Drake came in, loaded down with Groceries, Ralph behind him and Xaven bringing in the last of it "we've done this many times, we work together good" Drake said. "like a pack" Xaven teased, winking as he sat the things down he was carrying and moved to collect something to drink. "oh please" Drake said to Lesley, grabbing her in his arms. "you would dare trick me" he smirked when she stuck her tongue out at him. "uhuh, knew it" he smirked, before hearing her suggest they all get pregnant. Xaven would grin. "same could be said the same for you, your like a sweet piece of candy" sitting his coke down, Xaven grabbed her up into his arms and kissed her deeply. "its not that easy from what Marcus told me" Xaven said, holding Vanessa in his arms. "even among paired wolves" meaning Tammy and Ralph. "having children early and young rarely happens, but better safe then sorry i suppose" releasing Vanessa, Drake letting Lesley go, so him and Ralph could start putting things away, as Xaven went to help with Lunch. "i dont know about you, but tonight, i need a run" Drake said. "feels like im going to go nuts, to hell with some nosy ass deputy, we shouldn't change what we are just cause he cant keep his nose out of our business"
"so they didn't threaten you or anything, and what about Tamara? did she seem different in anyway" the Deputy asked, wanting to understand, and hearing that Vanessa was the only one that talked to him, while the men just helped her pack. "im a Cop, being curious about things i don't understand is part of the job description" nodding as he listened, hearing the guy just admit he was an abuser was, well it pissed him off, but he couldn't do not, no complaints were filed. "dirt? not at all, i just don't understand, so im going to dig til i do" sighing. "thank you for your time, sorry to bother you" turning to leave, and head back to his squad car.
"so they didn't threaten you or anything, and what about Tamara? did she seem different in anyway" the Deputy asked, wanting to understand, and hearing that Vanessa was the only one that talked to him, while the men just helped her pack. "im a Cop, being curious about things i don't understand is part of the job description" nodding as he listened, hearing the guy just admit he was an abuser was, well it pissed him off, but he couldn't do not, no complaints were filed. "dirt? not at all, i just don't understand, so im going to dig til i do" sighing. "thank you for your time, sorry to bother you" turning to leave, and head back to his squad car.