Avatar of TheRedWatcher
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    1. TheRedWatcher 7 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Married. I got married. To Elden Ring. Gave me a ring and everything and I am like yes please
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Yo. Finishing a sheet for another RP. Afterward expect an IC post.
-Character Index-

Name: Colt Fields

Age: 20

Gender: Demiguy

Species: Human - sorry not all of us can have a tail. Actually that’s a good question, why does Felix and Devon not have tails? Do you guys face any discrimination against not having a tail?

Orientation: Panromantic - I’m not really too big into the whole swapping mouth spit with another person. There’s something really graphic and horrible about it all. People all twisted together like some big erotic version of Twister.

Occupation: Anything. Photography. Honestly I am a Suicide Portrait photographer. And if you want to know what that is, it’s simple. I take pictures of places that people have died or where they could die from the vantage of that person. It’s some project about mental health that I am designing.

Don’t let him fool you, he’s actually a graphic artist as well, and is working on a horror, action, comic book.

Aspiration: Not dying. That’s a pretty decent aspiration I think. When you’re in a constant state of apathy and mind numbingness not dying and finding some mild sense of success is a bigger aspiration than it seems. I guess it be cool to get my photos noticed or something. Eh I don’t know.

Just don’t call me a girl. Sure I like my hair in a certain way and I like some frilly shirts, but it’s called being punk. Or at least that’s my excuse. I like skinny jeans and to collect hair clips. And the bandaids are just a fashion statement. I swear I am not that fucked in the head. Well I was.

Always been a smaller guy then the ones in class, he stands at 5’4” and tends to wear petite shirts that seems sort of feminine. He likes to wear thick layers of eyeliner and eyeshadow. He tends to dress very punk, with skinny jeans, and his canvas shoes. He often tends to wear long sleeve shirts no matter the weather. Those who get to know him, if they know him will see old scars of his teenager years worn on his wrist.

He has a voice that is in the middle range. That it could be either the voice of a girl with a deeper voice or a voice of a guy with a much quieter voice. He smells like cigarettes or vape depending on whether or not he’s trying to quit that month or not.


Born in San Francisco, California Colt has always been the odd man out. A little too into death and decay, his favorite holiday being that of Halloween. His obsession with death and his graphic drawings had him labeled with many different mental health labels since he was very young.

He spent most of his life with his parents trying to fix him, and the school trying to get him to model behavioral normalcy on him that it actually inspired him to continue his work as a photographer and a comic book artist.
An excellent drawer with a dark sense of dry wit. He spent his life battling demons other people gave him. Now he works on comic book series he gets locally published at a comic bookstore. About a group of unlikely super heroes saving the world from demonic forces and it’s not what you think.

Moving to Hollywoo just to get away from his parents toxic negativity. And all the pills, the ins and outs of mental wards, and the sense of imprisonment he felt in San Francisco. He wanted to start over as someone new and pursuing his own passion in hopes to escape his clinical depression.


Hell on Earth - Production 2015 - C. Fields

Hell's spilled open and demons are pouring out onto Earth. No one can do anything about it. As demons gorge and feed on the humans of Earth. Until several heroes emerge to defeat Hell. There's a twist. These aren't your typical heroes, instead the only demons that could destroy the demons of hell were the mental demons some humans have to fight everyday. The heroes of this tale are representation of disorders like depression and schizophrenia, battling it out to close the gates of Hell.
you're accepted! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b

and to answer your question, none of the animal characters in BoJack Horseman actually have tails. they sort of look like humans with animal heads.

Colt was curious.
In Sup' 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Yo thanks for the welcomes. Lookin' forward to being a functional production of RP society. Ya know.

Name: Colt Fields

Age: 20

Gender: Demiguy

Species: Human - sorry not all of us can have a tail. Actually that’s a good question, why does Felix and Devon not have tails? Do you guys face any discrimination against not having a tail?

Orientation: Panromantic - I’m not really too big into the whole swapping mouth spit with another person. There’s something really graphic and horrible about it all. People all twisted together like some big erotic version of Twister.

Occupation: Anything. Photography. Honestly I am a Suicide Portrait photographer. And if you want to know what that is, it’s simple. I take pictures of places that people have died or where they could die from the vantage of that person. It’s some project about mental health that I am designing.

Don’t let him fool you, he’s actually a graphic artist as well, and is working on a horror, action, comic book.

Aspiration: Not dying. That’s a pretty decent aspiration I think. When you’re in a constant state of apathy and mind numbingness not dying and finding some mild sense of success is a bigger aspiration than it seems. I guess it be cool to get my photos noticed or something. Eh I don’t know.

Just don’t call me a girl. Sure I like my hair in a certain way and I like some frilly shirts, but it’s called being punk. Or at least that’s my excuse. I like skinny jeans and to collect hair clips. And the bandaids are just a fashion statement. I swear I am not that fucked in the head. Well I was.

Always been a smaller guy then the ones in class, he stands at 5’4” and tends to wear petite shirts that seems sort of feminine. He likes to wear thick layers of eyeliner and eyeshadow. He tends to dress very punk, with skinny jeans, and his canvas shoes. He often tends to wear long sleeve shirts no matter the weather. Those who get to know him, if they know him will see old scars of his teenager years worn on his wrist.

He has a voice that is in the middle range. That it could be either the voice of a girl with a deeper voice or a voice of a guy with a much quieter voice. He smells like cigarettes or vape depending on whether or not he’s trying to quit that month or not.


Born in San Francisco, California Colt has always been the odd man out. A little too into death and decay, his favorite holiday being that of Halloween. His obsession with death and his graphic drawings had him labeled with many different mental health labels since he was very young.

He spent most of his life with his parents trying to fix him, and the school trying to get him to model behavioral normalcy on him that it actually inspired him to continue his work as a photographer and a comic book artist.
An excellent drawer with a dark sense of dry wit. He spent his life battling demons other people gave him. Now he works on comic book series he gets locally published at a comic bookstore. About a group of unlikely super heroes saving the world from demonic forces and it’s not what you think.

Moving to Hollywoo just to get away from his parents toxic negativity. And all the pills, the ins and outs of mental wards, and the sense of imprisonment he felt in San Francisco. He wanted to start over as someone new and pursuing his own passion in hopes to escape his clinical depression.
'Sup. There were three RPs Angel showed me I was interested in. This being one of them. Mind if I get a character that is in the building with everyone else. Or is that taken?
'Ey like to join
'Ey yo. I got interested in this RP cuz of Angel. I'd like to make a character and join your Order.
In Sup' 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey wassup! Red Watcher reporting for RP activity and duties. I been RPing since I was little. Started in the home with the dice and DnD. Then I grew up into the text based community.

I really like historically inaccurate RPs with samurais and shinobis with magic powers. I like Samurai 7, Samurai Champloo, so a lot of Samurai stuff. I like Gintama, so humor stuff too, but also samurais. Ever since my introduction to anime, it's always been with swords like not samurais, but Inuyasha. Or Yu Yu Hakusho. I like a lot of action, high adventure, and shenanigans.

I'm twenty-four. And uh I play video games. Also swords, and action based games. But some RPs, like Morrowind or Oblivion. Or the Fallout series. FNV fo life. Um - I do have some dsylexia and some reading comprehension issues so just ya know fair warning if some shit comes out odd.
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