Avatar of twave


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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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welp that sucks that everyone is dropping

You're silly.
Hmm... Well I'm still up for continuing myself. I have lots of plans.
literally happens in every RP im in. after awhile i just lose interest. Fortunately, my character is based off a character i made like 20 years ago for my scifi book series (dont be too impressed, they were notebooks), so i can take him to another RP if i need to

I have one that could use some people. If you're interested in a different Scifi RP. I will be CoGM there.
@Circ Gotcha. I wasn't entirely sure how that scaled. Thank you for the clarification.
@Caits@deerling Wanda Maximoff (AKA Scarlet Witch) is a probability manipulator. Using her her Chaos Magic she can warp reality at will making the impossible possible. Without going into too much detail she can pretty much do anything. Though so long as Ryan-Ashley doesn't end up a conduit for the entire planet's life force then she probably wouldn't be overpowered and able to do some of the more crazy things like resurrect the dead, take away powers, or break reality.
I managed to wedge a character in there. Though I'm not entirely sure what that accomplished but I did.
Our GM appears to be much more tied up than anticipated.
Suppose I'm somewhat stumped for no good reason.
@Rilla@Zyamasiel@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Circ
Was somewhat confused by the Character Submission thread in the OOC. This seems to be the more correct place to submit a character?

Character Sheet for Harriet Matthias
Name: Harriet Matthias / "Sarge" / "Ms. Green"
Title: Sergent Matthias (Former Private Security Officer)

Height: 162cm
Weight: 72kg
Age: 24
Race: Hemiplantae (literally translates to Half-Plant). Hemiplantae is an invasive species that infects other lifeforms via spores and turns them into plant variants of the original. Traits of the host become incorporated into the gene pool and passed on to later generations. A general form of the host is retained despite being completely transformed inside and out. Extremely adaptable, the range of compatible species is broad and left unchecked Hemiplantae is capable of completely taking over a planet's fauna and flora (as was the case with planet CL-3078 e). It is believed to have been seeded on the planet by an alien species for purposes unknown. Being a planet of lower lifeforms sentience has only recently been achieved via human visitation and subsequent infection.

Tier/Influence: 2 (Local/Improved); While not any stronger than the average human, Harriet is far more resilient and adaptable. Her presence is usually noticed since it isn't often you see a plant walking around. She doesn't hold that much sway in the grand scheme of things though.
Group(s): The Kindred

Her hair and skin have been replaced with soft leaves that cover her body. She actually has a mix of endo/exo skeletal structure with tough fibers woven together just under her skin as well as her "bones" being wound and formed the same way. Acting like an evergreen she does not yellow during a planet's fall or winter cycle. Most of the time she has a refreshing and slightly sweet smelling scent which can improve the mood, especially when stuck on a ship where greenery is usually sparse and mostly aesthetic.

Personality: Being a trained officer she tries to stay serious. Her new biology does make that a bit more difficult as the hormonal balances are entirely different. Now being naturally passive her memory and mental drive is about all she has of her former self. While the galaxy is full of different species, Harriet feels out of place in her own skin which has shaken her confidence to an extent. It has taken some time and counseling to come to terms with what she's become. In seeking some normalcy she's sought to return to a more structured setting since being released from quarantine.

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:
  • ( 1 ) Tactical Training -- As a security officer of 5 years Harriet has a solid grasp of tactical procedures and planning.
  • ( 1 ) Mechanical Knowledge -- Given the small teams that were usually deployed on jobs they were often dual trained. In Harriet's case she doubled as a mechanic and maintained ships and equipment both on and off of jobs.
  • ( 3 ) Plant Physiology -- She can survive for months on water and sunlight alone. However she can still eat as another measure to get energy or even absorb nutrients from her surroundings. Loss of body parts such as limbs are able to be regrown in a matter of a week. Not having a rigid skeletal structure Harriet is able to contort her body in extreme ways and even able to stretch and compress her body by several feet. On a more defensive/offensive note she can rapidly grow thorns or spines to fend off opponents.
  • ( 3 ) Adaptive Biology -- Being the latest in a line of innumerable adaptations of her new species, Harriet has inherited the compounded genes to make her resilient to many environmental conditions, diseases, and toxins. Not that she is immune to everything, but her body does an excellent job of either filtering or countering harmful substances.
  • ( 3 ) Chemical Production -- Going hand in hand with the Adaptive Biology, the numerous lifeforms before her open up the ability for her body to produce a wide array of chemical compounds. She does not not quite grasp this ability and is largely unaware that she could control it. Thus far it would only come into play unintentionally through pheromones and poisonous spines when attacked. In the future though she has the potential to produce stronger toxins and acids so long as she has an idea of what she's doing.

  • ( 1 ) Tolian Harmonic Blade -- (See Appearance Above) A piece of equipment that Harriet picked up on the CL-3078 e job. Hewn from an energetic blue crystal the blade's micro vibrations cut through organic material easily. While not as potent as a pure energy blade it works passively with little maintenance and no need for a power source.
  • ( 1 ) MT3 Plasma Pistol -- (See Bio Armor Below) A single small plasma pistol that accompanies the bio suit. While not packing a whole lot of punch it does like to burn through softer materials fairly quickly. Doubling as a cutting and welding tool Harriet took to it quickly after having been stuck on that planet for two years.
  • ( 2 ) Modified Class-12 Bio Armor -- A tough but light armor originally designed for survival in hazardous environments and easy transition into pressurized and unpressurized areas. What it lacks in raw stopping power it makes up for in, speed, agility, and versatility. Due to Harriet's unique biological requirements the suit has been heavily modified and only partially resembles its original design. Providing her with artificial sunlight, CO2, and water she could effectively live inside the suit indefinitely so long as power and supplies last. The hermetic seal can be broken to allow gasses to move in and out of the suit while still providing adequate filtration in hostile atmospheric and chemical conditions. This can save on supplies and allow easier respiration. When not in use it is stored in a lock box that finds a home in whatever place, station, or ship Harriet finds herself on.
  • ( 2 ) IM-801 Charger (Photon Lance) -- Having seen her previous team being overpowered and under supplied, Harriet used what little funds to purchase a M-801 upon her return. A common mining laser capable of burning through stone and softer metals with relative ease. It however was bulky and requires a heavy power source. Gutting the tool and dialing down the strength, Harriet fitted the components in a more manageable medium rifle chassis themed after her own appearance. Has two firing modes, first being a more standard pulse rifle and the second being a seven second sustained beam that requires cooldown after use.

History: System CL-3078 (later named Flora) holds one life bearing planet, Flora e. Discovered one decade ago it sports the unique trait that every life form present falls under the broad term of vegetation. Even the creatures that are not rooted to the ground appear to be plantlife. After remote study with probes and drones for several years a team of scientists went down to the surface to set up a lab and perform experiments. Part of a private security, Harriet and her team were hired to keep them safe from any danger. The pay was good, especially since everything on Flora e appeared docile. The job however was set to be long term, three years.

While not a scientist herself, Harriet certainly learned a whole lot about the things that lived here from the scientists who never seemed to stop talking. All life on this planet seemed to be closely related with foreign DNA being present. Organisms exhibited high levels of regenerative and adaptive capabilities, changing to adapt to environment and stimuli. There was evidence to suggest that at some point other species existed but were now all the same. Despite what was known there were far more questions than answers. A year and four months later a drastic change occurred when everything began to flower. While exceedingly beautiful the spores that were released infected several on the planet. Quarantine was established meaning no one could leave the surface. One by one each person began to undergo a transformation as the Hemiplanae did its work.

Harriet managed to avoid being infected by the original spore release. Her team and the scientists that had all been changed and appeared to have lost their higher functioning mental capacity. They wandered around much like the other creatures without much care to the things around them. Harriet's attempts to keep them corralled eventually resulted in getting her infected as well. The organism having already adapted to the human biology Harriet's transformation occurred much quicker though none the less painful.

For several months the newly transformed woman simply existed and moved about on autopilot without any conscious thought. Eventually though her mind returned to her and she began to work on getting off the planet. The others had wandered off who knows where and she couldn't find them. Alone it took her nearly two years to gather leftover parts to fix up their spacecraft to escape. Returning to the community at large she narrowly avoided becoming a lab experiment thanks to agreements with the organization when she signed onto the job. That didn't mean she was out of the woods yet. While she instinctively could take care of herself there was still a lot about her new physiology she didn't understand and that others would need to get past. Methods were developed to prevent production of spores for Harriet so she wouldn't infect anyone else. Able to move about freely again she set out to piece together some semblance of normalcy.
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