Avatar of vancexentan


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2 yrs ago
Current Losing a game of dragon ball the breakers because my dipshit allies wouldn't give me their fucking dragon balls pisses me off. the raider was already nearly dead fml.
2 yrs ago
devaronian is the race you're looking for. They're basically thugs for the hutts for the most part.
2 yrs ago
Man I'd love to be proven wrong so i'll keep trying but still it sucks like the fourth time this has happened for entirely seperate reasons each as dumb as the last.
2 yrs ago
Man I just can't stick with a DND Group. I'm aware I feel pushy at times but I never intend to push anyone into doing anything. I'm just feeling so dejected at this point.
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2 yrs ago
In general I've given up play by post roleplaying. I only check on occasion due to how NO ONE commits to forum posting in my over ten years of experience.
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I'm one of the surviving members from the event known as Guild Fall. I am a big fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and am very specific on what I want in a roleplay. I have completed two roleplays (one is debateable) and have over six years of roleplaying experience dating back to when I was in Middle School.

Most Recent Posts

Only really did it because its in Mordred's personality to do so. Especially at the moment when she's still ticked off.
"You implying I'm not good enough to fight on my own!? Screw it I'm going in!" Saber growled as she moved forward as Leon tried to get her to stop initially before deciding against it. It was probably better off this way. "Sorry Caster. Looks like this is what we should expect of Saber. Come on we can't let her do her own thing." Leon says as he makes a quick movement to the sides of the house that they had approached on either side was a couple of windows. As Leon looked through the windows, and the sides it seemed like an old abandoned house not unlike any he had seen. His eyes searched for signs of magic, and found seals, and a bounded field. Quickly Leon undid the barrier unsure of what the use of it was. It would seem this was likely a barrier to alert someone, or something. Probably, if Leon had any guesses, this was made by a master. It is unlikely a caster would've left a barrier so suspectable to doing anything. But it wad depowered when Leon dissolved the mage by looking around under some rocks, and barrels of Sake near a shed in the backyard.

Leon by the time he had erased the symbols heard a look smashing noise, and rushed into the house along with the team. As he looked around he told Connor to look upstairs where he would find a child's room, and some living quarters with some mage trinkets, and books if he looked around for much longer. Leon, and Elise would find the door to the backroom broken open by force it had some runes on it but it appeared to not have mattered to Mordred's Strength. As Leon moved around the corner and ran downstairs he came across the sight of Mordred's sword being pressed against the back of a man in a long blue coat. The air smelt heavy of alcohol, and smoke from cigars. The fading servant sitting alone at a bar with a young man, younger than Connor, or Leon, in the corner, dead but with a smile on his face.

"The hell are you doing? I bust in here, and you can't even be bothered to pull that sword of yours out?" Saber says in disgust as she holds the servant who seemed not to care at sword point.

"No point. War is over. Grail is taken. What's the point of a pirate if he can't plunder his share? Master is gone told him he was a fool for siding with those masters. Eh...what's done is done. Get on with it." The pirate said with deep exhaustion in his voice. "Who wouldn't want the honor of killing the Great Captain Kidd for their master? Or is that brat with Ruler still busy finding the stragglers?"

"I really should kill you but I got a feeling that Caster wouldn't appreciate that would he?" Saber says in annoyance as she pulls her sword back. "The way you are now? Not worth killing. Clarent doesn't deserved to be stained like that." Saber says as she pulled back and Archimedes chimes up. "I see...William Kidd, also known as Captain William Kidd or simply Captain Kidd. He had been commissioned by the British Crown as a privateer for this expedition, but the political climate of England turned against him in this case. He was executed for his crimes. He is one of the most famous pirates in history. Probably the Rider of this grail war." comments Archimedes apparently still processing the weight of the words.

"Team A is alive?" Leon asked his spirits lifting as he spoke with an careful tone. Leon didn't really wish to make any assumptions. But he still wondered if this guy was all there. He was a fading heroic spirit who lost his apparent master. Was he a reliable source?

"Maybe, probably not though. Last I saw that assassin was fighting saber, and the rider went to engage berserker. Your caster friend...she's not feeling too good I imagine after what 'our' assassin did to her."

was going to post today but burnt three of my fingers picking up a hot trey for a air frier on reflex (usually take it out) ill post when i can
There it was. Just like Clancy said. The burning bullet that would probably trace back to when he was an agent out hunting for traitors. Seemed this time that he would be going in the opposite direction. Brown's face was steely cold, and his face blank without any emotion outside of his well-trained habit of calmness. He was never one to fret over a job but this one made him wonder if this was some sort of bizarre fall man plot? Seemed to be organized...but they're paying out to this many people, hoping no one rats, and if they do its probably game. Granted everyone here was on that list now even if they refused. Militech didn't take being slapped in the face lightly. "High end equipment, codes, faking an enemy hit like its a gang war. Trying to stir the preverbal pot until its something you're ready to eat up? How up to date are the codes? I imagine if you've gone this far you're good but if we get there and the codes are bad things won't go so well. Multiple different options of 'getting out of dodge' would be preferrable. Not required of course but things can change if things go south. With that said I would hope that out of all of us here I'm not the only one who speaks CORPO. Hard to false flag when all they speak is Night Citian. Street trash around here tend to get riled easily, don't fancy manners...respect. Hard to fake. I lived, and breathed that myself. Takes certain mannerisms, and niceties to rich kids with old money." John speaks up his calm business like voice speaking with an icy chill as takes a breath. He had a brief thought back to his days of bowing to head executives, and politely telling bosses of his 'trash cleaning' adventures. Way behind him now. No point in considering the figurative knife in his back.

"Variables, and the constants are important that much I don't expect I need to say but I will. I can handle but a convincing operation on this scale comes down to its bones. Otherwise you may just...water down your alcohol so to speak. Some people won't care, but the people who do will notice. Stealing is one thing, posing another, but it takes skill, and talent to do both at the same time. I apologize if I have spoken out of term. But a man such as myself tends to believe that if a job is big, its worth doing right." John finishes as he makes no attempt to move, or gesture he speaks more like a business man purposing a new tax break than he does a man easily breaking down attempted theft, and blame shifting of one major corpo faction against another.
@Enkryption Wasn't sure if you wanted Caster to reply to you doing your stuff so i left it out unless you wanted it. he's just going to tell you not to blow the bridge unless its necessary.
@The Irish Tree

"A well constructed analysis of what could be possibly happening here Elise. However I believe I have two working theories on what may be happening here." comments Archimedes as his voice comes through the line instead of Orson's. "Then you have my permission to explain it Caster." Orson tells the servant who's voice comes through, as usual, coldly calculative. "There's a chance that the war is ongoing, and that the church has either abandoned this place, and or has been completely unable to eradicate the threats at hand. Meaning a particularly strong servant has prevented, and or killed the overseer from acting. That the magic used here has prevented the Mage's Association, and probably other onlookers such as Atlas, from trying to wipe out the threat here. The mages are stuck fighting in a dead world trying to claim a grail for themselves. But Fuyuki's grail has been noted as corrupted by the records of it in our archives. Thus...I would postulate the theory that this is the work of some sort of corrupted grail's activation. That the wish was perverted, and twisted the servants. Whoever they are it is possible that the masters, and overseers are dead. And that the remains of the servants here either trying to assist the grail in corrupting this singularity further, or are overseeing some sort of objective we have no knowledge about." Archimedes comments as Orson responds in kind. "Possibly but there remains the fact that Team B has not been attacked with any real threat so far. Why?" questions the Director.

"If I may?" Leon says trying to get his own thoughts in the matter in order for his own part he didn't want to play spectator but he had no theories, or orders to give so had decided to remain silent. Leon for his part didn't want to say anything dumb, or inadvertently lead the group to a wrong conclusion. As Leader he wanted to make his choices based on some sort of assorted logic. But logic was out the window now that this whole singularity seemed dead. He was given the okay from Archimedes. "The servant is nearby we'll be approaching them soon but I think its possible that whatever is going on Team A may still be alive. Whatever they're doing it probably is getting the focus of the enemy which is why the hoard of skeleton warriors aren't fighting us." Leon postulates offering a more hopeful view of the situation. "I would view the situation with more hope if they contacted us but have not, and we're still not reading anyone of their signatures." Orson comments his voice pained through the communicators. "It doesn't matter for the moment. Squad B are you prepared to engage the possibly hostile heroic spirit?" Archimedes questions as Mordred snorts. "I've been nothing but ready! About time I can finally stop focusing on what's going on in the air and focus what's in front of me!" Mordred said clanging her heavy sword against her armor. "Enemy may not be hostile. Don't engage unless provoked." Orson orders quickly. "Blooming brilliant just fucking great. Got a nob in there ready for me to put in the ground and you want me to relax?" Mordred complains more seemingly always irritated Leon decides to jab at her, "Hey Saber your British is leaking through." Leon said with a chuckle as Saber just stands still without replying whatever she was feeling hidden by her helmet.
"Eh! The heck you talking about fuzz ball? I was at the royal ball just like you were? What don't remember me?" Edusa said confused as she cocked her head and then grunted and shrugged before taking a look at Rivia. "Edusa D. Melromarc. At your pleasure Miss Rivia. I'd be happy to be your friend. Even if you have fuzzy ears. Not common 'round here and many folk don't seem to like those like you but I'm definitely not 'most people'. I'm Edusa and that's all I'll ever be." The royal spoke with confidence, and carefree happiness as she seemed more worried about enjoying herself than bothering with any sort of public opinion as she walked along with excited glee following the three heroes in front of her. "We're almost there! Don't you dare get lost got it!?" comments the Spear Hero as cole speaks up rather plainly. "What's the deal anyway? Shouldn't we meet up at the castle not some random place in town?" he asks as the Spear Hero shakes his head waggling a finger back and forth. "Safe doesn't mean smart dear sword." the spear hero comments cryptically.

As the group approaches an alley the spear hero ducks into a nearby shop, and motions for them to follow him quickly. As the large group huddle into a nearby clothing store the clerk simply allows them to move into a backroom. It is a simple storage area but as soon as they arrive inside a young boy with purple hair comes out from beneath the clothes, and shuts the door saying a incantation the door, and room around them light up with a purple magic aura. The Spear Hero sits down on the table itself but there are stools around for those who choose to sit on them. The masked hero then speaks up considerably more seriously. "Now that we're not being overheard I suppose I better tell you what's up." Lev says his voice's cheer gone as he speaks plainly without any hint of emotion. "There's a gang here intent on ruining the King's reputation. Being a man in a woman's world is hard enough but they don't believe he'll lead the country to glory. To that extent they're trying to set up traps all around the city. Melromarc shall not burn to the ground but it will limp its way into the waves unless we round up a few of their mages. I'll need you all to cooperate if you want the good boy king to keep his throne and his life get me?" Lev says to them plainly as the boy with purple hair says nothing.

Edusa for her part grumbles, and folds her arms. "Always with boys, and their shit right? Ever since Aunty died and left only a male heir instead of one of the sisters everyone's been pissy. Saying a older woman should sit the throne instead of the direct descendent of the former queen. I've heard whispers but I thought they were just that. Man I thought blood was thicker than water...Alright I'm in I'll save Vinny." comments Edusa making up her mind rather quickly as she folds her arms. Cole was surprised by how quick she was to go all in but then again it seemed on brand. "I'd like to know more info." Cole asks as Lev nods. "How many?" Cole asks as Lev shrugged not really committing to a singular answer. "Enough. Enough to have everyone in here, and then some looking for their smug faces."
"Failsafe? No...more like a conclusion. Like I said I never won a war so I can't explain it as if I've seen it in person. The Founders of Chaldea did though. Its the process of the grail doing something. Some say its the catalyst for the grail granting a wish, others say its responsible for the gathering of mana, others say it is a process to grant eternal life. I'm operating off the premise that its is not so much a protection process more so that with a grail war WON why would a mage do this? And if the war was not won, and the masters died or were otherwise undone along with their servants, assuming they are indeed dead considering the fact that there are servants here, why not use the wish or try to use the mana that was gathered. Its troubling that there is no clear motive short of a psychotic mass murderer doing this." returns Orson as he tries to rack his brain for an answer, any answer. His voice unsure as he spoke he tried to keep talking as to try to settle down the group. "The fact of the matter is you have not been attacked by any meaningful enemies. You also have no received any signal related to the Team A Masters. Togami is a young man who prides himself on leaving a crumb trail to follow in case things need to be retracked. Always a way to follow up on past details. And yet nothing at the bridge, nothing in the city, no attempts at magical bounded fields. As you said Connor. There was NOTHING. Ugh! Even if I was blind sided by this it still frustrates me to no end that there is no conclusions pray that the servant at the end of the trail gives you something."
"Fuck off. Don't try to play mind games with me. As a Knight of Camelot, even the one they call the Traitor Knight, I'm still the Knight of Londinium. Yeah I rampaged, and fought back, but even I gotta tell you. There was no grand plan. I had some idea but none of it was set in stone. I wanted them to understand how I felt. That's it. I rebelled, and I raged out it got out of hand. But even now I still see them as my former King. Leon being the one with those dumb command seals makes him the new king. Time will prove if he's worthy of it. Hasn't impressed me so far, that being said no one here has." Saber growls as she feels Fran come up next to her and say something to her through her helmet she grunts. "We got this! You, and me we'll fix this whole thing!" Sabers says bouncing back as if nothing happened.

"I'm not a king though. As much as my stock has plummeted recently, apparently, I'm just a mage who wants to save people. The world's foundations can't come undone." Leon commented as Mordred turned to him and even through the helmet he could feel her eyes staring right into his soul. Angry. Always angry it would seem but he felt in his bones that was wrong. It was probably just him in the end. "I'm a knight. I serve kings, and Dad ain't here. Not that I'd bother I'm not some cheap ass who serves two kings. You're my master right now for good or bad. Are you not?" Mordred said to Leon non to gently. "I am and I will prove myself worthy of being such." Leon said with no fear, or hesitation his patience at its current limit. "Then you're the king dumbass. That's just how it works. I'd be one hell of shitty fucking knight if I had no king so shut up and move!" Leon was none to convinced by Mordred's argument but he didn't want her railing inside his head so he relented and nodded in affirmation. "Elise, and everyone we assume the same formation. Tactical Advisor could you please inform us if Lancer, and his master are attacked so we can hurry back if need be." Leon called through is ear piece. "Consider it done. If anyone is in danger I will inform you. Its odd...the skeletons I've been keeping track of aren't moving to deal with you. Its a blessing as far as I'm concerned maybe whoever is controlling them is not aware of you yet...or doesn't care. Either way Make your way to the servant quick. Lancer do what you will to guard your master, and the bridge."


As Leon's main group moved south he looked at more of the grey housing units, and empty cars the more he saw the more he wondered where the people went. This was near a city. Thousands of people lived here, if not considerably more, and there was no way in hell it'd just pop out of existence. "Sir Director! I want to talk about the vanishing act around here do you have any idea of who, or what could've done this?" Leon asks as he quickly leads the way down the side walks looking over to the river he wondered if people could've been eaten by something? A monster of some sort? Then there would be more notable destruction? If it was some sort of radiation they wouldn't be here to speculate it. "At the moment we have yet to come across some sort of bounded field. But I have a feeling that it is something similar to it. Gorgon, or rather Medusa, is noted to have used a noble phantasm called Blood Fort Andromeda. It is a noble phantasm capable of killing people and taking their mana for themselves. But to this scale? Someone would've stopped it. It may work off a similar principle, and that is where my gut feeling is heading. But then the question becomes why? Was it the will of a grail war participant? If so why has Heaven's Feel not been achieved?" Orson began as Mordred cut him off, "Heaven's Feel? The hell is that?" Mordred questioned as she shoved a car through a house rather loudly since it was in the way. Leon could only sigh at how loud Mordred was being.

"It is...a part of the grail war system it is complicated. I'm afraid the specifics are currently locked. I apologize for even mentioning it. I'm thinking aloud at the moment. Simply keep on track. The servant is still fading, and we can only hope to make it there before they do." Orson comments as he monitors the situation at hand seeing no difference in Fuyuki with the two servants in the city still moving about but keeping their pace away from the groups members.

"Real helpful yeah..." Mordred mouths off.

The area near the bridge was quiet other than the sound of the water moving, and flowing into the land nearby. The bridge didn't shake, it didn't rumble, and the wind simply gently breezed by as if the day were normal. There was no sound other than the sounds Scarlett, and her Lancer made. The bone warriors, if they were nearby, weren't a threat for the moment it would seem. Whatever they wished to do it would seem the moment was ripe for doing it.
Will try to get one out later this week maybe saturday, or sunday since DnD died this week for both days.
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