In_____Title: Freedom Rings!
_____Premise:When the Mandarin is seeking out his ten rings, he discovers that one of them was hidden in Belle Reve. So, forcably entering, he partially destroyed the facility and retrieved his 'Black Light' ring from the prison's foundation, releasing a fraction of the inmates, then leaves to go to his next location. His only remaining ring lies on an alien world 'Okaara'. Not letting anything stop him from claiming his own ring, he ships off to Larfleeze's private sector of the galaxy and tries to take the ring from him.
http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/347296 Prologue:[/URL]
Kat Grant reports that The Mandarin, a long-time Iron Man foe, has broken into Belle Reve Penitentiary for an unknown reason. But, in secret, he was there to take back his ninth ring of power while overcoming the security and after freeing a multitude of the inmates.
_____Objectives:Primary:•Stop the Mandarin from retrieving his tenth ring, defeat, and capture him.
Secondary:•Swipe some of Larfleeze's rings and The Mandarin's.
•Secure Belle Reve
•Capture the prison escapees (Including: Icicle Jr, Boomerang, Deadshot, Dr. Light, Slyde, Carnage, Sandman, & The Purple Man.) and place them back into custody.
Welcome friends. This game is a salute to teenage superheroes everywhere. Marvel, DC, or otherwise. So, beffittingly, it is called Titans. The game is truly meant to be Casual in nature, so long posts are welcome, but not absolutely necessary. Also, the game is intended to involve a large amount of interaction between players. So solo adventures are discouraged, but not completely banned. The IC shall be up in a short time.
▪July 4 1940: Captain America began his battle in WW2.
▪August 21 1940: The Justice Society of America formed, declaring that they would defend the Earth until their deaths.
▪November 15 1940: Captain America joined the JSA.
▪May 5 1941: Captain America was lost in the Arctic Circle.
▪March 5 1962: Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division was formed.
▪June 14 1968: The X-Gene was officially discovered.
▪August 15 1974: Anti-Mutant riots began.
▪August 21 1976: Charles Xavier began a school for young people with the X-Gene.
▪January 6 1997: The X-Men formed.
▪July 4 2000: Superman debuted, defeating a being known as Parasite.
▪March 15 2000: The more malicious counterpart to the X-Men, the Brotherhood of Mutants formed.
▪November 12 2001: Batman began his crusade against Gotham City's underworld.
▪September 6 2003: The X-Men defeated the evil Mister Sinister.
▪April 1 2004: The Justice League formed and combatted an army of Kryptonians led by General Zod.
▪September 7 2006: The Avengers formed, defeating Thanos
▪December 1 2006: SHIELD began legally registering all active vigilantes.
▪January 1 2015: All the adults in the world disappeared mysteriously.
▪January 3 2015: The Teen Titans formed.
▪January 5 2015: A more orderly group of youths organized themselves, calling themselves the Young Avengers.
▪January 6 2015: The world's adults were returned without explanation or memory of their disappearance.
▪January 8 2015: The Teen Titans and Young Avengers are recognized as as the underage youthful counterparts to the Justice League and Avengers respectively.
▪January 10 2015: Nightwing becomes the official field leader of the Teen Titans.
▪January 13 2015: The Young Avengers are given a base of operations within a building in Manhattan disguised as a YMCA.
▪January 16 2015: The Teen Titans are secretly gifted a T-shaped tower off the coast of Gotham City, cloaked on an island disguised as an expensive resort.
▪January 1 2016: The Game Begins.
▪Avengers: SHIELD's elite private army. All of which have sacrificed the secrecy of their identities for the entirebacking of SHIELD and public sanctification through mainstream media. They are hailed world-wide as heroes and the collateral damage they cause is dealt with by SHIELD as is the crowd control.
▪Young Avengers: Monitored by SHIELD and trained extensively, the members of this team sacrificed their secret identities to SHIELD so that they could be treated as a government asset. They are the most closely monitored team and the most reinforced. They are usually monitored by various Avengers.
▪Infinity Inc: A team of various youngsters completely unmonitored by an elder team, but inspired by the JSA.
▪Justice League: They are not sponsored by the government and are legally considered criminals because of their refusal to surrender their secret identities. On the other hand, they, almost as much as the Avengers, are publically looked up to. But unlike the Avengers, they have no one to clean up their messes, so they tend to be more cautious.
▪Teen Titans: The only team without a staff closely monitoring them, the Teen Titans have the most privacy and fewest regulations. As a whole, they are the most independent from their mentors. Though the android Red Tornado has been assigned to monitor them.
▪Justice Society: The world's first team of superpowered individuals, the JSA were a symbol of hope for the future, equality, social justice, and safety. By now the senior members identities are public knowledge and the younger members are left alone out of respect for the older ones.
▪SHIELD: A worldwide peacekeeping task force with astounding utilities, resourceful operatives, and a thorough database of the known universe. It is based on a flying warship called the Helcarrier. And it has, both publicly and in secret, intervened to save the planet many times.
▪X-Men: A team of adult mutants directed by Charles Xavier. They serve one basic purpose: To fight for mutant rights. That includes rescuing fellow mutants from the government, saving the Earth as a whole, and stopping other mutants from committing horrendous crimes.
▪Young X-Men: Taught at Charles Xavier's school, these youths are students as well as trainees to become the next generation of X-Men. They are trained often in The Danger Room and are monitored by the staff of Xavier's school. In the field, they are on their own for the most part.
(First, Middle, and Last.)
(The Heroic/Villainous moniker used.)
(See the 'Roles' Subheading.)
Brief Bio:
(A good three paragraphs should do. Do include the year of birth please. The exact date is not necessary.)
(Skills, Powers, Resources, Special Knowledge or Training.)
(Please include their current personality. A description of their likes and dislikes, if they are easily provoked or not, phobias, and their loves should be included.)
(If possible please include a photo of their face followed by an optional image of their costume, and a mandatory written description.)
(List the mentor, close friends, and any membership on superteams. If a character listed isn't 'well-known', please include a brief Bio. If it includes a PC, please contact the player first.)
(Any extra tidbits you'd like to add.)
These are the adults of the world with information that is unlikely to change and can give insight to what characters are established. These lists serve mainly so that players can't muscle each other out of characters by saying 'That hasn't happened yet' or something of the like. These are not the only legacy characters belonging to these heroes, merely a list of ones that definitely do.
▪Batman: The Dark Knight himself is Bruce Wayne. He has officially claimed several young males as Robin, the current being his flesh-and-blood son. Previous trainees include: Dick Grayson, Red Robin, Red Hood, Batgirl, Spoiler, and Black Bat. Related characters include: Batwoman, Flamebird, Azrael, and more. It is to be assumed that Batman has met the majority of his rogues gallery, though the Justice League has not.
▪Spider-Man: Peter Parker is the wall-crawling vigilante that has been lauded by some as the greatest hero of all time. At this point he is twenty-nine tears old and married to Mary Jane Watson. His legacy characters include: Steel Spider, The Prowler, Scarlet Spider, Kaine, Ricochet, Prodigy, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, Arana, Dusk, Alpha, and Hornet. It is to be assumed that he has also met the majority of his rogues gallery.
▪Superman: Clark Kent is a hero hailing from Krypton. He has a multitude of super powers and is considered one of the most powerful beings alive. His legacy characters include: Superboy, Supergirl, Matrix, Power Girl, Steel, and Vaporlock. As with previous entrees, it is to be assumed that he has met the majority of his rogues gallery.
•Titan: A character aged nineteen or under that is allowed onto the teams made up of adults. They are the main cast of the game and are its focus.
•Guardian: Possibly a legal guardian or parent, but they are the individuals most responsible for a particular underage hero. Only one per player.
•Den Mother: An adult responsible for the training and well-being of a specific unit of teens. Only one per player.
•Villain: The antagonists for a game. Villains may have their own cast of NPCs, but must come into contact with the main cast. Only one per player.
_____ROSTER_______________________________________See Above Hyperlink.
* Please apply for only one character at a time. As time goes on, you may gradually be allowed more characters. There is no blanket statement for how many you may have. Your total allotted character limit is based on my perception of how responsible you are as a player.
* There will be no calling dibs for characters. Every character is available to every player from the start - players cannot lay claim to any character without posting a complete character application. The game shall run on a first come first serve basis, unless prior interest is expressed, in which case the GM may wait for a competing application.
* Do not post an incomplete application in the OOC. And all applications seeking approval should PM them to TitansGame.
* You are required to post at least twice every 7 days per 'Titan' although it is preferred for you to post more. Mentors, Guardians, or Villains require at least one per week.
* You must post in the IC thread within three days of its approval. Failure to do so will signify a writer's block or worse--lack of interest!
* Player Characters may not be killed without permission from the player said character belongs to. It is preferred thay you alert the GMs if you plan on killing a named NPC. However, unnamed NPCs are fair game.
* Several storylines can be going on at once, in order to interact with other players. If a player's character does not want to be involved in another's storyline, they do not have to. Consultation and communication are key to good PC-to-PC interaction.
* For this game, we'd like to maintain an atmosphere that resembles Western-styled comics. So sources we are likely to accept from include: Comic books, video games, movies, and cartoons. If your character is taken from manga, anime, folk tales, or legends, you may be judged harshly.
* Your character has the right in the story to travel wherever they actually have the means to go.
* Time-travel is not permitted without the specific permission of the GM.
* Absolutely no insulting your fellow players.
* If you wish to apply for an anonymously run character, PM your app directly to the GMs, followed by all related posts.
* Stay in character. Do not break character, and try your best at all times to be consistent with the personality you've established.
* Players may make any application they'd like. However approval will only come if all the fields are properly filled out and the CS is consistent with current continuity. Feel free to reimagine existing characters in the style of Marvel's Ultimate Universe.
* Obey your (Game)Master! He GM reserves the right to kick any player out as necessary.
* Any Adult characters picked up to be played should be used in a way to directly interact with youths (No solo Batman adventures chasing Clayface in the sewers).
* If you wish for another Team to be formed, Privately Message the GM account to discuss its purpose and structure. The same procedure should be followed for any proposed amendments to the rules.
*Do not edit a character sheet without the consultation of the GM.
* All regular Guild rules apply. Failure to comply will result in a report filed after a warning is issued and an opportunity to make amends is denied.