Cairomaru said
Thinking on it now... i still need to get borderlands 2...
Yes you do. It's awesome. And I still need to beat it again so I can play the DLC.
Cairomaru said
Thinking on it now... i still need to get borderlands 2...
WittyReference said
I do actually. I've even played it a bit :p I stopped sometime right before Brick was reintroduced as he was the only character I played in the first one and couldn't stand to see if he gets killed off.
WittyReference said
Well, I picked up GTA V again. Volt, I got your request but didn't want to accept it at that time and send the wrong message; all I really did was spend 45 minutes chasing homeless people and climbing buildings :p
Captain Jenno said
There's nothing that's more fun than thundering down the edges of a gorge on horseback, taking potshots at an enemy doing the exact same on the other side as you both rush to reach the bridge first.Also, sometimes bears attack and it's hilarious.
Dervish said
If you do, I'm trying to co-op beat it on Hard. I also have Fall of Cybertron, which is goddamn stellar. Gonna get to your post in a bit!
WittyReference said
I finally got around to making that list. Here are all the multiplayer 360 games in the house and, coincidentally, a list of all the games I've not played and so at which I am inherently terrible :DConsole: Xbox 360GamerTag: DiabeticMeerkatGames (in no particular order):Battlefield 4Black Ops 2AC: BrotherhoodGTAVRDRGears of War 3ME3MW3War for CybertronBrink :p
Cairomaru said
Maybe some of us enjoy reeking bedlam boss >_>....however now i have the urge to play RDR....
Dervish said
You, sir, don't know the joys of a tense, methodical Western shootout. It's less chaotic and more skill based.