• Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Phenox
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 274 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Theorist 11 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current The Damn phone jack is busted, so I won't be able to reply to any RP's until we get it fixed.
9 yrs ago
5 RP's across 3 different sites... don't know why I even bothered setting myself a limit of 3. xD


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Most Recent Posts

Tak's phone would ring for quite awhile. Eventually, someone answered. Not Tak, but someone else. A suave, velvet voice came through the phone. "Good evening. I'm afraid our dear Takahiro is... indisposed at the moment."
The Shadow let out a small scream as its kneecap was struck by the hammer. But once again, that twisted giggle escaped the Shadow's lips and it reached down fast as lightning and grabbed Youhei by his throat. It didn't have him for long though. Ares dashed forward, striking out at the Shadow's hand. The blade cut through the Shadow's hand, which materialized in a split second. Youhei would fall to the floor just in time to see Yoro stab the Shadow a couple of times before grabbing Ares's hand. The Persona threw him up into the air. Yoro landed on the Shadow's back and began to strike its head over and over.
Home at last... after a 24 hour bus ride.... o-o Posting now.
I'm going to try and get a post up today. ^^ i got A LITTLE bit more time. Visiting my girlfriend btw. that's why I'm busy.
I am going to be gone for a little bit. I thought i would have time to post, but i don't. I will return next Friday. ^^
I am going to be gone for a little bit. I thought i would have time to post, but i don't. I will return next Friday. ^^
Alright, looks good G.
As for your questions, characters may have the same Arcana. ^^
And i was actually going to ask you if that would be okay. xD sure, that's fine.
-The Paladins-
"--and that concludes the Initiate Induction." A stern-faced middle age man shuffled through some papers, adjusting the straps on his glittering silver armor and placing a hand on the pommel of the blade at his hip. "Next, we begin the induction of the new Templars. Step up to the podium as I call your name." He cleared his throat. "Aikako Daijin, Iori Junpei, Nara Kensei..." There were ten new Templars in total. Then, Yoromatsu's name was called. "And... Yoromatsu." Yoromatsu stepped forward alongside his comrades. Each stepped forward, reciting the long-standing Templar's Oath. Then, it was Yoromatsu's turn. He stepped forward, got on one knee, and recited the Oath just as he practiced.

"I swear, on my honor and the honor of my brothers to uphold the values of justice, law, and compassion. I will go where I am needed. I will protect mankind until my dying breath. This I swear in the sight of men and gods." The man conducting the ceremony drew his sword and placed the broad side of the blade on Yoromatsu's right shoulder.

"I, Mikato, Master of Ceremonies, hereby induct you into the Templar Order." He moved the blade over Yoromatsu's head to his other shoulder. "Rise, Ser Yoromatsu." Yoromatsu did as he was told, then stepped back in line.

-The Society-
The applause of those gathered seemed more forced and polite than genuine. Why would they be glad? The arrival of Momo into the ranks of the Society just meant they had another opponent in the great Game of Power. As the applause faded, an elderly man shuffled onto the stage, a box in his hand. "Welcome to The Society, my dear. I have here your signet ring. Take it and use it in good health." He opened the box to reveal a large gold ring with the sigil of the Society on it; a dove. "Help yourself to as much food and drink as you want." He moved closer and spoke in a low tone so only she could hear. "And remember my dear; poise and dignity."

-No Faction-
Aera and Youhei;
Interrupting Aera and Youhei's conversation, a rather shady looking individual in a tan burlap cloak appeared to materialize out of nowhere. "You two." He said in a harsh, authoritative tone. "Are you Persona-users?" Aera would be completely oblivious to the handgun the man had his hand on; however, Youhei managed to catch a glimpse of the gleaming metal strapped to his hip. Youhei could see the man's grip on the firearm tighten. "I won't ask again. Are you two Persona-users?"
PandorasBox said
Are sign up's still acceptable?

Indeed, good sir or madam. ^^
Was going to give the "No Faction" guys a starting scene, but I wasn't sure what to do. xD Just make sure you guys start in Japan.
-The Society-

Tonight is a very proud night for your parents. It is your "Coming of Age" ceremony. Tonight, you become a full member of The Society. A banquet is being held in your honor at The Society hall in Tokyo, Japan. There will be fine food, fine wine, and classical music.

You arrive at White Rose Hall via limousine at around eight o'clock at night. The party is held in the ballroom right inside. Waiters dressed in fine suits bring around finger foods speared with toothpicks on silver platters. Everyone was in their finest attire. This was THE event of the year after all.

"Come on, darling! Let's go inside. Stand up straight. Wave to the guests, come on." Momo's mother pushed her along, whispering advice in her ear. Momo's father smiled and waved at the assembled press and those who lacked the money or status to attend the ceremony.
-The Paladins-
"One, two, three four, five six, seven eight..."

Ever dutiful and striving for perfection, you forego the Induction Ceremony to extend your training. In the gym, in the Ares Hall, the HQ for Japan's Paladins, you can't help but recall your own induction into the Paladins all those years ago.

"Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three..."

The more humane part of your conscience whispers that you should be there for the induction of the new Paladins. However, your inner voice of duty demands that you train and get as strong as possible. You only need to be there for the induction of the new Templars after all. You couldn't help but feel proud when you got that letter you secretly wished for.

"Yoromatsu, we are pleased to extend to you an invitation to join the esteemed ranks of the Templar Order within the Paladins. You are to attend the Induction Ceremony on May 17th. If you are not interested, please tender a formal declination to Chairman Ryota."

"One-hundred one, one-hundred two..."

"Yo, Yoro-san!"

"Hm?" Yoromatsu's push-ups were interrupted by his... "friend", Daisuke. There he was, decked out in his silver Templar armor. "Daisuke-san, i've told you not to interrupt me when i'm training."

"Just wanted to see if you're coming to the Induction Ceremony. Word on the street is you got a certain letter... from a certain chairman..."

"Hmph. Yes. I'm coming. I'm skipping the induction of the newbies, though. I don't need to be there." Yoro went back to doing his push-ups. "One-hundred three..."

"Jeez man, that's cold. Wouldn't you have wanted the "Seniors" there for your induction?" Daisuke sat on a weight bench.

"One-hundred four, one-hundred five, one-hundred six..."

"Fine, ignore me if you want to. Well, i'm heading to the ceremony. Lates, bro." Daisuke stood up and walked to the exit, waving to Yoro casually.
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