Avatar of Vilageidiotx
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4839 (1.25 / day)
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    1. Vilageidiotx 11 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current I RP for the ladies
7 yrs ago
#Diapergate #Hugs2018
7 yrs ago
I fucking love catfishing
7 yrs ago
Every time I insult a certain coworker, i'll take money from their jar. Saving for beer would never be easier!
7 yrs ago
The Jungle Book is good.


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<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

Nigga if he gonna make the world crazier than PoW we may not have a games.

putin ain't going to nuke michigan, you got the ruins and poisoned landscape thing going for you already. worst comes to worst you'll be broadcasting hungry games to a dead world.
he gonna accelerate you updating hunger games?
i need to use the restroom
Depends: are we going full Bordiga, Lenin, Trotsky, Hoxha, or Stalin?

Full Pol Pot.
I'll pump a few events out then, before you start.

Are you still adding these to a saved game with previous events? I remember we talked about saving events up.

Non Fatal

(Player1) retrieves a rusty hoe.

(Player1) receives chlamydia from an unknown sponsor.

(Player1) asks (Player2) for spiritual guidance. (Player2) obliges (him/her1).

(Player1) becomes the leader of a group that includes (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4).

(Player1) weaves a very very large hat out of palm fronds.

(Player1) makes a sexual advance on (Player2) but is rejected.

(Player1) talks to an invisible camera thinking (he/she1) is on a reality show.

(Player1) spends an hour fixing (his/her1) hair using a crystal clear river as a mirror.

(Player1) has a catch phrase now. (He/She1) uses it whenever (he/she1) can.


(Player1) and (Player2) fight epically. (Player1) has the high ground, but (Player2) ignores this and is killed.

(Player1) is totally unprepared for wilderness survival and drowns in shallow water.

(Player1) tries to fight (Player2), but (Player2) has way better combat skills and easily dispatches (Player1).

(Player1) corners and disarms (Player2). (Player1) is so excited about (his/her1) impending victory that (he/she1) utters a one-liner that embarrasses both of them. Red-faced, (Player1) kills (Player2) quickly.

(Player1) runs from (Player2), but (Player2) is in much better shape and easily catches up to (Player1), killing (him/her1).
A Turnip

Dave Chapelle

And Narmer, the First Pharaoh who unified Upper and Lower Egypt

Non Fatal

(Player1) and (Player2) skinny dip together in the lake.

(Player1) punches (Player2). (Player2) runs away.

(Player1) drinks (his/her1) own urine.

(Player1) masturbates furiously while watching what just happened above.

(Player1) receives a ridiculously oversized battle-axe.


(Player1) dies of a disease that would have been prevented if (he/she1) had (his/her1) vaccinations up to date.

(Player1) skinny dips in a pool, but it turns out the pool is a fumarole and (he/she1) is boiled alive very quickly.

(Player1) catches the dancing plague and dances until (he/she1) dies from exhaustion.

(Player1) beheads (Player2) in one clean swoop of (his/her1) weapon.

(Player1) is struck in the skull by a meteor fragment, dying in what is basically just a freak accident.
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

You're giving up because you lost and you're a cuck.

I'd love to continue this stuff, but I'm working some hella overtime right now and I don't want to make my week WORK/EAT/SLEEP/DEBATE POLITICS ON THE INTERNET. Gonna have to cut it off here. Maybe it'll bubble up again when I have more time.
Jennifer Lawrence, Rick and Morty season 3, a blowup sex doll, and the Jews.
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