Jacob Marx
KorrinJacob stretched his limbs out gratefully as he stepped off the docking platform, the plane's passengers disembarking in an orderly fashion. He wasn't sure what he had been expecting from a school who sent its acceptance letters so formally, however he had to say he wasn't disappointed so far. The airport they had vetted him through was of the highest quality, as had been the first class dining experience he enjoyed for the full thirteen hour flight. The only probem he did have was how crowded the place was with everyone bustling about, but a gentle hand on shoulder helped to calm his nerves some.
Turning to glance over his right shoulder, Jacob was still surprised everytime he saw her. Despite the fact that the pair had been formally introduced weeks before he was still having trouble adjusting to the near constant presence... He wouldn't lie though, it was nice to have someone there for him all the time. Korrin smiled back at her charge comfortingly as she withdrew her hand. "
It's alright Jake, I'm sure it won't feel as crowded where we're going. Let's hurry up and get out of here." Jacob nodded his response as he watched the ghostly girl disappear, leaving behind an equally beautiful butterfly floating along in her place. No one seemed to notice the little critter, or if they did they didn't seem all that interested in it... A fact Jacob still found interesting, an intrigued smile lighting up his eyes as he followed the butterfly toward their destination.
As if flying for half a day, through multiple time zones no less, wasn't tiring enough the school had arranged for a ferry to carry all the students to the school grounds. Jacob had arrived in rather good spirits, but the poor boy was exhausted as was made apparent from the soft snores escaping his seat. Having a well placed seat against a pole with the added bonus of a rocking boat, Jacob was lulled right into a nap. His guardian couldn't help but to laugh at the sight, perching herself comfortably on his shoulder to admire her surroundings. It was rolling waves and blue skies for as far as she could see until the lush green of their new school grounds came into view. Well placed out of the reach of random stragglers and prying eyes the prestigious academy had been built with the safety of its members and, in some parts, the general public in mind. After all, a kid with access to the magics of spirits didn't always works out the way it had been intended.
Korrin didn't have anything to worry about though, as the her current charge was a little on the timid side. She would have to pull him out of his shell a bit if he was going to reach his full potential, but then again that's why there were at The Sacred Hearts Institute in the first place. As the rocking of the boat subsided drastically, Jacob's eyes fluttered open hazily. "
Are we there yet?" He groaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Returning to her more humanoid form, Korrin answered his question by grabbing his hand and guiding him forward off the boat. The pair waited patiently for the ditzy teacher's introduction to end before trudging on through the entrance to check Jacob into the school. There were so many people gathered there from all around the world, but surprising Korrin had been right. Not a single thing felt cramped, in fact it felt a lot like home. Still, Jacob found himself shying away from a lot of the forming groups to find somewhere quiet to hang out until the Headmaster's welcome speech began.
Maria Desrosiers
PolarisSitting on a bench, Maria looked down at the gold lettered invitation wondering how exactly she had ended up in Japan. It wasn't that she didn't like it, in fact she loved it. The sights, the smells, the sounds; everything was picture perfect... Which was exactly her problem. Everything around her made her want to snap photos with the camera she had hidden away in her bag, but if she started photographing everything right off the bat, people would think she was weird for sure. Sighing heavily, Maria leaned back on the seat and closed her eyes.
Flashing through her mind were the events that led her up to this moment of personal crisis; the trains, the packing, the letter... the butterfly. That was the tipping point in hindsight, the one encounter that was sure to change everything for her and it had. She had never questioned the tiny yellow creature's existence before, showing up around every corner but never really catching her eye. No, that day was the first time she had ever truly saw the being and yet she knew she had always noticed him before. Driven by curiosity Maria had followed the creature without a second thought. Now she was in a dormroom of an academy no one seemed to know anything about. The whole thing was shrouded in mystery but she got the feeling those answers would be answered sooner rather than later.
Opening her eyes , Maria righted herself and looked around before she checked the time on a small wristwatch. She still had some time left over, but she figured she might as well find out where her dorm room was before the "assmebly" started. Clutching the paper the receptionist had given her Maria followed the instructions towards the East Wing. She didn't think much about just reaching for the doorknob, as she assumed most of the group had remained outside, so when she pushed open the door and found a person inside she was more than a little shocked. "
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I must have the wrong room." She exclaimed apologetically as she slammed the door shut again, backing up against a far wall with her hand clutched to her chest.
Just what on Earth do you think you're doing child?" A voice scolded from beside her, almost making her jump for a second time. Polaris looked rather bored of the whole thing, showing no compassion for his human charge. "
I-I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in West Wing by mistake..." She trailed off as she looked at the number clearly displayed for that room. "E142" which was exactly the room she was looking for. A little confused, Maria opened the door slowly this time, peeking her head in curiously. Her eyes drifted over to a bed that had some of her extra belongings already delivered and awaiting unpacking, so she knew she was in the right place. Polaris ducked his head into the room with a mocking chuckle, picking up on the situation quickly. "
I do believe that is what they call a roommate, mon cheri. Are you going to say hello, or are you going to stand there gawking all afternoon?" He shook his head finding her shock rather amusing.
Scowling at her guardian, Maria returned her attention back to the other person in the room. Upon further inspection, and a bit of common sense, Maria realized that she had mistaken her own roommate for a guy. Feeling rather guilty, Maria smiled widely and offered a hand out in greeting. "
I guess I'm still a little tired from my trip, my apologies. Je m'appelle Maria and this is my partner Polaris. By the way, I really like your outfit. It suits you well."