Avatar of Vilageidiotx
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    1. Vilageidiotx 10 yrs ago
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Current I RP for the ladies
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#Diapergate #Hugs2018
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I fucking love catfishing
7 yrs ago
Every time I insult a certain coworker, i'll take money from their jar. Saving for beer would never be easier!
7 yrs ago
The Jungle Book is good.


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<Snipped quote by HeySeuss>

Don't worry, you'll love my mash-up fan fiction, Hitler Shrugged.

Also, I recommend Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut.

Or Rand McNally's debut into the German Market, Mein Atlas

I need to read Gilgamesh again for a writing project. Perhaps that could be tossed in the suggestions pile?
Well these weekend, aside from getting sick and learning my cable company again, lied and failed to do anything but piss me off. I got to see Guardians Of The Galaxy 2. I was not really looking forward to it, because I hadn't watched the entire first one yet and people hyped it so much, I had some doubt that it was going to be that good. Plus, I usually don't find comedies very funny.

So...yeah, the movie was fantastic. Best special effects of all the marvel movies, basically every joke worked and was quite funny. Cracked up several times and the musical choices were interesting and wasn't a moment of boredom. (aside from maybe waiting for the FIVE after credit scenes.) The emotional beats actually worked and made me emotional. My family and brother liked it more than the first one and said it was basically better in every way. So, I'd highly recommend it.

Hopefully my sickness goes away quickly, it annoys me I can't take advantage that it's not raining today and go outside. Because I feel like this. (and it's probably not smart to go out anyway.) >.<

I got dragged to see Guardians of the Galaxy back when it came out despite me being completely convinced that the superhero genre is played by now.

Gotta say, that one is pretty good. It didn't feel so generic like all the other ones. It has personality, which is needed for a movie. I'd be up to see the second one tbh.
The point of an open discussion, in my mind, is to discuss things no matter one’s disposition going into them. The process you describe feels to me as exclusionary and seems counterproductive in my view when it comes to approaching discussion. In similar clubs (album discussion, etc.) there has never been option to veto for just this reason. People want to discuss a piece. One does not really want to participate in a group if they are excluded. If this is the system you want to prescribe to, that’s ultimately your decision but my interest in participating is definitely reduced if that is the case.

Isn't the point of a discussion group/club approaching works you might not be interested in or dislike?

If our opinions here in this discussion thread are on how we want to proceed I am a hard ‘no’ on any vetoing/voting system.

<Snipped quote by HeySeuss>

While I might be tentatively interested in a book club, having a "veto" option is severely unappealing. Honestly, in all book clubs I've been apart of, the whole thing was about finding new books and partaking in conversations and debates about that book. A veto option erased the former. and quite frankly, it takes away the "don't judge a book by its cover" simply because one doesn't like the reputation of said book.

Also, how do you know that people won't like the books that you dislike? I can tell you right now that I've disliked a lot of things that people have told me are great and vice-versa(me liking something that they don't). So, honestly, that's another reason why the 'veto' option isn't a good one.

Whereas I understand where you guys are coming from, a face to face book club involves more personal investment than what we would do here, and as a result too much controversy is more likely to cause this project to fracture.

Perhaps a veto with the caveat that the pro-thatbook side having the opportunity to plead the case of their book would be a workable solution?
I'll role with it.
keep up the post engagement guys we're almost facebook now O:

it didn't work, we became myspace instead.
@Cynder Yeah but you know where that's gonna lead. First there's gonna be coconut rationing, then coconut lines, then coconut famine ;-P We'd be better off just making our own section of the island and making/growing things to trade for the coconuts.

Sounds good until coconut financiers crash the coconut market and everyone loses their jobs making huts and lashing rafts.
You have about 30 days to get out of Canada, or settle it. There's 5 days worth of full meals from the America you were on, and an unexplored forest which could have much more. You must determine who will be the leader, who will be in charge of scavenging, who will build, and who will map Canada OR find a way to get help.
<Snipped quote by Kratesis>

Fixed this for you.

are they hanging themselves using some sort of counterweight system where one jumps and the other one goes down?
@Awson, don't worry, i give you permission to drink things other than bleach. Get one of those cheap juice bottles they sell in Mexican grocery stores.

Read it.

Not the bread book?

But seriously, I would be down for it when I get back to normal hours.
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