"Alhena" Trevor called out as he walked around the forest. He had to make things right. He wanted to be with her it took losing her to realize he wanted to be her knight and her lover. "Alhena please I'm sorry I do love you...I don't want to lose you" he continued to call.
Erin came to Trevor "you fucked up kid" He said as he looked at him. He then grabbed Trevor's collar and pulled him to his feet. "Chase her makeit right I will be behind you" he said.
Trevor nodded then took off running in the direction Alhena went. Erin grew his wings again and took to the sky. He was going to watch from above.
"Wait Alhena please I'm sorry..." Trevor said as he hit his knees. He then punched the several times causing his knuckles to bleed. "Why am I so afraid of my emotions?" He asked as he started to cry. He had more less told her to fuck off without meaning to. He knew he wouldn't get another chance he blew it. "I should have just been killed" he said.
Trevor's eyes widened from the kiss. "I'm your knight...I shouldn't have these feelings" he said. He pushed that out of his mind he wanted to kiss her back but he kept doubting himself.
"I...I...I though I was aboundened" Trevor said looking down. He was afraid to be alone again espeically after he had devolped feelings for Alhena. He looked away from her not wanting to let her see it.
Erin sighed as he watched Alhena take off. They needed to get home with as many cores they could take with them. He was worried about her and about himself.
Trevor smiled as he looked up at Alhena. "Where did you go?" He asked as he quickly whipped hi eyes. He tried to show little emotion like he usually done.
"We will make you eat but we will keep you away from digimon when we do. When your food source isn't around your ok" Erin said. "I bet Trevor is freaking out" he said as he topped a hill. They were now over looking the village.
Trevor hit his knees he had been around the village twice now and has asked every single digimon. He punched the ground did they ditch me? Leave me here so they could get home? He asked himself as tears started to well up in his eyes.
"No your not a monster your my daughter and I love you, and I know Trevor does I can see it. He loves you Alhena and is scared to admit it" Erin said as he looked down at her. He smiled lightly his eyes showed fear and love. \
Erin sighed as he picked up Alhena and started to head back to the town. They needed to get a place to rest as he tried to help her. This was hard to do but he had to do it.
Trevor was soon relieved by the Biyomon who thanked him and even gave him 200 bits. He put the money in his pocket then started to look around for Alhena and Erin.
Erin continued to beg Shadow Seraphimon who finally let him have control but warned him that next time he will not go easily. Erin slowly got up "Alhena" he called out as he looked around. His whole body was raked with pain and he was so sluggish as he got to his feet and went over to her.