Slight bit of depression setting in... I apologize if things are taking longer than usual. Just trying to assure the same level of quality in my posts to you guys.
7 yrs ago
Slight bit of depression setting in... I apologize if things are taking longer than usual. Just trying to assure the same level of quality in my posts to you guys.
7 yrs ago
*Has the sudden urge to come back to the Guild*.... *Guild is down*.... WHYYYYYYYY?!?!?! *Literally the story of my life lol*
8 yrs ago
One of these days I will learn to not input my opinions where they are not wanted on social media.... TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY. >.<
8 yrs ago
2 1/2 hours in and I'm already done with the new year. T.T
Please feel free to ask any questions, I'll answer them as quickly as I can.
I trust nobody needs a run down of the general rules? I'm still deciding if there is anything I'd like to add but for the moment the only rules are the obvious ones.
Please post your completed CS's here and then wait for approval before posting them in the Character Tab. Please and Thank you. ^.^
The year is 2015 but life inside Teneber feels more like the 90's when it comes to technology. It's the start of the new year but the weather is no different than any other time of the year; settled under a light layer of frost and mildly overcast. Fashion is fairly diverse, and only a couple of years (rather than decades) behind the rest of the world. It's not a particularly large town having a population of about six thousand people, but its comfortable to live in. The entire town is surrounded by trees and lays at the foot of a decently sized hill. Atop that hill is the old Mostro Manor, "deserted" for centuries but rumored to be haunted. The forest surrounding the town holds a gruesome reputation, being the site of salem witch trials and other such tragedies. Because of this reputation, expansion of the town is slow and not many outside visitors wander in. Even the residents of Teneber are wary of the forest at night.
All share the title of vampire despite blood purity. Differences between aren't as major as one would assume but here is a list of the various similiarties and differences between them.
Pure Bloods are "allergic" to sunlight, exposure resulting in rashes and severe burns reminescent of chemical burns. Continued exposure can be fatal. Turned vampires only suffer from light sensitivity. ~
All vampires survive on a human blood diet, however those who've been turned can continue to consume meat for the first year of their new "life". ~
No vampire is immortal. Pure Bloods and turned humans alike can both be killed, however their natural lifespans are currently unknown. ~
Turned humans can be just as fast and strong as pure bloods with enough practice, however pure bloods are naturally better with "psychic abilites". These abilities include compulsion and illusions. One ability unique to pure bloods is their bonds with those that they turn. They have a natural sway over the humans they've turned as well as the ability to gaze through their eyes at any given point. ~
The whole turning into a bat thing... Partially true. Each vampire has their own animal that they can transform into with practice. For some reason the animal is always black and shares the same eye color as the vampire. ~
Vampires are sterile. False, they can have children though they are born much weaker than the average human baby. Born fangless, they don't develope blood lust until their teen years. Until they feed for the first time, they are susceptable to illnesses that can kill them before they mature.
Character Sheet
{Insert Image Here} Name: Age: {16-19 acceptable} Gender: Personality: Bio: {Just a short explanation of the home situation, family, friends, ect...} ~ Animal Form: {Image if you'd like} Psychic Strength: {One ability will be stronger than the other. Is it compulsion or illusion?} Other: {Anything I've missed that you would like to add: Relation to other characters, pets, hobbies...}
"Visit" Order:
Jolyne Thawne Joseph Thawne Shani Halabi Lizzy Fallix Jick Scott-Wilson Findle Loki SacĂ-PererĂȘ Victoria West Austin Xavier Jones Riley Fitzgerald ^^List to be edited as more characters arrive.
Yes. A few unexpected events have prevents me from finishing the CS and list of information I want you guys to have. I hope to have this finished up and posted by tonight. Sorry for the delay.
Wow, interest in one of my ideas? ^.^ Hahaha, if I can get two or three more people interested in this we can move to an OOC thread for character creation.