.
And a few days later, one of the bullies got into an accident and almost died. And Hitomi was convinced it was because of what she had said. She had always read about curses and the supernatural, and she very much believed in ghosts and demons and the like. Maybe one of them had heard what she had said and done this? It sounded stupid, but how could she be sure? What if her words did have the power to hurt someone? Weighed by quilt, Hitomi told what she had said to someone to her parents. And she swore, she saw that look of disappointment in their eyes again. They didn’t like her. She was sure they didn’t. And why should they? She might have indirectly hurt someone. Never again, never again did she want to be looked at with eyes like that again. She’d be more careful about what she said. She’d become perfect this time. She'd never let her negative feelings take over. Yes, she'd hide them.
Years passed and Hitomi really tried hard to be perfect. She hid everything about herself she figured others wouldn’t like, and no matter how hard things were, no matter how much people used her as their little errand girl due to her mellowness, and no matter how much she wanted to shout, she kept everything in and forced everything negative away. Except, well, humans don’t work like that. They can’t just suddenly drop half their feelings and only keep all the positive ones. And so, as years passed and Hitomi played nice, she started to slowly grow a tad bitter inside. She was being this nice, and yet people used her? Yet they bullied her still? She found herself hating quite a few people, but she never said anything, and just kept suffering alone.
Even when her parents suddenly decided to move cities and have her transfer shcools, she kept her mouth shut and obliged, thus leaving behind the few friends she had. She knew nobody in her new city, and that caused her to become even more secluded, spending more time playing her video games and clinging onto her books than socializing. But hey, as long as she has her books and games, she'll manage.
But for how long?
Weapon: A particularly thick book, titled "The Art of Gaming - How to Find Just the Game for YOU."
Arcana: Strength
Initial Persona: Valkyrie
Ultimate Persona: TBA
Name: Maaka Asaga
Age: 17
Gender: female

Personality: Maaka appears to be very cold toward others. She has no friends, nor enemies, and considers everyone she runs into as a potential threat, leading her to rarely give anyone her trust. With one goal in mind usually, other "side missions" (as I have nothing better to call them) are an annoyance, especially when it greatly deters away from her goal. Working alone is how she prefers to go about her day, but when faced with others, she tries to remain civil, hoping to steer them clear of her in the future. In truth, however, if one person does breech her thick, icy exterior, they can see that she is very lonely, and possibly just hiding a shy side she doesn't want to admit being her true self.
Weapon: Curved dagger (same design as the sword in the pic just imagine a dagger version)
Arcana: The Priestess
Initial Persona: Sarasvati
Ultimate Persona: [Leave this blank. This comes later]
Character Stats
Athletics: 11
Academics: 9
Charm: 9
Courage: 10
Backstory: Maaka doesn't remember much about her parents the main reason being ten years ago on Tatsumi Port Island custody was handed over to her mothers grandma without even a warning. All she knows is apparently something bad had happen, and that her parents may have been apart of it or affected by it. Her Grandma never explained it, and to this day still wont explain the incident of ten years ago... in fact discussion about her parents is completely forbidden in the house. Do to the cold nature of her sudden life change Maaka herself responded by adapting to it, and becoming just as cold in the Tokyo life. Never havig any friends in school was her own choice though oddly enough she was popular on the gymnastics team where her talents shined. Unfortunately this fact was just a minor award for her main goal to make her grandma notice her which sadly didn't even cause a dent in their relationship to bring them closer.
As such Maaka simply became colder, and colder in life until just a few months ago her grandmother informed her she would be changing schools to a Gekkoukan High School. Her reaction... she didn't really care she would just block it out as she had always done. Though future events would soon shatter her cold stern grip.
Name: Akira Ikeda
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Picture [+]
Personality: From first glance Akira would seem to be a very shy, reserved person who always seems to be nose-deep into whatever book she finds. She isn't one to talk or start a conversation; Instead, she chooses to observe people and try to get a feel for their personality before deciding whether or not she should approach them. Once you do get to know her, she's relatively friendly and almost outgoing. Good luck trying to get her to ride a roller coaster or enter a haunted house, though.
Weapon: Bow and arrows
Arcana: Priestess Arcana
Initial Persona: Unicorn
Ultimate Persona: --
Backstory: (Lazy, but will work on it later ;-;)
-Akira is a transfer student, but from a more rural area of Japan. Her aunt, Matsuri, received guardianship of her after Akira’s mother begged her sister to do so, given that Akira’s aunt was much better off (financially being the most prominent) than she and her husband were. After moving into the city, Akira’s love and hunger for knowledge showed itself, and since then she’s always trying to learn as much as she can.
-She misses her parents dearly and writes letters to them, but recently it has come to her knowledge that she now has a younger brother and sister. Akira doesn’t really know how to handle this, nor has she tried to work it through her mind since she found out and she chooses to bury her emotions in her studies rather than face them head on.
- She moved in with her aunt at the age of 6 and has lived with her since. She’s comfortable in her current school, has a few friends from there, and even has a pet dog that lives with her and Matsuri. Recently, she's had to transfer to a new school, Gekkoukan High, which means she'll have to live in the dorms and ditch her dog ( ;-; )
- She is Yoromatsu's childhood friend. They met unexpectedly, and since then were pen-pals until Akira stopped writing letters back. They've had a bit of a falling out, of sorts.
Name: Sorami, Amaya
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Amaya [+]
Personality: Amaya is a kind and cheerful girl who can get excited over the smallest of things. She has a deep-rooted sense of idealistic justice and will fearlessly stand up to bullies and thugs without a second thought. Thanks to her short stature and choice of clothing, Amaya is underestimated by her opponents quite often. This is immediately remedied with a knockout punch. The downside to her personality is that she is pretty dense and won't catch that her butting into fights only makes things worse. She is also easy to trick and can almost never tell when someone is trying to take advantage of her. And because of her sheltered lifestyle, Amaya is naive to most aspects of high school socialization, like hanging out with friends or going out on dates.
Weapon: Tonfas
Arcana: Sun
Initial Persona: TBA
Ultimate Persona: [Leave this blank. This comes later]
Backstory: Amaya used to live with her father, mother, and younger sister back in a small town outside the big city. Her father runs a dojo that had been in the his family for generations and had planned to have Amaya's much older brother inherit it when the time came. Instead, her brother outright refused and soon left the family when Amaya was eight. Her father then set his sights on her and trained her day and night so that she would become a suitable heir. Part of her training meant she had to devote all her time to martial arts which lead to forbidding her to ever set a foot outside the dojo walls when she didn't have to go to school. Amaya missed out on going on school trips and making any real friends because of her strict father. The only thing he could not take from her was a growing love for fashion. Everyday, Amaya's younger sister would sneak in different types of fashion magazines for her and every night Amaya would comb through them, soaking up the colorful pages. Her love was soon drawn only to gothic lolita styles of fashion, making it a bit harder for her sister to find more magazines in their little town.
On her third year of middle school, Amaya suddenly got a call from her brother. She re-connected with him behind her father's back and found out that her brother was now a photographer working in the big city. He told her about the prestigious Gekkoukan High School and said if she studied hard enough and got in, he would sign everything as her legal guardian and have her stay at the Gekkoukan dorms. The rest of that year she spent her days training and nights studying until the day of the Gekkoukan entrance exams. She sneaked out and took the train to the city, immediately falling in love with the school when she laid eyes on it. Amaya breezed through the entrance exams and after a couple of months, she got her acceptance letter. Her father was not pleased but after a heated argument, Amaya packed up her things and left, just like her brother years ago.
Name: Isa, Nagisa 'Nagi' and Isa, Nami
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Nagi is on the right, Nami is on the left. They are of the exact same height and have the exact same hair length. It's just how they style it. (1.68m)
Nagi: Nagi's hot-headed, boyish and basically a girl with a guy's personality. She always tries to look manly, and basically played the part of Nami's older brother during the time they spent their lives together. To others, Nagi, while quite quick to anger, has a very strong sense of justice and doing what's right. She won't hesitate to butt into anything if she senses that someone is getting bullied. (By the way, Nagi punches.)
Both personalities are straight, though. Nagi will almost never admit to love, however.
Nami: While quiet and soft-spoken, Nami's a hopeless romantic who finds joy in the little things in life. While still having Nagi's strong sense of justice, Nami feels like she's better off just off the sides when there's injustice, watching in pity. She'll date the people that Nagi refuses to date. She may seem shy, but if she finds you interesting, she will do her best to talk to you. (By the way, Nami slaps.) Nami finds it annoying that Nagi practices breast-binding, saying that 'it'll ruin her feminine figure so that she can't get a nice boyfriend later'.
Both personalities switch at random times. The Isa Twins do officially go to school as 'Isa Nami', though, and Nagi will try to rein in her passionate side when in school so as to not break the façade. Though one can tell Nami from Nagi just by watching their eyes, if one is experienced enough.
Crossbow and bolts. Generally, her crossbow bolts have a rope tied to them for easy retrieval, but this rope can be cut in case retrieval is impossible or dangerous.
Arcana: Moon
Initial Persona: Gurr
Ultimate Persona: ~~~~
Character Stats:
Athletics: 10
Academics: 9
Charm: 11
Courage: 9
Backstory: The two daughters of a Nico Nico Chorus sensation, the twins were on their way to potential stardom as idols. Nagi played the role of the boyish girl singer that attracted confused girls, and Nami played the role of her 'lesbian' lover. It was a little dirty, but it sold. However, one of their lives was cut short by a madman with a gun during a practice singing session 4 years ago. The other twin might as well have died as well, considering the mental state of the survivor.
Isa's parents had her hospitalised. She would never really recover from the trauma, even after 4 years of constant therapy. Eventually, the idea of the surviving twin dressing up like the later would manifest slowly in her. Though Isa's parents protested, they eventually realised that this was the closest she was going to get to functioning at this point.
The Isa Twins would be transferred to Gekkoukan High School, though at a earlier year than expected of their age. Her long hospital stay messed with her scheduled studies.
Name: Leonardo "Leo" Silverstone
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Leo is a tall young man, standing at 6'0". He is physically fit and quite strong, with a toned athletic physique that he is quite proud of. Due to living in a tropical place most of his life, and because he often goes outdoors, his skin is lightly tanned. His face is round, free of blemishes, and rather boyish. Marked by large expressive blue eyes, a small nose, and a usually smiling mouth. These features give him a rather youthful appearance. He has short, close cropped black hair, with messy bangs that cover his forehead, and go to his eyebrows. A strand of hair on top of his head always stands up, no matter how much he tries to comb it down. Except for the top of his head, and eyebrows, the rest of his upper body is void of any hair.
For clothing, Leo generally wears what is comfortable. Usually, whatever he pulls out of his closet that day. It usually includes a pair of jeans or cargo shorts, and sneakers or sandals on his feet. He can often be found without a shirt. This is because he was rather scrawny when he was younger, so now that he's put on a little muscle, he likes to show off the results. When he must wear a shirt, it will usually be a skintight tank top, or something low cut/not buttoned/zipped up all the way, and without a shirt underneath. He's not comfortable wearing cloaks or heavy clothing that covers him up too much. He will dress up for formal occasions and colder days when he needs to, but he usually takes it right off when he's able. He wears a pair of aviator goggles on top of his head. He doesn't use them, he just thinks they look cool. His favorite outfit is a red, form fitting tank top, with black stripes on the sides, and a zipper down the front on the top, and a pair of jeans held up by a belt on the bottom. His sneakers are red and black, and have wheels in the soles. The wheels can pop in and out when Leo puts weight on his heels, allowing them to function like roller skates. He carries his things in a simple pink backpack.
Personality: Leo is a bright, cheerful person, with an optimistic view on life. He can often be found with a smile on his face, even when things look bleak. As such, he often makes jokes, and does silly things when the situation is tense to lift people's spirits, but his attempts to make people laugh sometimes backfire. He believes there is some good in everyone, and for that, he is very trusting of others. A genuine nice guy, he is always willing to help someone in need. Often putting the needs of others ahead of his own. Sometimes though, he can be too nice, to the point of gullibility, and people often take advantage of him for it. Leo is very outgoing and social. He likes meeting new people, and making new friends. He is not afraid to strike up a conversation with a random stranger. Being used to having to watch over his little sisters, he's become accustomed to taking care of people. He is loyal, empathetic, and very protective of those he cares about, making him a good friend to have.
Leo is very energetic. So much so, that it is very difficult for him to sit still and concentrate on one thing for long periods of time. Because of this, he likes to actually do stuff, instead of sitting there reading about it. While he is able to think quick on his feet during intense situations. he often acts impulsively, and jumps to conclusions without thinking first. Unlike a lot of guys he's known, Leo is the type of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. His feelings are there for everyone to see, and he's pretty easy to read. For example he cries openly during the endings of sad movies, and is affectionate towards close friends. Due to his cheerful nature, it is usually difficult to anger him. Leo's the type that wears a happy mask to hide his pain, not wanting to burden others with his problems. When something annoys him, he tends to keep it to himself, so when things become too much, he has really bad angry outbursts where he just lashes out at the most appropriate target. That said, Leo isn't one to hold grudges for very long, and is very quick to forgive people.
Leo has an affinity for cute things, and is not ashamed about it at all. One of his favorite things at the moment, is the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which he watches regularly with his youngest sister. He is an unabashed Brony, he has a collection of merchandise from the show, and often makes references to it in everyday conversation. He's aware how silly it might look for someone his age to be liking a show aimed at little girls, and generally he has a good sense of humor about the whole thing. (However, he does get defensive if someone makes fun of him for it.) He's had bad experiences with bullies as a kid, and he fears having to experience that again. He likes fantasy and fairy tales, and he developed most of his idealistic beliefs from them. He also likes other things some would consider childish as well. He can cook well, due to having to make dinner for the family when his mom was working. He particularly enjoys making (and eating) desserts, though he keeps it in moderation.
Weapon: A yo-yo
Arcana: The Sun
Initial Persona: Phoenix
Ultimate Persona: [Leave this blank. This comes later]
Backstory: Leo was born in Miami Florida. He was the oldest of three siblings, and the only male among the three. His parents' relationship became strained after his father, Leroy, lost his job shortly after the youngest daughter was born, and the family started experiencing financial troubles. It was not helped by Leroy turning to Wine to drown his sorrows, which worried the rest of the family. Leroy and his wife, Luisa, often argued loudly during the night. While things never escalated to physical violence, but the yelling still made the three kids uncomfortable. Despite the drama, Leo tried to put on a brave face, and hoped things would work out in the end. Eventually, Luisa got a promotion at her job that made up for the loss of income, but by then, the damage was done, and Leroy filed for divorce.
Leo currently lives with his mom, and his younger sisters Lilly and Lucy. He is much closer to his mother than with his father. They were not wealthy, but they weren't poor either. Being a single parent, Luisa often had to work long hours, leaving Leo responsible for looking after his sisters, and taking care of household things while she worked. Unlike a lot of other boys though, Leo didn't really mind this, and actually enjoyed it. As a result of this, he became accustomed to taking care of people. He also learned a lot of domestic skills, and became very good at cooking.
When Leo was eight years old, the family had to move to Tatsumi Port Island for two years because of his mother's job. They didn't get stay very long, and the family moved back to America. He was there long enough to learn some Japanese though. He was a rather scrawny child, and he was often picked on by bullies who thought he was weaker than them. It did not help that he was a sensitive kid, and he had a taste for things that are usually considered girly by others. He would come home with bruises on a regular basis. His father did not help matters by suggesting that living in a house full of girls was turning him into one. While all the bullying upset him, he kept up a cherful demeanor in front of others, not wanting to burden them with his problems. He believed that if he thinks positively, things would get better.
Around the time Leo entered puberty, things started to change. His mother announced that her office was transferring her to New York, and that the family would be moving there. His situation began to improve when he started High School. Deciding that he no longer wanted to be a wimp, and a constant bullying victim. He started working out and getting into sports, which resulted in him putting on a little muscle, and making new friends. Due to his social personality, he quickly became quite popular on campus, particularly with other girls. He also maintained good grades. Life was actually starting to look up. Despite how well things were going, he didn't let it get to his head. He still remained the same sensitive kid he always was
During his last year of high school, Leo decided to try something new and participate in a foreign exchange program. He got sent to Gekkoukan High School in Japan. While he's thrilled to be living in the land of Anime and Manga again, he's still not exactly used to the culture differences.
Name: Ranko Maeda
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: She is a quiet girl. When it comes to school, she often keeps to herself since she's a bit shy. Although, once you become enough of a friend to her she proves to be more energetic and fun loving girl. She has a habit of dwelling on the past and wondering what could of been, though she try's her best to always look forward. Since she has a little brother she has a little brother, she often plays video games and watches cartoons to the point where she's developed a small hero complex though most of the time it's hardly shown.
Weapon: Naginata
Arcana: The Hanged Man
Initial Persona: Inugami
Ultimate Persona:
Character Stats:
Athletics: 9
Academics: 10
Charm: 9
Courage: 11
Backstory:She lives together with her mother and younger brother in the city and works a part-time job at her grandfathers cafe to help her mother with monetary trouble. Her mom is a kindergarten teacher so she doesn't receive much pay. Out of mysterious luck, she got a transferred to Gekkoukan High where they offered to pay for all of her school expenses so that her mother wouldn't have to worry. Of course she was quickly sent off and thus her new high school life began.
- Ranko usually wears sweaters or pants because she falls asleep when she gets cold.
- People used to think she was a boy when she was younger.
- Her mouth is like a black hole when it comes to food
Name: Akira "Loveless" Shirogane
Age: 17
Gender: Male
He bleaches his hair for his stage appearance.
Personality: Akira's stage personality is what you'd expect from your typical male idol playing up the "fallen angel" role. His act encompasses a tragic romantic who's curse is that despite his ability to capture women's hearts with his pretty face he must never fall in love himself lest some tragic fate befall his beloved. A lot of pretentious speech and airy mannerisms completes the effect. Of course, this is just a facade.
In reality he's a very withdrawn individual. When he's not decked out in the magnificence of his stage identity he rarely speaks and just silently observes those around him. This is partly because he's not interested in the unglamorous world around him, and partly because he has crippling stranger anxiety because he never had strong bonds as a child. He has since learned to put his faith in his own talent. Bordering delusional, for what he lacks in self-confidence he makes up with his talent, fooling those around him and even himself into believing he's a person other people will naturally be drawn to. In direct contradiction to this he distances himself from people since it's difficult for him to overcome his own shortcomings in order to form bonds without relying on his stage identity. Because he doesn't like to put forth a great deal of effort he naturally avoids any difficult situation, but at the same time he somehow manages to will himself forward when the need arises.
His social isolation is self-imposed, a product of a tragedy from his childhood, and despite feelings of detachment from his fellow man, he has the uncanny ability to analyze the personalities of others. This puts his control over any given social situation as well as others' perception of him nearly at the level of a sociopath. He will shamelessly use this to his advantage when he can't run from a social encounter, but feels guilty and fears that he may be found out as a "fake."
Weapon: Chakram
Arcana: Magician
Initial Persona: Nekomata
Ultimate Persona: ???
Character Stats:
Athletics: 10
Academics: 9
Charm: 10
Courage: 10
Backstory: Akira lost both his parents at a delicate age. He was taken in by relatives, but growing up with the knowledge of his parents' deaths took it's toll on him. He withdrew from almost all interaction, and although his new family tried to reach out to him they didn't know how to ease the boy's pain.
Partly due to his uncanny good looks and partly due to his eighth-grader's syndrome taking over his otherwise socially occlusive personality he was targeted by a talent agent in his middle school years and entered into an explosively successful career as an idol which his relatives supported with great enthusiasm believing it would somehow help him overcome the trauma of his parents' deaths. He's never really had the chance to make any lasting friendships, but never wanted to anyway. He prefers stardom to the busy and tiresome life of the average person, and his school work has suffered because of this. When he's not performing he prefers to lock himself in his room and peruse the internet for the latest memes and otaku culture even though his profile in magazines says his hobbies are something much more glamorous--just for appearance's sake. However, that's all taken care of by his manager who is part business man and part caretaker to the privileged star.
Somehow the world of imagination, drama, and fantasy have always interested him more than reality, and he has been perfectly content to ignore his problems both in school and life in order to continue his work as a idol up to this point. So far he's been drifting through life as if it were a dream, but that was before his manager sprung a sudden break from the idol business on him forcing Akira to transfer into Gekkoukan High which is sure to cause a much unwanted stir among the student population....