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    1. Verticus 7 yrs ago


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Current Terraria jungle jam hits differently
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Coney Island Chili Dog > Chicago Dog. Fuck you Chicago. Fuck you Baltimore.
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Boiled > Microwaved hot dogs
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I got a gun, no girls.
6 yrs ago
You're not proving me wrong. Alvin and the Chipmunks still == Nightcore Classic Rock


I'm just a man, I'm here to play roles. That's about it. If you want more, ask for more.

I don't bite.

Discord: Verticus#0823 Steam: Verticus Blizzard: Verticus#11125

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My name is Jacob Lone Star Nights and I'm here to tell y'all the cowboys are boutta cow tow these vlhaks

Lancer hit his airbrakes in order to force enough drag to shot backward past the missiles, and twisting his ailerons so that his plane was sideways. This maneuver turned the trajectory of the missiles in order to detonate on his fuselage, unfortunately for the missiles, they hit each other in front of Lancer's cockpit, where his trusty tomcat took no damage. The only real damage would be a bright light in front of him from the explosion. With a smirk beneath his helmet, he disabled his airbrakes, pushing forward the throttle, his twin engines would whine, before hitting into afterburn, on the ground below, that familiar heated-screech would sound off.

Lancer: "Next time pace your fucking battles in the soup. Angel-2 can handle herself, you white knighter."

Straightening out his plane so he wasn't viewing the world from the side anymore. Lancer took full control of his plane from there, flipping a few switches to knock off the auto stabilizers that kept hypoxia and vertigo from creeping in and ruining his flight, he flicked his nose toward the increasing size of a plane-chain of fighters, aiming toward the bogey tailing Angel-5, particularly the pilot's cockpit, he was going to plant a 20mm round right to the dome of the pilot trying to take down another Angel.

In the meantime, he decided to keep himself busy, broadcasting his intentions on the friendly channel.

Lancer: "I have a feeling I know who's leading this attack. All Angel callsigns prep for the real fight."

Lancer: "Switching channels. Ping me if you want me to hear something."

Lancer turned the dial on his transmitter with his free non-aiming hand, to an old Joint-Ops frequency he knew once upon a time.

Lancer: "Oi, you fucking queen-crotch-licking imps, I know you know when your frequencies are used."

He gave them time to be curious as to why there was a Vlhakian frequency being used in the area of operations. He knew they were busy and he wouldn't be rude and presumptuous that they weren't already on this frequency. After enough time, he spoke up again.

Lancer: "I know you hear me. I just wanted to tell you I'll be bringing you down myself, big guy."

Lancer: "I'm taking your black box and holding your whole fucking charade of a unit hostage internationally."

Lancer: "Then I'm coming for your royalty and sticking their crowns so far up their asses this attack will look like an even bigger joke."

Lancer took a look at the theater of war that was everything outside of his cockpit. It was time to kick this into gear. Already a bomber was downed, but we needed to rout them or take them all out. That was the plan. Take them all out. Angel-5 was his wingman now, from what he could understand over the radio. This was good. It would be good to show the Vlhak Lice exactly how welcome they are unnanounced in Antrea.

He had to make good use of his craft and his wingman's at the moment so that they could be as effective as they can while still in the air, and maybe even keep them in the air. He spoke on the Angel channel.

Lancer:"Keep on me Angel-5 and let's do our share."

Lancer:"Here is the plan. I'm going to lock the bomber. They're going to evade. When they go wide. You shoot their tail."

Lancer: "I'll Fox-Four the escorts, get them down. You down the bomber. If you rog, get ready."

Lancer began adjusting his targeting console in front of him, Fox-2 targeting pattern. He then changed his approach, pointing his nose right toward the trajectory of the closest bomber, flicking up the cover on the button specifically connected to his LRAAMs, the familiar beep of a lock-on began, hoping the bomber would try to get away from that lock-on.

However, his index finger was hovering over the Fox-Four, the 20mm trigger for when the escorts came to keep him from shooting down the bomber.

Moments before the raid begun, Captain Rose of the 450th was kicking back, sipping a cup of Antrean Earl Gray, reading the classifieds section of the military's newspaper, The Daily Republic. It was a day of simple protocol, flight checks, fuel checks, all easily done by talking to the aircraft maintenance personnel and copying what they said onto a status sheet. His day was, for the most part, smooth sailing from there. He set his cup down on the table he was reading at; however, the liquid within began to ripple as the cup began to shake. Something was up. Angel-1 was against low-flight training due to how easy it is to make a mistake and ruin the plane, or at the very least, the wing suspension.

That was beside the point, the cup was shaking because something was up, and Rose wanted to get to the bottom of it. He folded and set his paper down, stood, and went to the nearest window to peer in the direction of the tarmac. It was too late. It was a quick, strategic strike, but unidentified aircraft flying Vlhakian livery buzzed the airbase for onlookers in the base to witness. It was not just a simple buzz-by, it was a surgical attack. Plumes of flame and smoke burst into the sky from the initial aggressive, treatise-breaking assault. This was no time to panic, but it was exactly the time to kick the tires and light some fires.

Captain Rose ran from the chow hall to the armory to get his gear and go. Banging his hand against the keypad-locked locker that was his, he'd pop in his code, his sister's birthday, and grab his gear. Flight Vest. LOX pump. Comm Transmitter. Throat mic, and of course, his signature piece, his DAS-Tech helmet. Getting everything strapped on, fastened, and cleared, he'd open up a line to the 450th-Gravestone channel.

Lancer: "Angel-3, Captain Rose, checking in. Guess peace treaties mean nothing these days. Heading to my F-14 for Sortie and Defense."

A fresh beep let the folks listening in know he was done with the message as he was rushing himself to his hangar to kick their responsiveness back into high gear. The second he got to the side of his beauty, he hit a hardpoint to kick down the ladder and pop open the cockpit, climbing in, he'd start flipping switches, retracting his ladder, his cockpit sliding into place, electronics buzzing, soon the engine would kick on into prefire, everything would be in place for his take-off, except for the fact there were enemies in close proximity, the most dangerous time to take off. Balls be damned, swift payback was better than a stipend for doing nothing. Taxiing onto the adjacent runway, popping onto ATC-CASTLE comms.

Lancer: "Lancer taking to the skies. I better get a refund on my tea after this. A free smoke too. One for Jackson also."

Quick response was the best answer to show any aggressor that whatever they were doing wasn't going to be a steamroll of an operation. In fact, a quick response gives the defender a better chance to steamroll their opponent. Time to prove that.


Here is my CS GM bud Mr. Stank

This isnt starsiege
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