Avatar of twave


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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
1 like
9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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For a brief moment she was surprised by the gesture, but she seemed to be used to the motion and lifted her hand naturally. A slight smile crept its way to the surface. It had been a while since she'd encountered anyone with gentlemanly mannerisms. Not that the people she'd met since arriving on Earth were bad. But it seemed that much of the finer etiquette was uncommon. Most were not royalty or anything though so it was largely to be expected.

Returning the favor Estella curtsied even though her outfit didn't really fit the occasion. Suddenly more in her element she livened up. Even without Cole's unique draw, Estella already liked this man. "Forgive the attire. It isn't often I find anyone that treats me so proper. Not that I am owed it in any way. But I do miss it from time to time." That was sure to bring up some questions.

Turning she followed along side of Cole without question, well almost. "I am not familiar with what Home Ec is. It's not a term I've ever come across. Could you enlighten me?" She asked turning her head and looking up slightly. Being an average height, Cole was at least six inches taller than the alien.

Any moment there was got interrupted by an explosion, warm light flooding through the windows brum the resulting flames. Raising her eyebrows for a moment it seemed that nothing changed here. Unless an alarm went off or people started yelling she wasn't sure whether to worry or treat it as your average mishap. "Seems nothing changes here." She leaned slightly to try and get a better view. The area they were in, the windows did not directly face the front gate.
@skarsgard If you'd like, I wouldn't mind exchanging some solid damage between your characters and Janet. Sort of uphold their reputation without killing anyone.
@Vocab Updated.
@KatherinWinter I have moments where I can do more. From my experience the thing that has helped me the most is reading books. I haven't actually read a book in a long time so it's not surprising that I haven't progressed in a while.
@skarsgard Please post your characters in the Characters tab BTW. They have been approved already.
I got my characters already. But it would be interesting to do a Twin Soul or Ally set of characters with someone else, so it isn't the same person playing both. I would really like to do that.
Ariel - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall


She glanced between Penny, Damien, and Sasha. "Okay. Soooo... What's going on?" Slightly confused by the cryptic statements she was getting a little anxious. What did Penny need to tell her and what seemingly big thing was going on? Maybe they were waiting for a few more people or something.

Realizing that she was rocking on her feet and probably looking rather impatient Ariel pulled up a chair and took a seat. It wasn't like things were boring or anything, but she was in her curious mode and being lead around was like teasing her.
Added a Character List to the 0th post in the Character tab. Should make it easier for people to tell all the Patrons and everything.
<Snipped quote by t2wave>

Please make sure that you do, not only is it respectful, but....

hey, explosion. I'd think that would get peoples attention, wouldn't you XD

There are likely two elements of the post relevant to my character at this moment.
1. Three new students have arrived
2. There was an explosion.
*stares at post* Eh, I'll read it later.
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