Khailey Lannister
Age: 14

House: Lannister
Mother: Tarla Lannister (Deceased)
Father: Vernan Lannister
Brothers: Open
Sisters: Open
Uncle: Martyn Lannister
Skills: From a very early age, Khailey has been instructed in all of the subtleties of being a proper and perfect lady. She is elegant and intelligent and knows when a compliment is more appropriate than a jape and all the other nuances of courtesan life.
Weaknesses: Although she seems like the perfect little lady most of the time, she does have quite the temper and has been known by those closest to her to be very cruel when things don’t go her way.
Weapon: Nothing but her wits and her words. And the wealth of Casterly Rock when all else fails.
Title: None
Personality: Khailey is sweet, kind, noble, and generous to those that she seeks to please. But in reality, she is selfish, ambitious, cruel, and temperamental. Deceit is a way of life for her, and she isn’t afraid to lie or cheat whenever necessary to get what she wants.
Bio: Her mother died bringing her into the world, and so she never knew her. She was raised mostly by wetnurses while her father was away from Casterly Rock. She is the daughter of Ser Vernan Lannister, who has brought her with him to King’s Landing in order for her to find a suitable husband amongst the lords and strengthen the bonds between House Lannister and those that would seek to help them against the Targareyans.
Other: "When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die.”