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    1. theprofessorlives 11 yrs ago


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The palace glistened in the sunlight, it's ivory facade polished so fine that it almost reflected light back onto any who stared at it. Towers jutted up haphazardly at various places on the castle roof, the structures serving as vantage points for archers as well as excellent hiding places for deeds that the royal family wouldn't want exposed to their adoring public. To be fair, the royal family had engendered a peaceful and prosperous reign ever since they had seized power from King Larien forty years ago...and yet, rumors about their illicit affairs behind closed doors leaked through to the commoners, pubs and inns across the Kingdom crawling with what the Prince did to this other Princess and what the King had told to one of the ambassadors of Nagalyen, the most gracious and conservative Elven realm known to all. In all honesty, Volgorl despised the controversy that surrounded the royal family.

How ironic it was then that he had been invited to become a member.

A few months ago, the Rakya tribe had deemed the entire Kingdom a blight upon the land and attempted to conduct a religious cleanse, sweeping through villages and burning whatever and whoever they could to ashes. They were closing in quickly on the capital city and the King was getting desperate, so he sent Volgorl's unit down to intercept the raiders as a distraction. Essentially, Vol led one hundred soldiers on a suicide mission to ensure that the rest of the army had a chance to mobilize and pick off whatever Vol and his unit hadn't taken care of. By some stroke of magic or luck or divinity, Vol and his unit managed to catch the raiders by surprise and slaughtered the whole company, inspiring fear in the Rakya. Vol was commissioned to lead the charge into Rakya territory a week later and a campaign in the south occurred for two months which finally broke the Rakya's back, the tribe surrendering after thousands of casualties on both sides. A weary, bloodied Volgorl was greeted by his King on his return with an invitation to marry one of his daughters and become a part of the royal bloodline for his heroic actions. He had wanted to turn it down so desperately, but he knew that if one was given an invitation of this magnitude, one should not turn it down.

"Captain Volgorl!"

Vol's piercing aqua irises peered down to one of the royal servants who had intercepted him at the entrance of the palace.
"Please go inside, my lord. I shall take your mount."
"I can lead it to the stable myself."
"But my lo..."
"Thank you, but I'll lead him there." Vol dismounted from his steed and clapped his hand on the servant's shoulder, shooting him a half smile.
"After all, you probably have preparations to make for yet another feast, eh?" Without a word, the servant scuttled off.

His horse situated in the royal stable, Vol entered into the palace, his broad shoulders at attention. He smoothed his short ash brown hair back, the hair rebelliously going forward once more. He could lead men into battle and yet his own hair couldn't be tamed. Sighing to himself, he continued to stroll forward into the main hall. The grandiose nature of the hall was explicit: gold and purple drapes hanging on the walls, ornate carvings lining the silk carpet that ran down the center of the room and up the marble staircase. He noted that a young woman of comely appearance stood at the top of the staircase..
Don't know how to delete this, so I'll just say it here: wrong person is addressed in subject line. My bad xD
Hello there! Below are a few ideas that have been stewing around in my mind. Let me know what you think and, if you're interested, PM me and we can get this show on the road :)

-I try to post daily
-I post at least five paragraphs(or at least try to strive for that)
-I can do PM or thread
-I do fade to black

Bolded is the role I'd play


Soldier/mysterious girl(medieval fantasy)

A soldier stumbles upon a wounded young girl with strange markings on her arms and legs. Determined to nurse her back to health, he slings her across his shoulders and sets off for the nearest inn. He has no idea what he just got himself into...

Mage/bounty hunter(again, medieval fantasy)

A mage is being hunted by a bounty hunter hired by a secretive group. Once the bounty hunter finds the mage and confronts him, the same group that hired the bounty hunter attacks both mage and hunter, prompting an uneasy alliance as the duo set out to seek answers.

Setting: Japan in the 1500's

Japan has no emperor, no king, no dictator to enforce a party line. Instead there are warring factions throughout the islands, each faction attempting to ascend to power and put it's indelible mark on Japanese history as ruling Shogunate. While there are a number of small groups which float from territory to territory, three main factions have claimed the nation: Hirimoto, Kemmu and Mirumachi. These groups have attained just enough manpower and weaponry to stalemate the other, the leadership of all three knowing that they will need some sort of new power source to gain complete control.

Through this backdrop of mayhem and chaos stands one lone samurai who has rejected his former code and pursues a path that would have him walk in peace instead of war. He lives in a small cottage buried deep within the Northern forest, far removed from the conflicts he wishes to forget. Unaware to him is that his former tribe, the Kemmu, has sent an assassin to take his life for his cowardly abandonment. As the assassin draws close to his hiding place, a flicker of light comes into existence a few miles north. The light grows brighter as time passes, the brightness heralding something new, something utterly terrifying...

-I'm more than happy to collaborate with you and hear what you have to say! Roleplaying to me is a collaborative effort involving both(or multiple!) parties to synthesize an epic tale of awesome. I'm not a perfect writer and I love other's perspectives.
-I try to post daily, but be patient with me
-I usually post pretty lengthy entries
-Cheesecake is good
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