Avatar of unicorgi
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 781 (0.35 / day)
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    1. unicorgi 6 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current listening to the howls moving castle song. SO pretty❤️❤️❤️❤️
6 yrs ago
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia-the fear of long words. whoever named this has quite the sense of humor.
6 yrs ago
I am going to try and get responses out today. Very sorry to all the people I’ve kept waiting
6 yrs ago
@obsene symphony what happened?! Did they drop the ghost shoe on your head?!
1 like
6 yrs ago
Argh I wanna use a certain character I made but no good sci if roleplays and I’m bad at making roleplays. Anybody wanna make a roleplay where we go on an adventure across the galexy?


[under derpy construction]

Most Recent Posts

Awwwwww :(
Ok then
I know
I was just confused what you meant by starting it on there but I think I understand now
The vampire PRINCE

Jonathan shadeglass
appearance (soon to be added)
age 18-19
His father, the vampire king thought they would have a better chance of gaining the throne if he sent one of his sons, sadly the only one within a good age range was his youngest son Jonathan who was to say the least, different. He spent more time reading than battling but he was his best chance so he sent him.
powers(if any)
Basic vampire powers And due to all of his studying he is able to learn other magical arts such as symbol magic and some elemental spells
Name: namina Smith
Weight:slightly under average
Music: alternative
Powers:can manipulate her body in many ways (ie density and size) doesn’t know fully just how far she can go with this yet, is technopathic
Gender: girl
Origin: is a orphan since however long she can remember. One day she got shoved into a wall and actually went into it and therefore was sent here.
Why don’t u post a interest check?
No I have a different character In mind now
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