Avatar of Vilageidiotx
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    1. Vilageidiotx 11 yrs ago
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I fucking love catfishing
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Every time I insult a certain coworker, i'll take money from their jar. Saving for beer would never be easier!
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The Jungle Book is good.


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I'm more bothered by how you have that one guy who basically appointed a cabinet designed to destroy state departments.

I mean Reagan still fascinates me with how much shit he got away with (at least Nixon eventually got caught) but I do wonder, when you say worse do you mean like presidents who had competence to carry out their agenda effectively?

Hoover is sometimes given partial blame for his idealogical reaction to the beginning of the Great Depression. That depends on whether you are in the modern-econ "Hoover didn't intervene" camp instead of the classic liberal "FDR intervened too much" camp though.

Otherwise the question gets vague, because what a President's agenda is isn't always the same thing as their platform. Harding, for instance, is infamous for how corrupt his administration was. But the thing about corruption is, you can argue his agenda was doing corrupt shit, since that was what he was doing. If Trump ends up just being corrupt, but he gets away with it, then who failed? Trump, or the voters?

For pure incompetence, you can go as low as Buchanan. And yes, Trump is going to have to try extra fucking hard to be worse than Buchanan. That's the beauty of that guy. If a President out-fucks-up Buchanan, we aren't even going to be talking about the matter or making these comparisons, because we'll have more important things on our plate, like fighting off irradiated raiders and shit like that.

Personally, I think Trump will end up being a right wing Jimmy Carter. You know, somebody who has an ideologue fan base, but by the general population is considered something of a goofy fuck-up. And I mean Prez Carter, not the post-Prez Carter, who might have enough miracles under his belt for sainthood by now.

But, you know, fuck it. Who knows. It's all just idle talk at this point, since he is only thirty days in. He could be the next Reagan for all I know. I kind of doubted considering how frazzled his ideological situation is, but weirder things have happened.
Guys like big breasts, girls like big wallets.

Fact of life.


I actually like big wallets too. You put a big wallet on big breasts and I'm a happy motherfucker, realistically.
not mine. sorry.
I've always been crazy neutral about smoking. I just don't care. It was pretty normal when I was a kid, and all the old people smoked everywhere, so it doesn't make me angry, or even slightly annoyed. Honestly, the smell of someone hygienic smoking a cigarette is sorta nostalgic. (Though yeh, stale cigarette smoke is an awful smell. If you smoke, you better be eugenically obsessed.)

But to me, no matter what you think about health, the greatest argument against smoking is the fucking cost. I could never justify paying those prices. It's like people decided paying rent once wasn't enough in a month, so they opt to pay it twice. I've seen poor folk very regularly walk between businesses picking used cigarette butts out out of those ash-trays on trash cans because they can't afford the entire second rent thing. That's crazy as fuck to me.
Politics is distracting as fuck for me and I don't know how to limit its impact without going blind. I try just reading Associated Press or Reuters but always end up drifting to the more ideological media.

Limit your reading. If you aren't, like, active on the ground floor in anyway, involved with grassroots organization or whatever, then your constant attention doesn't really do anything. We're all peasants in this game. If it makes your feel better, Trump hasn't reached the finals for "Worst President" yet. We've had it way worse.

...and there isn't anything inherently wrong with reading ideological media. Centrism is an ideology in itself, you can't escape it. Just don't get addicted, or carried away, or stuck in some sort of black-and-white thinking where you think the other side is all evil idiots or some shit. I do think there is a difference between ideological media, which looks at news from a pre-set perspective, and fake news, which is tabloid bullshit. It gets confusing because most major news outlets dip into all three buckets.

What annoys the fuck out of me is when we start getting distracted by the stupid stuff. Like, "Oh no, the President is golfing." We hear that shit about every fucking President. It's pretty damned irrelevant. Or the thing about him staying at Mar-A-Lago. Like, that type of thing isn't weird either, but everyone freaks out. The Presidency isn't a station like a cash register. They can move around and still do President things.
smoke asbestos. the cough you get will age you like a fine beef.
And make @Dinh AaronMk pay for it.
I don't recall the Secret History of the Mongols even mentioning the Great Wall. It's been a while since I read it though.
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

China has a wall and almost no Mexicans, so I'd say they're the masters of preventing foreign invasion.

So all we need now is a Chinese architect.

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