Avatar of Vash
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darkshadowmark
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 607 (0.16 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Vash 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current That moment when you sit down to do a 15 minute picture manipulation and it's an hour and a half later.
1 like
9 yrs ago
Currently working on the OOC for the Legend of the Crimson Dusicyon.
9 yrs ago
"We make our choices, and take what comes. And sooner or later, in ways we can't always fathom, the consequences come back to us" ~ Daud
9 yrs ago
Busy busy busy. So nice to be writing on a deep level again.
9 yrs ago
Those that have RP'd with me lately, please take a gaze at my Bio. I finally got around to updating it.


"I burn endlessly, an intextinguishable inferno within the depths of a storm of passion and grace." Septimus Aureous, Captain of the Turian Frigate: Elysium

I've been roleplaying and writing for a little over half my life, and I'm 22. If I come across as cynical, picky, overly willing to write a huge CS, very inquisitive, and even ready to drop an RP out of nowhere, I apologize. I've seen way too many RPs look good only to end up smashing face first into the dirt with almost no explanation to it. I tend to see an impending crash coming from a mile away and will jump ship long before the water reaches my feet.

I enjoy most genres, including Sci-fi, Fantasy, Magic-fantasy, fandom-reworks, modern, sci-fantasy, and most things under the sun. No. I'm not going to partake in highschool or pony or anime roleplays. Outside of those, I tend to take a part in most of what peaks my interest or curiosity.

I am currently involved in an RP surrounding the exploits of the Crimson Dusicyon and her pirate crew.
As well as continuing the adventures of the manic crew of the harpoon in an infinite quest for dat poon tang.

I am currently working on several short stories that I tend to flip back and forth on depending on where I'm leaning.

I'm working on a story involving an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper trapped beneath a hundred kilos of rubble and, with her life mere hours away from being extinguished, she lets her mind wander to her past and her experiences with the dangerous anti-UNSC terrorists. I've taken to call this: Halo ODST: Rebellion.

I am also working on my most deeply thought out world and story: Sonnet of a Damned Cowboy. A story taking place hundreds of years in the future, where the earth is a barren desert due to the earth being cooked alive. The survivors make their own stories as they drive huge caravans of huge mechs called Lancers and deliver supplies from one town to another.

Finally, I am working on a Fallout based story taking place in the frozen north of Canada, old survivors of the Enclave's oppression struggle to survive in the relentless cold. Battle hardened, tired, and cold. They all know that the smallest of mistakes in the frozen wastes will be almost certain death.

Enjoy your day!

Most Recent Posts

"Oh Iisska." Cheshik said, sipping on a bigger than average mug to match his large stature. "They most probably know now. Do as I do, and enjoy last drink in living world." He downed the tankard of ale and ordered another, placing a small tip with the gold when the waitress came over. She was as tall as Cheshik was but a quarter as wide. She looked trandoshan, but she was...off. A longer snout, smoother scales, and a full length tail. She winked at Cheshik before departing to return with his drink.

Cheshik nudged Tristain, a question on his brain. "What race is that?" He motioned towards the lizard woman. "She like mine, Trandoshan, but not..." Tristain looked at Cheshik like he was a madman that was too drunk to be alive, but then remembered that he was outlander and was different. He called them "Tsurask" and said that they were rather common. Cheshik pursed his mouth a little and nodded. "Well. Won't feel like only scalie in room now." He chuckled and downed some more of his drink before Tristain realized something and asked what the girls would do without them.

"The ladies will be fine. They stronger than any man in room. Beside, I told Pike to meet us on trail back to home if we get separated." Cheshik said.


The following morning, after lying low for a bit and sneaking their way out of the city just before dawn, they were on the road back to the ship, moving slowly with Kobel and Snickers. They has properly introduced one another the previous night and were now just making their way towards the tree line rather slowly, only slightly impatient to leave.

"You don't think they stuck in-" Before Cheshik could finish that sentence, Nyrette ran past him with Quin right at her back. She leaped up to Iisska and jump-tackled him right off of Kobel. "You bastard!" She yelled, placing her hands around his neck and starting to wring it. "Quin told you not to get in trouble and what do you do?! GET IN BLOODY TROUBLE. What happens when you get in BLOODY TROUBLE?!" She yelled as Quin tried to pull her off of him. "WE. GET. ARRESTED. AND-" She was pulling and pushing his head against the ground. "I. GET. HIT. ON. BY. SIX. GUARDS. AND. MY. GIRL. FRIEND. GETS. HIT. ON. BY. ANOTHER. WOMAN. I. HATE. YOU."
Alex jumped a little when the woman landed next to him, making him reach for his bat for a second but stopping when he realized that it was just the woman. "Oh. Another survivor." He said as she spoke of them having to leave her domicile and speaking of Golden Valley. "Golden Valley won't be an option. Met a survivor yesterday on the outskirts saying that it was ransacked not soon after the outbreak. Nobody really has anywhere to go." He crossed his arms, unhappy.

"Seems your little abode was really unsecured too. One human breaking in and now the entire place is going to go up in smoke soon. Once they see food, they won't stop until they have it. We have maybe an hour before their sheer force alone breaks down the door." Just as he finished saying that, a loud smash stressed the door and the metal legs that held it in place. "Make that twenty minutes."

It was a little quiet between the three for a moment before a musical sound started to make it's way into their ears. "KKZX? They're still on the air?" He stepped passed the two and went upstairs to a boarded up window. He peeked through it and saw outside. "Seems we have somebody else looking out for us!" He yelled. "They turned on a radio in a car. Some of them are breaking off to check it out. If we're fast, we can make it out of here before they realize what's going on! I used a window in the back of the library to enter, we can use it to make our escape!" He yelled, excited that he might just be finally doing some good.
Sorry for the wait on mine. Work and sleep schedules are being messed with.
*Addie walks around the corner and starts talking*

*Alex panics and pulls his rifle, firing in her direction and painting a perfect outline of her in the wall behind her*

*throws the gun at her. Misses like a pro*

*Tells her to shoo politely before throwing Matthew at her*
If anybody has issues with my post or with my writing, please don't hesitate to say so. I've been in 1v1s for the past year and I'm used to pushing things forward, gently moving things around, and trying to be as fluid as I can with my writing. That includes moving characters slightly to make things work.
"There has to be people in here...." Alex thought to himself as he opened an upper story window and stepped into the library. He had found a small access point in the back and left a distinguishable trail for others to make it in safely as well. The hallways were messy and stained with blood, a few rotting corpses lay on the carpet, dead from zombies cannibalizing them. He reached for his satchel and pulled out his baseball bat, white-knuckling it as he made his way down the hall. He was nervous and was breaking out into a cold sweat. There was a hefty gathering of zombies outside. They were attracted to somebody running into the library and shutting the door. Even now he could hear the beating of their shambled hands against the entrance, meaning he wasn't too far away from the door and, consequently, whomever shut it.

Making his way down the hall slowly, he checked every door and every passage way, but did not find much. Most of it was scavenged already, some of it was even cleaned up. It was like somebody had been making this place their hideout. To him, it seemed really smart to do so. The library was still mostly intact and even where he was on the second floor there were bookshelves of rare and knowledgeable books to be found. Looking around for a moment and seeing nothing, he took a deep breath and took off his gasmask, letting it hang by the straps around his neck. He looked over one of the bookshelves, seeing if he could find something to calm him down a little. He found it in a black and green covered book about the Halo series. "Ghosts of onyx.... He said to himself. He opened it up and found a random passage.

"For a split second, Lash couldn't think. He was all animal, fight or flight . . . with an overwhelming portion of his mind focused on the flight portion of that imperative."

"Yeah, that seems about right now adays." Alex mumbled to himself. He was a bit lost in good memories now, remembering just a couple months ago when he was actually at a lan party for Halo and enjoying himself for once. Everybody got drunk and went online, making fools of themselves and their K/D. He chuckled as he remembered his brother Sebastian locking himself away for eight hours the very next day to fix his K/D when he dropped rankings. He felt a lot of emotions well up as he remembered he and Alicia making love that night as well.

Another bang in the distance made him jump and reach for his rifle, but freezing when he realized that it was just the entrance again. He took a deep breath and slipped the book into his satchel, making his way for the entrance. He secured his gas mask over his face again and tread cautiously towards the entrance.

Stepping onto a balcony, he saw somebody down below shoving a table against the entrance, trying to keep it secure even as the zombies on the other side of the door threatened to overwhelm him and smash the door open. "Hey! Hold on, I'll be right down!" He yelled as he gripped onto the railing and vaulted over, dropping to the first floor. He immediately regretted this decision as he landed and felt searing pain shoot up both his legs. "Yeaaoow...bad idea. Not a badass." He mumbled, smacking his own head and running towards the survivor.

He was trying in vain to hold the door closed with the table, but he wasn't doing much. The Zombies were starting to push against the door hard to get in. The table he was using was a shoddy metal one that was simply propped up. "Hold the door as tight as you can." He told the kid as he flipped the table upside down. He used the pommel of his baseball bat to strike at the joints of the legs and snapped them two of them off. He slipped the thick metal legs between the metal handles of the door, giving it a lot more strength. He did the same with the other two and propped them up on either side of the door, using the rubber feet to hold them in place while the broken metal at the top of each leg dug into the wood of the door. He took one look at the bag strap and knew that it wasn't going to hold. He dashed away for a moment, taking a quick look around. He found a small lounge where a few chairs, reading material, and desks remained. Next to one of the chairs was a small basket with yarn in it. He picked up the yarn and ran back to the door, unraveling it as he did.

Coming up to the door, he undid the satchel and wrapped the legs and handles in yarn, tying them together as best as he could. When it was satisfactory, he tried to put the yarn in his teeth to snap it off, but it only served to hurt his jaw. Cursing, he reached to the end of one of the legs and used the sharpened end to break the line and tie it together.

Now, a little more secure, the pounding of the door was a little less severe but just as loud. It wasn't going to go away any time soon, but it was better than nothing. He backed up, panting and sweating a little. He wiped off the sweat and took off his mask. "Heh. Picked that up from the remains of an empty survivor den up on northside. Place was empty, but at least their tricks were passed on." He looked over to the survivor, whom was still just standing there. "Oh. Right. Are you alright? No scratches or bites I hope? Name's Alex." He extended a hand.

I highly recommend Etherpad over Titanpad. Ether is much more updated and is a little nicer in terms of formatting and easy collabing.

I will most likely not post today, even though I'm on Etherpad for discussion and shenanigans. I'm writing up a post for my primary RP and it's going to take several hours.

Plus, Corrin (*coughandidioticbayonettacough*) is coming out tonight for Smash 4 and I'm going to be having a small party to celebrate.
I'm just going with what you guys make up. I liked the library idea though.
Alex Callahan


Alternate nicknames
Dudly do diddly squat

Alex comes across as somebody that looks professional and like somebody whom knows how to use a gun. He is not.

"I'm a soldier...well, no. I was a militiaman for the city! Um...okay fine I was part of the neighborhood watch with my brothers and my girlfriend and we kept the gangs off of the streets. We never killed anybody, we just used rubber bullets...YES I'VE KILLED A FEW DOZEN ZOMBIES."

Before the outbreak, he was a member of his home street's neighborhood watch. He and his friends all took firearms classes together and shot at the range every day they could while also simultaneously keeping gangs out of their neighborhood. With crime ramping up every day, Alex and his friends were on edge in their four man and one woman war on the gangs of the world. But when the zombie infestation broke out and he watched his brother rip open his girlfriend's throat, things just spiraled downward from there. He tried hitting up various friends in the outskirts of the city, but most were dead or pretended he didn't exist.

Though at the time he had only a POS glock in hand, a few military soldiers that had succumbed to the zombies and, when Alex took them down, he found standard issue G3 rifles and more than enough ammunition to stuff into his pockets. He even found riot police armor and a gas mask as he was scavenging one night.

Weeks later however and he was already being mentally eradicated, having lost a lot of the humor in his eyes as he had to use both rifle and a baseball bat he filled with spikes to put down zombies where he can in a mostly vain attempt to help people. Many times he was far too late with those he was trying to help having died already or were already close to death when he finally got the zombies off of them. He tended to show up at the worst of times and has even been shot a few times because of it.

Now from the mid-city, he's trying to make his way towards the outskirts of town and help what little survivors are left. He hates killing with a vengeance but will do what he must at this point just to survive and try and make days a little brighter for the last remaining survivors.

An old, Leather satchel that belonged to his girlfriend. He keeps various bits of ammunition, food, and water inside but not much else. He tries to stay as light on his feet as he can.

A police issue Gas mask. Having found it on a riot officer, it, and the armor, give him that little bit of extra courage and hope for survival when they most likely don't do nearly as much as he hopes they do.

A gray Baseball bat with spikes hammered through it that he uses only when absolutely necessary. When not in use, he'll slip it under his satchel's flap in a makeshift sheath.

An old silver pocket watch that helps him retain his sanity.

A green flask with a golden symbol on the front. Current contents: Nearly full of Irish cream

Extra info
Face without his gas mask
Face without grime
Is he between 20 and 30? He looks awesome, don't get me wrong. But he also looks kind of older. xD @Vash

He's 29 actually. His hair tends to grow fast and the last three weeks has wracked the man's psychological state to no end. He'll appear quite a bit older than he actually is.

Posted. Don't be fooled by the overall look of his character. He's just a kid and he's been watching a lot of people die. He's grown a bit cold and now it's sort of a part of his appearance.
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