Wren was on her horse when a strange man rode up and asked if they were the queen’s guard, demanding the queen. ”Well, if you demand to see her, then obviously you’ll get taken to her. Because, you know, that’s how things work,” she said mater of factly, as if she were being completely serious, and her face did not betray her with a hint of smile. She didn’t fear the man’s hand on his sword, as she had her own and was more than willing to use it if he drew. If he were stupid enough to. He was stupid enough to simply ride in and demand a royal audience, so he may be dull enough to expect to take on a full group of mercenaries and best them.
She let Rand handle it anyway, telling the man to find Gnarl. ”Gnarl will be the big angry man storming about throwing a hissy fit,” she said, this time with the slightest smirk. It was a bit fun seeing their bear pissed off, even though she knew he had only the best intentions for their group.
Theo ran up next, and she looked at him in surprise. Gnarl hadn’t gotten to him yet? Well, at least she wasn’t the last to know anything. That had to be a plus. She glanced over to Rand as he took Theo aside and explained, looking rather bored and picking at the dirt beneath her fingernails as she waited, seeming to ignore the stranger now. She only looked up when Rand came back and said it was time to go. ”Adieu, Theo,” she said softly, glancing once more over at the man on the horse before following Rand until she was riding next to him.
Once they began their journey, Wren sat atop her horse quietly, but she had trouble with silence. Silence allowed for memories, for remembering. And so she began to whistle a soft sad tune absentmindedly, just to keep some noise hanging in the air.