Nova watched with awe as the next fireball disintegrated before her very eyes, a feat she guessed had to take a lot of energy. Not wanting the man to tire himself out so early on in the game, Nova released the tie that held her scythe to her body and stepped forward. By twisting her body, Nova was able to compensate for wind resistance as she turned the blade vertical (rather than the usual horizontal for slicing). Acting much like a fan, she could not make the flames disappear like Olivier had but instead watched as the fireball dispersed around them, the heat still reaching out like fingers to brush her skin in passing.
She stood poised, ready to defend against another attack while Olivier called out to the Wielder responsible for the blue flames. The last thing she wanted was for someone to get hurt, it was just a simulation to weed out those who weren't strong enough for the mercenary life. By this point she had located the source of the attack, the fireballs belonging to a boy in a tree. He appeared to be a few years younger than herself, but proving to be much more dangerous with his wielding. "I was kind of hoping it was another trick by that Mind Wielder." She sighed with a shrug, ignoring the man Olivier seemed to recognize. If Olivier knew the man and didn't attack, she figured the Wielder wasn't much of a threat to them at the moment. Instead she turned her attention to focusing on the Fire Wielder and predicting where his next attack would spout from. An excited laugh filled the air, a determined grin plastered to the Space Wielder's face. "Now this reminds me of home." She said, referring to the sparring matches she often had with her father before he was sent away to fight.
So focused on trying to feel out the fire, Nova almost missed the ant swarm that appeared just beyond her target. "Seriously?!" She groaned, unsure of what to do. Nova wasn't equipped with anything that could be considered useful against a swarm of bugs, her scythe was too large and her wielding to elementary. At best she could force them back for a few moments, but recovery in a swarm would be too fast for her attempts to matter. Before Nova could figure out how to handle the creatures, the man in the tree attacked again, this time purposely dispersing the flame in order to cover more ground. Finding herself encircled by flame, Nova spun so that she was back to back with the Dark Wielder. "Now this reminds me of home." She grinned, referring to the sparring matches she often had with her father before he was sent away to fight.