Avatar of Twilights Curse


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Xaven saw the glare, but winked as he saw her give a small curl of her lips. he drank about half, before Drake finished it off after being handed it. "huh?" he asked, gasping but he heard the warning in her voice, Xaven smirked as Drake tried to beg, but then went right upstairs to put clothes on. "glad i dont get the project pink thing" he said, moving over and wrapping his arms around Nessie, kissing on her neck as he held her close to him. Drake and Ralph were the ones that got that threat.

pulling back, Xaven went to sit down and wait for breakfast, as he looked to Lesley. "firstly, teen wolf can kiss my deeply tanned ass, and secondly, thats the movies, not real Life, but if you wanted us to all act like that, we can Lesley" he teased. Ralph laughed. "wolves are night creatures, sue me i like to sleep in" he said, kissing her back right on the lips before sitting up and catching the shirt as she giggle he watched her ,shaking his head. "im starting to think you'd rather be clothed then without around me, you dress fast" he said, getting up and dressing once he found what he was planning to wear today, before he'd walk down with her to breakfast.

Drake came in. "there, clothed are you happy now woman" wearing jeans and a t-shirt
amazing detail and im very impressed and interested with this. Bravo

Xaven laughed, sipping his coffee."ah, clever and it will certainly happen a lot more if my beauty takes off on me" he said as she grabbed the boxes of pop tarts, arching a brow. "if one of those hot fudge ones are gone im going to beat Drake senseless, he's the pop tart thief.. usually" glancing into the half empty boxes, shaking his head as he took a drink from his coffee, he smiled at Nessie's question about waking the others, since at that moment, Lesley came in.

Standing, Xaven laughed. "no worries Lesley" sitting his empty cup in the sink, running some water in it before he went to the fridge, sniffing out what he wanted as he dug around the leftovers. "and dont worry, as baaaad as Drake is, i can assure you" pulling out a the orange juice. "that i am much much more bad in bed" grinning wickedly as he opened the top and began drinking right from the carton, knowing he was going to get swatted for it, so he began moving backwards, out of arms length from Nessie's aim after the kiss to his cheek.

"morning" Xaven said. "you could dress before you come finding your girlfriend" Drake scoffed. "your lucky i put boxers on, i sleep all natural buddy" Xaven groaned. "dont reminded me, i dont need nightmares" passing the orange juice jug to Drake, who gladly took it and turned it up and guzzled from it, sucking the rest of it down til it was empty as he crushed it in his hands and tossed it right into the trashcan. in his room, Ralph was cuddling up to Tammy, holding her to him, and Drake's storming down the stairs had woken him, as he nuzzled against Tammy's neck, kissing on it. "mm, morning beautiful"
The house was packed, but in a good way, the guys knew the routine and had mapped out a way to make sure everyone was not in everyone's way. Marcus and Mary pretty much melded into the flow of things, and well the girls could do no wrong and pretty much ran the place. since Ralph found Tammy, more often then not Xaven was forced to step in and end their practice fights, cause Ralph wanted to prove to Tammy he wasnt a push over and Drake.. well he lived for the fight.

Xaven smiled when she turned around. "mmhm" wrapping his arms around her waist as he nuzzled up against her neck. "rolled over and started grinding up against you, only to find out i was violating your pillow, i might be slapped with a sexual harrassement lawsuit" he said, as she poured him a cup of coffee he kissed her neck before letting her go and taking the cup. "thank you and that food smells delicious, you know its going to draw the crowd" he grinned as he sat down at the reinforced, hand built table that could take the roughness of six wolves. he took a sip from the cup, savoring the taste as he felt a head on his leg. "good morning miss Angel how are we this fine morning" Angel being Tammy's dog. Xaven petted the top of her head, moving down to scratch her neck. "i cant believe everyone is still asleep. well i can, they have their women still in bed with them, mine went rogue on me"
thats more then fine beautiful :)
hey, its okay things happen.. and im sorry that bad stuffed happened... yay for the good stuff.. and starting a business is a busy venture..but i would love to still RP with you
im interesting and over 18..lol.. pm me with whatever you are in the mood with and we'll figure it out ;)
well detailed and defined world building, storyline, just excellent i am in if there is still room
Highly Interested in this
Ralph stood there, on guard as he looked toward Tammy, watching as she ate her fill before she went to step back, and then sat on her haunches. " i was letting you have the first bites, the best bites " he said moving toward her and licking her muzzle, before turning to the deer and he went to eating, ripping hunks of meat off " our bodies like this are developed enough that we can eat raw meat easily enough, you will know if its good or not, and if not you will smell it, your appetite will increase as well, you'll snack daily, we all do " he said as he ate.

Xavan smirked. "good point darling" he said, seeing the clothes for Ralph, and the note. "that pizza is mine" he growled playfully, putting his arm around her, as he looked up at Lesley as she asked about her scar, he tensed, cause the scar was from him, he'd done it. then Mary, well that was surprising for him as he blinked as Mary seemed to know, and when she said it was like a Romeo and Juliet story, Xaven shook his head ."really, people know about what i did.. how?" he asked. Marcus would shrug. "the wolf community is small, word travels Xaven, especially on a Alpha Born" Xaven shook his head

Drake was rubbing all on Lesley as they stood there, before he looked to Tammy's dog. "she's doing alright, thats a plus as he bent down, growling he kissed on Lesley's neck, inhaling her scent, before he whispered one thing to her. "bedroom" the moon might not control his change anymore, but didnt mean he still couldnt be effected in other ways. Xaven heard about Nessie and what she could do. "huh, thats interesting, so you have control over Canines" nodding when she explained about hearing and seeing better. "imagine ten times that much, and thats what we three felt after our first turn" Drake nodded. "Everything was oversensitive" Marcus kissed Mary back, as Xaven smiled. "always" lifting Nessie up off her feet, holding her to him as he kissed her deeply.
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