Ally snorted, shaking his head. "Honestly? I'm not sure myself right now. I just wanted to know what you thought, and I can't say I'm diappointed by your answer." He followed Moe, and if you paid attention you could see him being careful to avoid any cracks in the pavement and step over them. He saw a stray cat, and immediately all of his attention was on it. He saw the creature on one side of the road, obviously wanting to cross but seeming terrified about doing so.
"Okay, hold on for a second." He said to Moe. "I really gotta help that cat."
He stood directly across from the cat, watching the road. Four lanes. A car going by them in each lane every seven seconds, with all of them being staggered at different times. Like, there would be a car on the first and the last lane around the same time every seven seconds, but the middle would be clear. Ally planned his stunt accordingly. He made it to the third lane, about to cross the last, when a miscalculation caught up with him. Coming towards him from the left on his current lane, a semi. 9 seconds to impact. He swung his head around. Both forward and behind him, cars coming from other lanes with the exact same time of impact. With the time it takes him to move between lanes, he wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time. Finally, eyes flickered to Moe, and a sad smile lit his lips. 3 seconds until impact.