Avatar of Thinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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Your recent posts have gotten a lot better. Solomon is doing his own things and making his own choices, which is more than half of today's protagonists can say. He doesn't just let things happen to him - he takes action. I alsp find it unique that he's not just a generic swordsman. He's got some character to him.

I've been keen to see what choices Solomon makes in more difficult circumstanced where the right answer isn't so clear cut, so you could say I find him interesting. ^_^
What'd you think about my latest post? I could use a bit of feedback, and I was mainly wondering about...
* Its length. I don't want to pressure you into writing more than you're comfortable with. Or, maybe you appreciate the challenge? Is it fun to read a lot, or is it dull?
* Speaking of which, how was the tactical landscape description? Dull, informative, glazed over, skipped?
* Do Rose and Amalthea sound alike? I'm thinking they do - I'm not convinced one could tell them apart just by mannerisms and speech patterns alone. Amalthea is intended to be more emotional and wears her heart on her sleeve, while Rose is meant to be more subdued and careful.
* The two girls poked fun at the "at each other's throats" comment, as much at their own expense as at his. Did you find it funny, or offensive on Solomon's behalf?
Alexander is more than just "good" or "evil." He's a complicated man. I'll be able to provide a bit more insight on his motivations in a full-on character sheet.

Caradras will rule the icy wasteland to the north. I imagine us starting during his invasion of the Midlands, when everyone's forces are at their strongest.
Solomon nodded. "Yes, the only downside would be getting in and out. If someone were to sneak their way in the rock formation with none of us taking notice, we would be trapped." He looked at Rose. "Let's be sure that does not happen," he added.
"Understood" came the spritely reply.
Solomon started for the campsite. "Earth looks safe enough. Yes. This will make a fine campsite."

Rose started analyzing the terrain in detail. The bowl itself wasn't particularly deep or steep; it was, however, wide enough that the sides could completely obsure a person lying down from observers at ground level, and a person sitting up from observers near the base. Enemies entering the bowl would have to climb a little ways, granting defenders a critical height advantage. With the mountain at their backs, they could only be surrounded on up to three sides.

On the flipside, the mountain gray clashed with the princess's bright colors and Rose's dark colors, so if they were ever spotted, the bowl's stealth advantage would be negated. That feature was exactly what made it ideal - no one would expect them to take cover in such a revealing position. Most scouts would search the forest.

The forest stretched out along the northern horizon and touched the mountain cliffs to the east. If enemy scouts somehow knew their position and didn't want to be spotted, approaching from the southern farmlands would be most unexpected, but it would take them an extra day to circle around the mountain to get there; hence, the scouts would most likely emerge from the northern forest. The nearby town, while ruined by fire, could still serve as adequate cover in a pinch should the trio need to make a hasty retreat.

The most difficult wildcard would be archers. Whatever advantages the mountain bowl offered, it would provide precious little cover against determined ballistic assault, unlike a forest hideout. With their best retreat option being only plains and farmland for miles, they'd be sitting ducks against trained snipers. Ideally, Rose hoped never to be spotted in the first place, harking back to the primary advantage of the mountain bowl.

Camouflage would be a good idea in case spotters in the mountains decided to look down. Rose whipped off her cloak and rubbed it the dirt with her boot. After about half a minute of this, she put it back on.

Amalthea raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" she hissed.
Rose shrugged. "For camo," she whispered. "You weren't exactly hard to spot over the last five months, Your Highness."
The princess released a gutteral "ugh" and muttered a sarcastic apology.
Solomon glanced back at the two girls. "Also, it is good seeing you two not at each other's throats. Let's hope we all find each other trustworthy enough to have a decent night's rest. We all need it."
When his back was turned, Rose put a hand to her throat and pretended to choke, earning an amused snort from the princess.

A moment later, the princess copied the motion, and it was Rose's turn to snicker.

They clambered up to the bowl and looked in. Solomon remarked, "Looks like a few places with pointed rocks. Will make it easier to climb out."
Rose peered down and tested one foot in. It was about as steep as she surmised - adequate for cover, wide enough for the three to sleep comfortably.
Solomon glanced back again at the two girls. "Do either of you need help on the descent? Tonight's happenings did a number on you both."
Amalthea shook her head and danced inside. "Nope!"
Rose put her other foot in and skated down. "Thank you, I can manage."

The two brushed out a couple seats and made themselves comfortable. Rose extended a hand to Solomon. "Do you need help on the descent?" Her pursed lips struggled to hold back a rising smile.
Yep! I'm still here!

And Alexander is good?

I will only say that he sides with the protagonists. ;)

I'm toying with removing him as an NPC and reworking him as my personal character. He wouldn't be king as a PC, though.
"We can't stay in one spot then," Solomon decided. "Not for too long, at least. We should rest until the early morning, just as the sun is rising, if we can time it."
Rose stood up and brushed off the dirt and leaves. "Agreed. I can keep watch for the night, if that's okay."

Solomon sat down to catch his breath. "Gods, so much has happened today!" he exclaimed. And it was true - he'd met and rescued a real life princess, fought assassins, died, and rescued his killer from a fire. Like the gentleman he was, though, his thoughts turned towards the Princess. "Amalthea, how are you holding up in all this?"

Amalthea exhaled loudly and sat on the ground beside him. "Considering that I've barely had a good night's sleep in months and was nearly murdered, I could be doing worse. I felt so helpless back there at the inn. While you were fighting for me with everything you had, I could only sit back and wait for results. What I regret most, though, is not bringing a weapon. I can swordfight pretty well, but I'm nearly useless in a fight otherwise."

She glared at Rose. "You, however, are a royal pain. I don't know what Solomon sees in you. You're just a killer to me, and that's all you'll ever be."

Rose cringed. She bowed herself to the earth before the princess. "You have every right to be angry. You've tried so hard to live up to your birth and fought tooth and nail to gain the respect of the court. You didn't deserve to be hunted down like a dog. I have treated you far beneath your station, and truly, I deserve to be hanged. If forgiveness is too much to ask, I will be content with tolerance in your noble presence. Just please, I beg you, do not cast me out."

The princess sat there, stunned by the assassin's apology. "Well- um, ah, yes, I see. Behave yourself from now on. I've got my eye on you."

Rose's face brightened.

Amalthea coughed into her fist. "I guess we should call it a day, then. I say we camp here until dawn."

Rose pointed to a bowl-shaped rock formation in the mountainside. "Solomon, you're the experienced courier here. What do you think of that area? We won't be easily seen from most directions except directly above."
Rose released an audible sigh at Solomon's decision not to kill or leave her. His question prompted an embarrassed smile. "Since they left me to rot, I'm not sure what information I have is accurate. However, as much as I can tell, nobody but me realized you were involved, and I only suspected it when I learned that an unconscious princess who fell off a cliff somehow got up and walked it off. I and my men were assigned to be the capturing squad, but I soon worked out that Lady Grey was having a cavalry platoon tail me to ensure mission success if I messed up. If Lady Durvain was present here, I'd bet anything they'll have spies follow up to track her activity. If we're not being watched now, we will be."
Rose's breath hitched.

This man had effectively forgiven her. She dropped to her knees and prostrated herself to the ground before him.
"Please let me follow! But I will- I will abide by your decision."

Princess Amalthea scoffed and folded her arms. "What a load of bull. She's just trying to get close to you so she can kill you, since she failed the last time. Don't be fooled by her innocent face - she's a scheming assassin. I would know; she chased me halfway across the country."

Rose pressed her forehead further into the dirt.
Rose tilted her head. "Gray lady?...No...no no no no no, it wasn't Lady Grey you saw! She's called a hermit for a reason. Did this lady have silver hair? I think I saw her right before she knocked me out. That was Lady Erudessa Durvain herself! You should have gotten her autograph. She's the Last Immortal, the pioneer of Semi-Resurrection and the mother of modern healing arts. She doesn't know how to perform a True Resurrection, but she can do everything else."

She finished work on her leg and tested it with some bending exercises. "When you lose bodily integrity, like when you're beheaded or your heart is destroyed, you die. It takes your spirit about seven seconds to detach, after which your soul flies to the afteelife and death is permanent. Lady Durvain figured out how to save people during those seven seconds."

Rose braced on the ground and got to her feet. "True Resurrection is a momumental task. One would first have to bridge the great gulf between the our side of the spiritual realm and the after-side, then infiltrate Hades, the holding cell where all departed souls are kept, steal away the souls you want, guide them back, and reattach them. That's like going to another continent on the other side of the world, finding an exact location there without a map, breaking into a foreign prison, and doing it all with only your leg and blindfolded. It may be within the realm of possibility, but it's generally better to prevent loss of the soul in the first place."

She brushed back a few hairs and stared up at the night sky. "I'm not convinced it was all worth it. I want to believe it was, or else I can never undo the damage I've done. How else can I go back?"
If I could find a way to move the plot forward without leaving ineffable behind, I'd do it.

Got any ideas, anyone?
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