Avatar of unicorgi
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 781 (0.35 / day)
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    1. unicorgi 6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current listening to the howls moving castle song. SO pretty❤️❤️❤️❤️
6 yrs ago
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia-the fear of long words. whoever named this has quite the sense of humor.
6 yrs ago
I am going to try and get responses out today. Very sorry to all the people I’ve kept waiting
6 yrs ago
@obsene symphony what happened?! Did they drop the ghost shoe on your head?!
1 like
6 yrs ago
Argh I wanna use a certain character I made but no good sci if roleplays and I’m bad at making roleplays. Anybody wanna make a roleplay where we go on an adventure across the galexy?


[under derpy construction]

Most Recent Posts

You are really pushing it here
Even though I’m pretty sure that’s just another food, also no double posting which is what you just did
I figured it was something like that, just wasn’t willing to do the google search. Ok everybody continue!
Let’s see, the daughter of a duchess Is called a lady until she inherits the title if she inherits it at all, I am constantly getting how these titles work mixed up
My characters parents are dukes which makes her a lady
“I don’t think you’d want me to join the fight, at least not at night but I’ll definitely be watching”
But then we have to already know each other dont we? And it removes all the fun of getting to know each other and being new to the place
Also his name is bigg? Sorry names like that bother me for some reason they’re just so dumb and let in so much room for jokes it’s hard to take your character seriously
Sorry if I’m sounding rude very sorry
Despite the fact that the giant race in this roleplay is going to be extremely diverse he’s still really smalL and won’t fit in with the giant npcs I have planned. You also need to work on that character sheet, what’s his intelligence, strength level or anything I Need to know about him, I plan on making this an adventure roleplay and I can’t see him fitting in with the group we’ve got currently and why was he disliked?
Read the ic and all the roleplay information I have at the top
I think we should all be first years
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