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    1. Voraikuss 11 yrs ago


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"When you was alive? You mean you're-" she started to ask, before noticing Tsurara looking at her sides and back.
"Um...why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, half-amused and half-self-conscious.
"That's a nice name." Nina complimented. She then looked at the frozen lemonade
and tried to stop herself from laughing. "So, what made you want to work here?"
Nina asked, while eating some more of the curry.
"A Snow Woman...? Never heard of one." She said, after the woman had come
back from the kitchen. "Oh, and my name's Nina by the way." she told the
waitress, before stuffing some curry into her mouth. "I'm a Shape Shifter."
she added, after swallowing the curry. "So, what's your name?" she asked,
Nina looked at the table and then at the waitress, looking rather surprised.
"Wow...you...table...frozen." She said, not being able to get her words out
properly. She then got over her surprise and became instantly interested. "You can
breathe ice...? That's so cool!"
she said, forgetting about the frozen food for
the moment.
"Thanks! I've been looking forward to tasting this." she smiled happily, tasting a
mouthful of the food. "This is great!" she commented after swallowing the mouthful.
"Give my compliments to the chef." She smiled, before taking a sip of her lemonade.
The lemonade was extremely cold, but it was tasty and refreshing.
BK201 said
"Hhmm... ithink...oh! the rice with curry is really good!" She said with a smile, "Its really taty, but becareful, sometimes it can be really spicy"

"Sounds great! One rice with curry, please. Oh, and a lemonade to drink, thanks." She said, smiling back at her.
Nina looked up from the menu and said, "It's really hard to choose. Everything looks so
good. Haha."
She then smiled at the waitress. "What do you recommend?" She asked.
Nina headed towards the city. Should be somewhere good to eat here... she thought.
After a few minutes of wandering around the city, she had eventually found
somewhere. This place looks like it'd do good food. she commented. She
entered the resteraunt and someone took her to sit down. She then started to
look at what the menu had to offer.
Nina was in the park, in cat form, and was constantly dozing off. She was hiding in
a leafy tree, so that she wouldn't be disturbed. It wasn't long before she started to
feel hungry though. Might as well get something to eat... She thought to herself.
She then yawned and stretched, trying to wake herself up.

She was going to hunt for some prey in cat form, but there were too many people and
dogs around scaring everything off. She hissed silently to herself and then decided
to change into human form to buy something to eat instead. The small pink cat
quietly climbed down the tree and then shifted into human form. She then walked
through the park, thinking about what she could eat.
Name: Nina.
Nickname: None.
Age: 16.
Species: Shape shifter.
Crush: None.
Relationship: None.
Personality: Usually friendly, but can be shy around large groups of people.
Likes to eat and take naps often.
History: Nothing of interest...
Other: She has the ability to shape shift into any animal she's seen before, though
every form is pink with blue eyes. In animal form, she speaks to humans using
telepathy instead of actually talking...

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