Avatar of Vilageidiotx
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4839 (1.25 / day)
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    1. Vilageidiotx 11 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current I RP for the ladies
7 yrs ago
#Diapergate #Hugs2018
7 yrs ago
I fucking love catfishing
7 yrs ago
Every time I insult a certain coworker, i'll take money from their jar. Saving for beer would never be easier!
7 yrs ago
The Jungle Book is good.


Most Recent Posts

You're not really doing anything until you overlay your avatar with the Paris Bowling Green flag.

In meme 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
this is the soundtrack to my 2017
Crusader Kings 2: Thank god he is five years old, it will make assassinating him so much easier.
<Snipped quote by scribz>
It looks like Stalin is drinking a glass of shit.

The name of that glass is ideology.
this is some classics radio type shit
Seriously, though, is this going to restart again? I'd like to add a few tributes next time.

We run them about once a month.
내 보지를 핥아 라. [Spambot.com] 내 거시기 빨아.
<Snipped quote by catchamber>Who is going to pay for it? I sure as hell will not pay for Californians to finally get a brain and build such shit. They must pay for it themselves. Like they should have years ago.

<Snipped quote by catchamber>As for farmbots, no. Put all those on welfare to work on farms. Instead of being useless leaches they can become productive members of society instead of insects.

<Snipped quote by catchamber>Nuclear is the best option for providing energy to infrastructures. As for algae fuels, better come out of a hose at a gas station, because I ain't touching algae. Corn is not fuel, only morons turn food into "fuel".

<Snipped quote by catchamber>If you can afford shelter you deserve shelter, if you can not afford shelter you deserve to be homeless. I will not provide shelter for those who are to pathetic to provide for themselves.

<Snipped quote by catchamber>See previous.

<Snipped quote by catchamber>Internet is a luxury, you do not deserve it. You do not need it. If you can afford it you can have it. Otherwise do without.

<Snipped quote by catchamber>Education should be in the private sector it is not the government's responsibility to make sure the people are not morons.

<Snipped quote by catchamber>Number one solution: elimination of the vast majority of the human race. There are to many and most are beyond useless.

<Snipped quote by catchamber>It is not a peaceful world. As for AI & nanotech I welcome my robotic overlords, I'll serve them faithfully in every regards no matter what. If they ask me to blow up a bus full of people, I'll ask how big of an explosion.

<Snipped quote by catchamber>I seriously doubt it.

Marx killed the Proletariat.
So what you are saying is that if everyone was a little more autistic shit wouldn't get done?
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