Missing Person Report
Missing Person's Name:
Jennifer Ramirez-Smith
Birth Place:
Mostly Caucasian in appearance with some Hispanic features. Slightly tall and in amazing physical shape.
Health Issues:
Psychological trauma and ptsd symptoms for unknown reasons
Any Prior Incidents:
No record previous to her move to the U.S.
Has gone missing before multiple times
Has attempted suicide multiple times after her first missing
Notable Traits:
Smart a##
Quotes from Relations:
“There’s something she knows about but isn’t telling us”
“She’s been fine for night at a time and then returns with no explanation”
Psychologist Notes:
Is berry reserved and almost hard in personality
Sometimes draws maps of the city and marks certain places and circling and sketching and writing thing all while muttering to herself. Does this during sessions while for the most part ignoring me
Some things trigger similar ptsd symptoms but I’m unsure why
Notable Past Reference: she Is suffering from some psychological trauma but the weird thing is, she can’t remember what. It definitely happened during the first three days she went missing and she’s Determined to find out what