LowKey123 said
LowKey123 said
LowKey123 said
SyrianHamster said
So there is some support for an expanded intro?Okay, here's what I'll do. I'll create a new section in the starting OOC post to include the hospital's history. That way, players who want to read it, can, and therefore their characters will be more informed. Alternatively, they could arrange it that their characters discover documents/clues etc that slowly reveal the hospital's disturbed past. Players who don't wish to read it, can quite happily represent the characters who are oblivious, or know very little about the place. Win win. I was going to hold off on putting this up, due to other RP commitments, but as I mentioned on the very first post of this thread, such commitments end abruptly. I'm reckoning two RPs I'm in have just faded into the shadow. So with all that said, I'll make final preparations, and then up it goes.
Sam12435 said
Here it is! Sorry bout the wait. And the quality. I hate opening posts, they are always the hardest part of an rp.
Sam12435 said
Yaaaaaay! It started!!!I will write a post asap, i just need to wait for my mouth to stop bleeding. It turns out that when cake has glass in it, it cuts your mouth up and hurts to chew. Who'da thunk it?But I will try.
LowKey123 said
yay long ass posttook me way too short of a time to do that. If I can do that, I should be in an advanced rp /shot