Avatar of WeepingLiberty
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: WeepingLiberty
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2106 (0.52 / day)
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    1. WeepingLiberty 11 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Slight bit of depression setting in... I apologize if things are taking longer than usual. Just trying to assure the same level of quality in my posts to you guys.
7 yrs ago
*Has the sudden urge to come back to the Guild*.... *Guild is down*.... WHYYYYYYYY?!?!?! *Literally the story of my life lol*
8 yrs ago
One of these days I will learn to not input my opinions where they are not wanted on social media.... TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY. >.<
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8 yrs ago
2 1/2 hours in and I'm already done with the new year. T.T
8 yrs ago
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Actually... Would anyone like to be related to crazy Azilon if he's accepted? He's great at parties.... When he shows up that is. XD
@my Lalia

XD Who knows? He very well might be, considering his entire life is shrouded in mystery. Lol
((BTW, wings not included with this model. XD At least not naturally.))

Azilon “The Wraith” Dantanath



Water and Air


Azilon isn’t what you’d call a typical Drakken warrior. His love for war and battle is present but it is the way he prefers to go about it that differs so greatly. He earned his title of “The Wraith” in one of many battles with the restless south, his name infamous amongst those present at the time. Rumors spread of a warrior who strayed from the main force to terrorize a small village a little out of their ways. When the force finally found him, he was surrounded by the bodies of the villagers who had apparently attacked each other or committed suicide. Not much is actually known about the man aside from rumors and speculation, even his face is a mystery as he doesn’t show it very often.

According to said speculation Azilon’s patron god is Krenta, and it is unknown whether he prays to any other god. What is known about the man, however, is that he has never once shown up to a Gem Reaping… Not that he hasn’t earned a bride, but it has been assumed he was uninterested at the time. But as the winds shift towards war, it seems Azilon’s days in the shadows might come to a brief end.

He has no wives yet, but enough slaves to keep his home comfortable. He makes his home in the Svartálfar Forest, the darkest region in the Drakken homeland, and forces his household to pray to one or both of two gods: Krenta or Norric.

@my Lalia
Will do after my doctor who episode. ^.^
@my Lalia

Kinda in the mood to play a Drakken now. May I?
If by alive, you mean undead, heartless zombie.... Then yeah. I'm alive. ^.^
I'm so happy we have activity on this again!!! ^0^
Lol, to all the Gems: https://youtu.be/cFrwi9Mje7E
Kasari Liesma

Bride to Torin; Sister bride to Raya

Kasari had spent most of the night pacing around the main room, shifting her attention between the décor and the fireplace. Every time it looked about ready to die, she would breathe new life into it, smiling as she felt its warmth kiss her skin. The draft was equally powerful, however, not warming the space for long before the heat was stolen away. This didn't deter her though, and she kept up with the activity until she noted the lightening of the sky. Still too anxious to sleep, Kasari let herself out onto the balcony to watch the sun rise. She sat perched on the barrier between solid floor and empty space, a fall that would kill instantly. It was there she remained, swinging her feet over the void, until she heard her husband stir in the room behind her.

Once everyone had awoken and things had been packed away the group made their way out of the dreadful building and into a carriage, finally on their way "home". As soon as the carriage was on the move, Kasari felt fatigue set in, struggling to remain awake as Torin explained what was expected of them as well as what to expect when they arrived. Eventually Kasari could no longer remain conscious and drifted into slumber, head rested against the wall beside her. She managed to sleep solidly until they reached the city, voices pulling her from her slumber and back to reality as they called out to the lord and his sister. Groggily she wiped the sleep from her eyes and covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she yawned silently.

As they rolled through the town she marveled at the architecture, impressed by its apparent age and immaculate upkeep. She hated to admit it, but she had ended up in a beautiful place. Even the people seemed to be sociable, and she ended up wondering to herself if she'd ever have the chance to wander among them. She was jarred from her thoughts as the carriage came to a stop, depositing the group before the crowd. Waiting silently as the elderly woman pled her case to Torin, watching with anticipation for his reaction. It would have been a lie to say she wasn't surprised by the outcome, feeling that something was off with his agreement as they finally made their way inside. As she suspected, the kid was quickly handed off to a guard to be taken to an unknown art of the large estate. She doubted she would ever see the boy's face again.

Her attention was recalled as Torin addressed her and her sister wife, calling forth two women who would be their personal servants. She shivered at the thought, weird to be waited on instead of taking care of herself. Nodding her understanding to her husband, she waited respectfully for him to leave before following Lissa and Arealle to the wing of the castle they'd be living in. Their rooms were beautiful, much prettier than she had ever imagined existing in the Drakken country. She hoped other brides from her Reaping had made it to good homes as well, shuddering at the thought of them chained up in dungeons. Pushing the negative thoughts from her mind, Kasari hopped into the bath with a grateful sigh. Taking her time, she soaked for quite a while, not emerging until all the muscle aches from travel had dissipated. Once she had emerged she made her way to the wardrobe, trying to figure out what she wanted to wear. After a few minutes of deliberation, she decided to dress lightly and pulled a few articles from the wardrobe. She wrapped the securely around her bust, folding expertly so it would not shift but was also fashionable. Then she slid on a short wrap around skirt that hugged her body tightly, the translucent train billowing out behind her. Pleased with her flame colored outfit, Kasari fixed a ruby broche to the front of her top and wrapped a thin, translucent cloth around it into a decorative shoulder piece that ran up around her neck before being allowed to hang down her back. She did little with her hair but pulled the front back neatly, allowing the bulk to hand free but keeping it out of her face. Satisfied with her appearance, Kasari exited the room curiously.

@Raxacoricofallapatorius@my Lalia
Woohoo, ill write tonight as well!
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