Kasari ("Ari") Liesma
Bio:Full of life and brimming with energy, Kasari's family is known for their bolder than average personalities and the fire behind their eyes. A lively bunch, Kasari grew up surrounded by love and laughter, a sentiment readily spread to their neighbors and community. For the most part they were able to keep themselves in check, however the Liesma family could be too bold for their own good and had pulled the suspicion of a few Drakken passing through on more than one occasion. Kasari herself could be found working alongside her father and elder brother as an equal despite the strenuous tasks Gemminites of the fire element were allotted. This being said, she was just as graceful as she was powerful when it came to the art of dance. Once a year, the community would gather to pray to their patron god of Fire usually moving carefully so as not to draw too much attention from Drakken scouts. It was at the most recent of these gatherings that a Drakken scout happened across the scene, liking what he saw and deciding that Kasari would make a perfect Bride for the next Reaping. Mere days after they came for her, tearing her kicking and screaming from her equally distraught family.
Other:Kasari is quite attached to a pet lizard she had found in the garden as a child. His name is Leo.

((BTW, wings not included with this model. XD At least not naturally grown.))
Azilon “The Wraith” Dantanath
Element(s):Water and Air
Bio:Azilon isn’t what you’d call a typical Drakken warrior. His love for war and battle is present but it is the way he prefers to go about it that differs so greatly. He earned his title of “The Wraith” in one of many battles with the restless south, his name infamous amongst those present at the time.
Rumors spread of a warrior who strayed from the main force to terrorize a small village a little out of their ways. When the force finally found him, he was surrounded by the bodies of the villagers who had apparently attacked each other or committed suicide. Not much is actually known about the man aside from rumors and speculation, even his face is a mystery as he doesn’t show it very often even amongst fellow warriors.
According to said speculation Azilon’s patron god is Krenta, and it is unknown whether he prays to any other god. What is known about the man, however, is that he has never once shown up to a Gem Reaping… Not that he hasn’t earned a bride, but it has been assumed he was uninterested at the time. But as the winds shift towards war, it seems Azilon’s days in the shadows might come to a brief end as he makes a rare appearance to what just might turn out to be the very last Reaping.
Most of what is known about Azilon comes from speculation and rumors, however his reality tells a slightly different tale. A Drakken infamous for his unwillingness to appear before others stems from a childhood under a ruthless father figure. He had been the product of a Gem Reaping, a Lady of the Water by the name of Naomi. Like most Gemminites, she had been ripped from her familiar life to be thrust into the arms of a warrior that would only love her in the cruelest of ways. While pregnant with Azilon, she tried to flee her life under his strict rule but was ultimately caught and chained in the dungeon until Azilon was born.
Being the son of a "traitor Gem" Azilon was regularly beaten to ensure his loyalty to his father. As he grew, it became apparent that his body structure was naturally smaller than your average Drakken leading his father to keep the embarrassment hidden away in the dungeons with his mother (whom bit by bit was losing her mind). Her shrieking and crying began to effect the boy as he sat in the darkness, his boredom and Drakken ferocity getting the better of him. To pass the time he resorted to torturing his own mother to stave off the boredom and in the end killed her, earning him a new spot in his father's eyes.
As soon as he was able, Azilon left to live on his own, taking up residence in the darkest forest the Drakken lands knew. It was this seclusion from the world added up with the sadistic way he killed his enemies that resulted in the many rumors about his cold and heartless demeanour... But is he really heartless? Or is he still just that lonely child chained up in the dungeon?
Other:He has no wives prior, but enough slaves to keep his home comfortable. He makes his home in the Svartálfar Forest, the darkest region in the Drakken homeland, and requires his household to pray to one or both of two gods: Krenta or Norric.