Alec "Laid-Back" Michaelis (Doesn't use guns...)
Weaknesses - Water (Shorts Alec out)
- Crosses
-Blood of The Demon King
- Gold (Drains Alec's electricity)
Electricity ManipulationAllows Alec to drain and channel electricity into deadly bolts fired from his hands.
- Water
-Rubber does not conduct his electricity
-Use of his powers may backfire and injure him
-Must drain a source of electricity such as Lightning from a storm (Keeping in mind his weakness to water) or electricity generated from his body (A poor source of power)
Personality Alec always finds himself relaxed. Nothing seems to be strong enough to break his "go with the flow" attitude. What more could you want as a dominant species? Alec is always finding the brighter side of things and loves to over analyze situations making him very adept at picking out the little details. Alec is very sarcastic and a big joker. Mind games happen to be one of Alec's favorite pastimes.
Likes/Dislikes + Music
+ Painting
- Loud people
- Loud environments
- Water
Fears - Betrayal from his brothers
- Crosses
- Water
History Like his brothers Alec was born and raised to resent humans even though they are the only reason he is alive, but he just goes with it. His Demon mother has always praised him for always being obedient, she was ignorant to the fact that Alec could care less about the orders he was given and only went along to enjoy the ride. Alec has never given much thought to being a future ruler of the lands but would do so if he had to. In his younger years nothing seemed to faze Alec mentally or emotionally. Every task and every order given to him was completed to the bare minimum. Alec's brother's always teased him for his demon form being simply growing a single wing. Alec seems to be
Trapped in a never ending loop of relaxation.