listening to the howls moving castle song. SO pretty❤️❤️❤️❤️
6 yrs ago
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia-the fear of long words. whoever named this has quite the sense of humor.
6 yrs ago
I am going to try and get responses out today. Very sorry to all the people I’ve kept waiting
6 yrs ago
@obsene symphony what happened?! Did they drop the ghost shoe on your head?!
6 yrs ago
Argh I wanna use a certain character I made but no good sci if roleplays and I’m bad at making roleplays. Anybody wanna make a roleplay where we go on an adventure across the galexy?
"yes but the question i asked was an important one about the future of my kingdom, if everybody was asking their future all the time they would stop doing it altogether. and how you react might effect your future"
that's what we were just talking about she thought about it,no, he couldn't learn his future, it was too risky how he might react "they don't like to be bothered with non essential requests"