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Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sofie averted her eyes. "They run a small bakery. I'm here on a scholarship."

Is she...being too modest? Could it actually be a major bakery chain? Now curious, Ed decided to ask her about it when they were done cleaning. Once the rags went in the laundry basket and spray bottle in the cabinet, Ed shuffled to the bed and collapsed on it.

"Unnngh it feels so good..." he moaned. A moment later, he sniffled. "Eugh, too bad it stinks. I should do the linens too." Ed ripped the sheets off the beds and piled them over his arms. He gestured to the mattresses and asked, "Can you please spray those down with the cleaning spray while I take these to the laundry room? I'll be back in a minute."

Ed closed the door behind him and smiled. She's an interesting one. Maybe I should give her another chance, he mused as he navigated to the laundry room. Unbeknownst to him, another girl watched him from the shadows while he piled the linens into a washing machine. Ed loaded detergent and set it for an hour of heavy washing before returning to the room.

This time, he made sure to knock first. "It's me! Coming in." Once inside, he sat down against the side of the bed and closed his eyes.

"I think that's everything..."
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Just thought of a way Sophie could return Ed's favor - drive off a predatory girl who's taken a fancy to him, just like how Ed drove off a predatory guy who took a fancy to her.

But we gotta get to the Star Trader meat soon. That's where things amp up. >:)
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Sophie Heichenback? Great name. My mom is a part-time Ambassador for the Empire, a "cushy job," as she puts it, though considering that she often leaves with a concealed weapom and comes back with mysterious holes in her uniform, I'd say she does more than that. Dad helps run the family business in her absence. I love 'em both to death."

He finished scrubbing the shower floor and removed the drain stopper. "Be right back."

He came back with a clean stopper and a disgusted expression. "You don't want to know what was on this thing. Anyway, what about your parents? What do they do?"
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ed resumed cleaning the shower grime. "So, Sophie, was it? What's your surname? Where are you from?
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ed's theory works like this: if he just forgives her and asks nothing of her, she'll feel like she owes him. A girl of her caliber would probably see that as a trap, since a person with ill will could do her a favor and expect to call in a favor from her that she wouldn't like very much. In order to avoid that trap, he needs to ask something from her to atone. Since he wants to spend time with her and get to know her, he can kill to birds with one stone by having her help him clean.

We'll say she finds another rag or something. They can share the spray bottle. :3
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sophie froze too. A moment later, she deposited her knife on a nearby shelf and pleaded, "I'm so sorry! I didn't realise! I...I thought you were someone else. I didn't know we had roommates!" She flushed as she scrambled for the dorm assignment paper. Seeing the truth for her own eyes, she apologized again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Ed exhaled and brought a hand to his chest. "Oh my gosh, I thought I was going to die. I was...just cleaning up the place. It's not- it's not a worthy abode yet."

He paused. While pure forgiveness was an appealing concept, people tended to be suspicious if no option for repayment was offered. She would have to make it up to him if he wanted her to feel on equal terms with him.

"Want to help me? I'm still a little winded from the fright you gave me."
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ed looked up from his cleaning to witness a lovely girl lunge inside, knife outstretched.

He froze.


Crud crud crud, this better not be the way I die! Please God don't kill me here. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready. Crud crud crud... Ed gently set down the spray bottle and slowly got to his feet, hands raised. He kept the rag in case she attacked - it could be useful in a pinch. "I'm not an intruder, I swear. This is my dorm. Are you- are you my roommate?"
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
When Sophie touched his shoulder, he felt a pleasant tingle all the way down his spine. I was touched by a pretty girl! Yay! Perhaps it was silly, but for a smitten young man, it was reward enough for the effort he was putting in for her. Ed's arm grazed hers as he sat down beside her.

He immediately launched into excited conversation to hold the boy's attention as long as possible. "So, Mister Somerset, what got you interested in the star trading business? Was it freedom, adventure, a dollar, or something else?"
Bergson shrugged. "My father wants me to someday inherit the family business, a shipping conglomerate operating out of the Neutral Zone. He thinks I need to learn how to be a star trader before I "can properly understand what it means." He's a jerkwad, let me tell you. I don't see why I can't hire someone else to pilot things. Isn't that what money is for?"
Ed disagreed, but he knew better than to say so. "You have a point. Some of the greatest rulers in history got that way by having great advisors, not necessarily by being all that great themselves."
Bergsen splayed out his arms. "See? You get it! Exactly! That's what I've been telling my father all along, but he doesn't listen. Piece of work, that one."

As the two men conversed, a male speaker in an extravagant uniform took the podium. Silence fell over the crowds.

"Is this thing on?" He tapped the mic, producing an ear-piercing shriek from the speakers. "Yep. My bad." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and sighed.

"My name is Trace Wellborne. I'm a star trader. You're not. But if you work hard, you can be. That's what it's all about, see. Working hard. Can't make anything of yourself otherwise. Y'know what I mean? See, I'm a lazy man. I hate work. If I could, I wouldn't work a day in my life. Know how to make that happen? Work smart. Do it all at once so you never have to do it again. Procrastinate on procrastination. Think to yourself, "I'll procrastinate later." It's great."

"And you know, half the fun in business is getting others to do the work for you. Like, I mean, if you hate working so much, why not find someone who likes working and have them do it instead? And we all got something we like doing. I like games. I like them a lot. So you know what I trade in? Games. I play them, and I sell them. I sell them by advertising them. Like, "Hey man, I played this game, and it's awesome, so you should play it too." And then they do. Then I get their money. But clothes? Can't stand 'em. Hate the folding and the hanging. Hate the washing and the drying. Hate it all. But they make money. Know what I do? Pay a guy to do that stuff for me. Buy games for the out-trip, buy clothes for the in-trip, make butt-loads of cash, it's awesome. You should try it sometime."

"Heck, you could probably get away with not going to college for this at all. My handler will probably chew me out for saying that, but I'm still gonna. Yeah, screw you. You don't need to be here to make a buck. Got money? Pay someone to figure it out for you. Or don't. Learn it yourself. Tons of stuff on the 'net these days. That's what I like about this place, though. Cheap, good teachers, great experience. Take advantage of them so you never have to work again. Work smart. Okay, I'm done. This speech sucks. Bye."

He got a standing ovation.

With that, ushers directed students to the dorms. Room assignments were given out shortly after registration in the weeks prior, so the only thing students needed to know was where the dorms were located. Ed remembered his room number. B2224. The usher directed him to block B, building 2000. The ambient crowd noises dimmed as he got closer and closer, until all he could hear were sparse conversations.

2210, 2212, 2214... At length, he reached 2224, unlocked it with a wave of his phone, and stepped inside.

It was a window dorm, offering a great view of the the spaceport and the urban city beyond it. Unlike most dorms, the ones at Purcell were more like hotel rooms, each having a full-service bathroom, a microwave and fridge, and a TV (Holo-Vids were a bit expensive). The bunkbed stood against one wall, a desk on the other, a nightstand under the window, and the bathroom door in the corner.


The dorms had no cleaning staff, so students were expected to clean up after themselves before leaving college. While most complied, not everyone did, so Ed took it upon himself to inspect the room for any unpleasantries. After a few minutes of exploration, he located:
* a used condom under the bed
* a lone sock
* a plastic Ramen cover
* two candy wrappers
* three wads of hair
* and a chewed-up army figurine.

All of it went in the trash can by the door. The bathroom, too, was in very poor shape - he was evidently unlucky enough to get a dorm used by students who chose not to clean up after themselves. Ed located a brush, cleaning spray, and rag, and got to work. He'd finished wiping down the sinks and just started work on the shower when he heard someone enter the dorm.
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ah, thank you! I'm glad you liked it. That makes me happy. <3

EDIT: Reworking my advice on the subject. :P
I located a couple articles on the subject.

Tragic backstories are awesome. Cliched, perhaps, but there's a reason they're so popular. Listing to how a character overcame challenges in their lives can be really inspiring, and they offer fertile material for growth and characterization. There are a few questions to consider when writing a tragic backstory.

1. Why? What function does the tragic backstory serve for the plot? For characters like Batman, its primary purpose is to explain why the hero became a hero. For other characters, it serves as a hook for character development, like with Mei in the anime Say I Love You. Her tragic backstory involving friends betraying her gave significance to the otherwise ordinary experience of making new friends. Avoid using it as an excuse for the character, unless the point is for them to overcome that.

2. How bad? While it can be sadistic fun to inflict as much pain on your character as possible, overdoing it can be unhealthy for both you and the character. I made that mistake with Gwen Valentine, and my sister has been mocking me for it ever since. Only inflict enough pain to get the results you need. If you're making a villain, sure, pile on the hurt, but if you're making a hero, prepare to write a really messed-up character, because severe tragedy can have a profound effect on people. I'm not knocking that; messed-up people can be fun to write.

3. Believable? In our story, the people in the Crescent Empire generally live free, happy, healthy lives, while the people in the Terran Empire generally live oppressed, sad, and difficult lives. No place is utopian, but it would be harder to believe that a Crescent-born citizen had a crazy tragic backstory than a Terran-born citizen.
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Then I shall do my best to help you practice and grow as a roleplayer. I'm kind of going in the opposite direction you are - most of my experience is with characters who have dark pasts, and I'm trying to convert to brighter characters.

What do you say we trade info on how to play such characters?
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