Avatar of WeepingLiberty
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: WeepingLiberty
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2106 (0.52 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. WeepingLiberty 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Slight bit of depression setting in... I apologize if things are taking longer than usual. Just trying to assure the same level of quality in my posts to you guys.
7 yrs ago
*Has the sudden urge to come back to the Guild*.... *Guild is down*.... WHYYYYYYYY?!?!?! *Literally the story of my life lol*
8 yrs ago
One of these days I will learn to not input my opinions where they are not wanted on social media.... TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY. >.<
1 like
8 yrs ago
2 1/2 hours in and I'm already done with the new year. T.T
8 yrs ago
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Most Recent Posts

Mid-bite Jadaria froze, the name Dorian had spoken ringing in her ears like a bell. "Well that certainly isn't a name you hear often. My apologies for the mistake, I'll commit that to memory." She had been so sure he was of Hades' Cabin, his aura screamed Underworld... Unfortunately the Underworld was primarily associated with Hades, a misconception as she had just learned. "I didn't think he was the type to go out often, lucky for you he did hmm?" Plucking the last of her bacon from her plate, she pushed the dish aside to rest her elbows on the table. "Sorry, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Jadaria Brookes of Artemis Cabin, both Hunter and Daughter to Artemis." Leaning in closer to Dorian she lowered her voice, eyes scanning the tables around them. "Can I ask you an odd question? Have you noticed anything off about camp since you've arrived? A bad feeling in the pit of your stomach or an unshakable chill in places you feel the most at home?" If Jadaria had to describe the feeling she would have said it resembled the air just before a storm, heavy with the potential for destruction. Just thinking about it was enough to send a shiver down her spine. Her original reason for picking Dorian out was just the look he had in his eyes, but that coupled with the assumption he was a child of Hades. Hades wasn't known for his discretion and distance with his children, but Dorian was a child of Thanatos, a being she was mostly unfamiliar with. Asking her questions was a stab in the dark, but she figured she would try anyway.

@King Kindred
@lady horatio

Well then, I officially welcome you to The Guild. ^.^ Please, join us. I believe there is still room for you and your character.

That's much better, thank you so much. Mr. Arrowsmith is accepted.

@WeepingLibertyOK, I moved it over. do you have an idea of when we will start?

At this time I do not, I'm sorry. I hope for it to be soon, this weekend if at all possible. Right now I'm about to go through all accepted guardians again and start assigning teams to them. Once that is finished I should have a better idea of when we can start.

Lol, Arrowsmith. As much as I love him, I have an issue with the ability. It sounds more technology driven than anything, which I'd like to steer away from for the guardians. I apologize for the inconvenience but can I get you to change it?


You're always welcome Jinxer. ^.^


Much better, thank you. You're good to go.

@Perfidious Mars

Sorry to hear that and thanks for letting me know.
@King Kindred

Sorry about the delay. Got caught up with some things with the family.
Jadaria returned to the main part of camp from the forest, skin dripping with sweat and her chest heaving for air. So early in the morning and she had already tired herself out, not that it would last long but it was certainly unusual for her. Being back within the camp didn't ease her mind any more than the vigorous run had, something felt off to her and it killed her not to know what it was. Sighing heavily, Jade jogged back to her own cabin for a change of clothes and a shower. Hair still dripping wet, she walked to the pavilion where the majority of camper were at, eating their breakfasts and chatting away merrily. Not a care in the world, or at least no one seemed particularly bothered by anything. That was until she laid eyes on a certain son of Hades, Dorian if she remembered correctly. She didn't know much about the guy only that he was younger than her and seemed to prefer his own company. Looking at him she could tell that something was on his mind, maybe not bothering him per say but there was a look in his eyes that screamed secret. Grabbing her food Jade slid into a chair across from Dorian, sinking her teeth into her bacon while staring at the kid curiously.

"Dorian right? You're one of Hades' kids, I hear interesting things about him." For someone with such a light voice Jade's eyes were incredibly sharp, latched onto the guy as if he were one of her hunting targets. Barely blinking, she didn't even turn her gaze away to pick up another slice of bacon; a food she was quite fond of.

@King Kindred
Anyone up for some interaction? This got a little quiet.

Both of my characters are free.

Since Remipa is back we can finish our battle properly! But Jade is free, I'll pull something together and post it in a bit.
Saw this as I was heading to bed. I'll bring my charry over in the morning.
Just posted my characters to the Character Tab if you'd like to have a look. I'm double checking the weapons links now so please bear with me.

If your character has been accepted you are welcome to move them over to the tab at any time. ^.^ I'll start forming teams soon, but until I have all Character Sheets what I post will probably change around a little.

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