Kasari shivered as she felt the edge of Zaerna's horn brush past her head, one of the most intimidating features of the Drakken aside from their size. She lowered her head as the woman responded to her thoughts, the comment having been taken the wrong way by the woman now in charge of her life.
"I apologize, I didn't mean anything by it. It's just that I was always taught that Drakken enjoyed fighting, especially with each other. I was mistaken to assume." The young girl began chewing on her bottom lip, terrified that she might have upset the female Drakken like Sophia had.
She listened intently to the rest of Zaerna's speech entailing her victories in the south. It was strange to hear such stories, being from such a peaceful nation herself, but it made sense to her that the Gems would pick such a race to defend them over the others. Anyone else would be annihalated by these beasts, then where would they be. What interested her more than the war story, however, was the images in which Zaerna motioned her respect to. She recognized them as being the deities the Drakkens worshipped, however she knew nothing about them. Kasari made a mental note to inquire about them later.
Despite being herded by the female Drakken, Kasari had no troubles keeping up with the woman's pace, stepping lightly now that she had a better idea of what they were in for. It sounded like a lot of hard work, especially when considering it was for the rest of their lives, but the notion that she'd be a housemaid didn't frighten her as much as the thought of being a brute's sexual plaything.
Eventually Zaerna ushered the Gem girls out the cool building and into the uncomfortable heat. Kasari was fairly impressed by the carriage, built sturdier and of finer materials than the one they had originally brought her in. She groaned internally when she spotted the cage attached to the back, expecting to spend the rest of her trip inside. Much to her surprise, however, Zaerna only threw Sophia inside before locking the door behind her. Thoroughly confused by this, Kasari followed behind Zaerna in a daze, climbing into the vehicle and sitting awkwardly as Zaerna climbed in next to her. She felt bad that she was the only Gem sitting in the comfortable carriage, but at the same time she didn't envy the position Sophia had put herself in.
"Is it alright for me to drink this, Lady Throt'oll?" She asked the female Drakken, eyes flickering sympathetically to Sophia in the cage before returning to the drinks Zaerna had poured. Her uncertainty abou the drink was quickly lost, however, as she took the opportunity to ask her questions.
"Oh, Mistriss Throt'oll." Kasari started, doing her best not to trip over the foreign name.
"Do you have household deities? One god that you choose to worship over the others or is it distributed between them all?"@Orior@MarsAdept