Dedonus said
Didn't McClellan want to continue the war? It was just the Democratic party that put forth the anti-war campagin.
So Boerd said
For an empire based on putting one's feet up, this stressing debt has to be a real downer.
Pepperm1nts said
The Russians will line their railroads with thick folds of debt notices, so thick they're indestructible.
AegonVI said
Make an Ottoman purchase of Infrastructure.
Pepperm1nts said
That's a good point. Russia does have a lot of people.I guess seeing so many of them die though, combined with the damage to their infrastructure and their partial blockade, made it seem a lot worse than it probably is. Still, it could have been a better day for the Coalition.
emmy1320 said
It's in the bag boys :Dnote: I am very aware that these figures provide almost no information on how the war is going to go -gotta cover your back in this placeEDIT: quote