-Holy City Benefactor: N/A
-Original Primary Objective: Flee the darkness and see to the safety of the people
-Original Secondary Objectives: Claim the homeland.
-Host Size: 1,200,000
-Unique Trait #1: Commitment to Survive: Every able-bodied man, woman, and child is willing to fight for the survive of the host
-Unique Trait #2: (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing)
-Unique Flaw #1: Not Fit for War: Much of the host is filled with untrained men, women, children, and the elderly.
-Unique Flaw #2 (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing)
-Host Map:
-Founding Location: Black provinces on map
-Patron Realms: N/A
-Host Headquarters Location: N/A
-Major Host Strongholds: N/A
-Buildings of Interest: N/A
-Majority Race: (See Guide For Info for standard race list or create your own)
-Majority Race Appearance:
-Majority Race Characteristics (Things like height, species type, biology, etc. Note that due to things like sub-races and cousin species, you can modify the standard races)
-Minority Races: (If any, these are typically standard races or races created by other players, however you can still create your own. Note that minority does not necessarily mean insignificant)
-Minority Race Apearance(s):
-Minority Race Characteristics (Things like height, species type, biology, etc. Note that due to things like sub-races and cousin species, you can modify the standard races)
-Host Religion (Note: If the Host is of the religious crusader variety, it is suggested to use one of the major religions, otherwise the host would have inadequate funding to launch)
-Holy Relics In Possession:
-Holy Sites Under Control: N/A
-Hosts Magical Arsenal: (Common magic forms used by host magic users)
-Total Military Size (See Guide For Info)
-Military Details (Unit Types and distribution of numbers)
-Host Leader
-Host Religious Head (Note: Typically a direct underling of religions overall leader)
-Persons of Interest
-Insert heroes here
-History of the Host (This includes how it was founded and why)
-Relations (This is very important for hosts as hosts have to pass through realms)
-Customs and Traditions (Cultural quirks of the host)