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    1. Whirlwind 11 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
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Roleplayer off and on for 12 years.

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In Alive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dragonbud said
hmmmm should I have Louisa jump onto Tom's back to try and distract him from shooting Amira?

Well, they wouldn't be able to call for back up or anything anyway. Up to you XD
Wren rode back to Stag’s Rest, lagging behind the others a bit on purpose. She didn’t really like being the center of attention anyway, so she just chose to put herself on the outside until they returned. She could still hear Joachim’s question when he spoke though, and scoffed a bit. ”It wouldn’t surprise me if she was a coward,” she mumbled, looking lazy as her horse trotted at a leisurely pace, allowing her to sway side to side, her gaze off to the side and into the distance and hardly an emotion bestowed. She knew an attack back would make the most sense, but she kept her mouth shut. The question was to be determined by their ‘boss’ she supposed. And she was sure Gnarl would handle all that. He was the bear after all. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the thought, but that was the only change in her appearance coming into the stables.

After putting her horse away, Wren changed out of her light armor and wore a pair of brown breeches that fit at the waist, but sagged about her feet. Her shirt was a dull rough material, baggy on her as well and causing her to pull it back up on one shoulder every now and again. She ran her fingers through her sticky, sweaty blonde hair, and went to one of the servants, requesting someone to stitch up her wound. She began searching around until she found the mess hall, and got herself some ale. She sat down and waited, until a meek little guy peeked around the corner and saw her sitting there. ”Yes, I’m the one who needs you,” Wren said, pointing to her arm. The man nodded and sat next to her, working on closing up the wound. She barely noticed, mind on other things, until she looked over and he had gone. She looked down at her arm and it was stitched, so she shrugged and stopped drinking.

Getting up from the ground, she had decided to go visit Sikarthis’s animals. When she was alone with them, she actually felt she could talk more freely than with people anymore. And Sikarthis never seemed to mind when she just turned up there. So she began wandering towards the pens, running her fingers over the outside of them until she got to one of the snow cats. She smiled at it, cooing to beckon it towards her. It just looked at her bored like, which made her chuckle. ”Oh come on you lazy beast, don’t you like me? I mean, I’m injured here. You should be nice to me,” she smirked, eyes lighting up with her smile. The cat yawned, before settling back down, burying its face into itself. ”Tsk. Well, fine then, be that way,” she said softly, still smirking at the thing, before moving to reach a finger in to beckon it better, when a voice made her jump slightly. She turned, blushing and smile fading to an embarrassed gaze that landed on Sikarthis. She felt rather stupid that she hadn’t even heard him walk up.

One hand moved to her side and the other brushed her hair from her face. ”I… I just like your animals,” she sighed, looking to the side, knowing he would think she was probably stupid for it. It seemed like something a child would say after all. Her gaze went back to the man and she shrugged. ”I’m sorry if I’ve invaded your space though, and can leave,” she said, a little uncomfortable now. Seeing as how it was in her nature to like people and be friendly, she found it was easier to avoid them all together in order to prevent herself from caring for them. The more one got to know others, the harder it would be when they inevitably died after all.
Raina looked over as a man announced they’d better have said their goodbyes. ”I believe we did… just not for 200 years,” she said with a weak smirk, licking her lips and eyes blinking rapidly. This was not in the plan at all. A rather fit looking black man awakened next, seeming much more quiet than the other man, and asking how they got down. ”Umm…” Raina breathed, looking confused. Were they supposed to do anything? Obviously something had gone wrong and made their pods change to 200 years, but would the ship also not guide itself down? It did awaken them eventually, so something was working. It was all just rather odd.

A female voice finally interrupted her thoughts… a Marine. Raina just looked at the girl with a bit of a side eye, considering she though most of those in the armed forces were barbaric, and stupid for blindly following orders. She put on a very convincing fake smile though, and shook her head. ”No sweetie, we don’t,” she said, her tone still managing to be just a slight bit condescending.

And oh great, another one. He looked particularly angry, as was his tone, and so she avoided even interacting with him. Instead she looked to the first man she’d approached, who had apparently woken first. No one else seemed to know anything after all.

He didn’t really, but at least he said something besides What happened? for the fiftieth time. Raina’s eyes flickered to the unopened pods, shrugging ever so slightly. They had no idea if those in those pods had thawed and died along the way, or were still frozen and would not be awakened properly for another 200 hundred years… either way, the prospect didn’t appeal to her to go messing with them. She didn’t have to wonder long before the man said that the ones in those pods were dead, making Raina portray sadness, as she figured that was appropriate, shaking her head mournfully.

”Wait until something happens?” Raina repeated, looking at the man like he was just a bit off his rocker. Tyler introduced himself after Thomas and she shook her head at his suggestion. She felt too energized. Like she’d been asleep so long and now all her body wanted to do was be awake. ”I can’t just sit around doing nothing after doing that for 200 years… apparently,” she mumbled the last word.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Raina spun around on nimble feet, looking down the rows of pods. The thudding came again with a muffled voice and she walked briskly towards it. She came to a pod where hands were smacking the glass and she frowned, studying the outside of the pod. ”Hmm… calm down, calm down,” she muttered irritably, before finding an emergency red button on the pod, and pressing it. The glass slid up rapidly and a fairly average looking woman was within. ”There, better?” Raina said with a bit of a chuckle before walking back over towards the rest of the group. ”Oh right… intros… I’m Raina Long.”
Cricket Westley

A sharp gasp sliced the still air like a knife. Her sea blue eyes had opened with a start, blinking and looking up at a stark white ceiling. Her lips were parted in the aftermath of her intake of breath, and she could feel her heart rapidly racing from inside her. Closing her lips and swallowing, licking her dry lips and realizing she must have slept with her mouth open, she swallowed again to wet her throat. Strands of brown hair were clouding her vision, and she brushed them aside before sitting up. As she did, she looked down at herself. She appeared to be wearing black yoga pants, her legs twisted up in white covers, and her shirt was an off the shoulder, slouchy tan sweatshirt. She looked at her hands, turning them over and over. These were her hands? She frowned heavily, quickly looking up at her surroundings. Wait… where was she? Who was she?

Tossing the covers aside like a horse kicking sand before a gallop, she leapt from her bed and raced to the mirror in the room, seemingly connected to the dresser. She tried peering at herself through the words, seeing tanned, freckled skin, dark hair with a few high lights, blue grey eyes, and thin lips pulled across her white teeth. Frowning, she didn’t recognize herself at all. She took a step back, eyes narrowed, and read the words scrawled on the mirror in what appeared to be lipstick. I refuse to give up!!! it said. She blinked a few times, slowing coming to terms with the fact that she must be familiar with all this, but a head injury perhaps? Amnesia? Hmm…

She began exploring her room, finding the teddy with her name, Cricket Westley, and a picture of a baby on her dresser. She lifted her shirt to see fresh stretchmarks, pink and shaped like lightning crisscrossing her stomach and confirming to her that this was her child. She couldn’t even remember his name… A camera next to it, which she began snapping with, and a postcard tucked under the teddy. The sunsets I’ve seen since being here can’t compare to your beauty. I miss you. Xoxo She felt a stirring in her chest. A longing. But she had no idea who or what for. Sighing, she set the camera and postcard down, rubbing her temples and beginning to pull out all the dresser drawers, search under the mattress, trying to figure out anything else. She was interrupted by a sound like gears, turning and seeing her door open. She’d been so focused on the contents of her room she hadn’t even bothered with the door. But now she took a step towards it, barefoot and feeling the chill of the hallway floor as she looked around at others leaving their rooms. They all looked as equally confused as she did, so she frowned and just continued to look about, corralled into a room where she crossed her arms defensively, still thinking and trying to understand. Trying to remember, while looking out at a planet beyond the window. Longing hit her again, but she was still confused as to why. Was she kidnapped? Was she supposed to be up here?
Wintergrey said
and what relationship would that be?

I didn't mean to imply one at all.
Wren turned from Rand, face still stoic and hiding the pain from her injury. She wasn’t the type to have a face contorted in pain or show any kind of weakness to anyone. She wasn’t near any of the enemy at the moment, so she took the time to kneel. She dug through until she found a pouch of powder. She looked up around her again, and still not seeing anyone, began applying generous amounts of the powder to the wound to help it stop bleeding. She didn’t have much in the way of an ability to stitch it, but she always had some herbs on her. She closed the bag quickly and went to stand once more when Astrid came out of nowhere, holding up a shield and letting an arrow bounce off. Wren just watched with raised brow, an almost amused face, until Astrid offered her hand. Wren simply sneered and stood on her own.

”My legs work fine. Put your hand away,” she said firmly, as if insulted. She held her sword tightly in her hand, eyes narrowed at Astrid, and if one had no knowledge of their relationship, would almost assume they were enemies. But Wren's gaze instead began to drift to the enemy which was retreating. Clearing her throat, she pointed to the retreating men with her blade, gesturing for the other woman to notice. She left the woman to do what she wanted before walking over to Joachim, who said the obvious. That they should head back to Gnarl and the Queen. She nodded silently, looking towards the stables and following the others. She mounted a rather boring brown horse with a white spot on its face, meeting the rest of the company who had come outside. Atl’s horse simply had his cat on it, which was a rather amusing image. But at the moment, despite the fact that her bleeding had lessened to barely a trickle, she felt a bit woozy atop her horse, and just wanted to get back.
”Aw, youngin’s” Mira smirked at the ones who were 16 years old. She glanced to the brother who was 16 and raised an eyebrow as he asked why they would be eaten. ”Um, isn’t that what beasts do? Terrorize, eat people, you know.” she shrugged, seeming to be bored now that there would be no carnage. She picked up her glass and began running a finger over the rim. ”I like to have fun. That’s basically it,” she also answered, glancing to Xavier when he said if they were monsters they would have killed them already. Mira sighed, listening to the boring people tell what boring crap they liked. Eventually her eyes landed on Griffin, who looked awfully nervous. ”That fellow needs a drink,” she announced, pointing at him and smiling, winking at him once just before Val hopped in to announce lunch.

”Stew right here!” she said, waving her glass above her head now and slouching in her chair. She yawned, not getting why anyone would be vegetarian unless they were trying not to be fat. Whatever. She just kept observing.
In Alive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ha alrighty XD
In Alive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Darn, okay then
Partisan said
I'm gonna advance the story so it doesn't matter that much anymore.

Sounds good
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