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<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

That's the second-saddest goddamn thing I ever heard.

I once heard that there is a "Mexican" restaurant in London that puts peas on their burritos.
jesus shit this thread became a mess. im not going to read it all because i'm not made out of spare time

Actually, it kind of does. When you remove a figure head like that via revolution, to replace it with a new government, you are taking the previous society apart and rebuilding it with the recycled bricks. This has been going on for ages, and is the reason we DON'T have kings right now. But you're comparing kings and business owners in the wrong way. Some kings did just live a privileged life, letting the church or advisers rule their country while they relaxed. Other kings made laws, managed the economy, discussed military strategy during times of war, etc.

And there were Kings who were actually quite good, and did a decent job, and society was better for them. And there are members of the capitalist elite that don't contribute anything but prior privilege. Remember that many people within the elite are not active managers, but simply investors, who's only contribution is that they have money to invest. I have a hard time swallowing the idea that privileged gambling is the ideal format for a civilization.

Someone will always step up and take charge, because there's no way everyone can control the economy at once. Everyone needs a representative, who will look like the leader and, like it or not, that person will have more power over the economy at that point onward. That's how I view it, anyways.

When I say democratic, I don't mean that literally everything is voted on all the time. I mean that power within a civilization is invested in the people directly, even if that means they appoint managers. The system we have now invests the people in a parallel way, but holds them at arm's length. It is better that the strict nature of feudalism, but it still wastes human energy through the corruption and class-defensive nature of the rich.

This is a gripe I have with talking about the current state of things, and talking about politics and the economy. A lot of people seem to think that the US is currently undergoing its demise- we're on our deathbed, even though we have been chugging along fine for years. Our death won't happen because of our current economic system, and it wouldn't happen if we were communist, or socialist, or lived in a dictatorship. Our death would happen when we tried to change all of that, because switching our economic ideology will make us very weak, as we're suddenly getting rid of people that make a lot of money they use to fund the government.

We're not on our deathbed, but we are ticking off some uncomfortable boxes when it comes to the development of civilization. We've got stagnation in the working classes, a gap between rich and poor that is rising rapidly, political upheaval, and an upcoming automation revolution that will likely mirror the economic uncertainty of the industrial revolution. That's a lot of shit on our plate. Considering how many civilizations have stories of turmoil that start with "...and then the rich took all the wealth and the poor got mad", I am very concerned.

Now let me clear one thing up though - I don't think it's Fallout time. That's possible, since global turmoil can do that sort of thing, but I don't think it's automatically to be expected. An American Caesar is just as plausible though (That was my main concern with Trump, but he's turned out to be more of an America child king, so Trump is no longer on my danger radar tbh). What I'm saying is we are heading for a civilization defining moment, and that moment will most likely be a negative one.

I think everything's going to be fine, for at least another 100 years.

I really really hope so. Like, seriously, I'm not in this shit for Neetbux, I'm willing to put in my forty hours at the salt mines. But I want to know that the salt mines will be there all my life, and that my forty hours there will pay my way. And I just don't have faith in any of that. This is not an unusual feeling amongst people of my social class in my experience, regardless of age or political persuasion. It's that angst, I think, that got Trump elected. Also that angst that made Bernie popular. Extremism isn't rising in America because of the media, or something in the water. Extremism is on the rise because of this growing economic angst. And economic angst, historically speaking, is a major powder keg.


They gonna give the northern part of the country to Germany as lebensraum?
Are you truly under the impression that everyone in the upper management of every company on Earth spends the work day diddling their asshole?

Yes. Kings have job descriptions too, but when you get rid of them society doesn't fall apart.

My views on Communism are rather basic, I suppose. I see Communism as a method of purging unnecessary people and bureaucracy in the means of production of all goods. Basically, Communism to me means abolishing anyone who is not necessary for the production of whatever the company produces, or abolishing businesses or organizations that are not necessary to the industry they are involved in.

That's Utopian. The purpose is to take all of the thing Nexerus says we need a landed aristocracy for and democratizing it. Which is to say the Bureaucracy doesn't disappear, since it is part of the production process.

I like looking at people who talk about Communism, because they always present the """""true""""" form of Communism that is always different from how Communism really is.

Communism in itself is not something that can work on its own. It always has to be shifted to be something else for it to work in every Communists' eyes. It's come to the point that everyone who is a """""Communist""""" is actually just someone who follows a different ideology loosely based on communism.

Marxism/Leninism doesn't work because it is predicated on the belief that democracy doesn't work, and once you've made that decision than you have decided that the people cannot rule themselves, which defeats the purpose of trying to put the people in charge of the economy.

I personally believe that aristocrats throughout history have been frauds. I think the historical pattern where aristocrats continue to leach power from their civilization until they take too much and their civilization stagnates and either goes through revolution, collapses, or becomes undefendable, is telling. I think the United States is currently entering that stagnation process.

My main beef with the far left is the sectarian nature of it. I think most of those beliefs are endangered because they are always too worried about the rules, like someone holding up the game to read the rulebook until everyone gets annoyed.

I also think the far left throughout history usually fails. Aristocrats are frauds, but they are really good frauds. So if I had to put money on it, I wouldn't bet that the left will win and we'll enter some Star Trek future, rather I'd bet that our civilization is going to stagnate and fall apart. What that'll look like in the modern world is hard to tell. I'm just reaaallly hoping that it waits until I die before any of the really hairy shit happens. Let me be the last generation of the waning civilization, not the first generation of the First Intermediate Period of the Anglo-Saxon civilization.
With this, you're either a racist or a sexist, there's really no way to win here.

This thread is too racy and sexy.
Trump was mostly memeable because of his silly public persona. Le Pen seems more like the serious doomsday right-winger a la Ted Cruz.
It was weird watching an election go as predicted again. Was half expecting some retarded shit to happen at the end, like "An undead Philippe Pétain wins in a stunning upset for the political right"

wrong doggo, i'm this one.

In happy 420 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
are you blazing it yet?
Holy shit we just told the story of the great patriotic war in four gifs
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