Khailey Lannister
Her father was forced to pledge loyalty to the king because her cowardly uncle was too paranoid to leave Casterly Rock to do so himself. It was one of many things that was causing the rift between the Targaryens and the Lannisters. Her father told her several times that it could lead to war. She didn't know if that was true or not, but as long as her house came out on top then she really didn't care. Besides, wars were much more of a concern for knights and lords than they were for someone like her.
After all of the lords had sworn loyalty to the king, Khailey found herself being forced to mingle with all of the different ladies from the most powerful of the houses. She smiled and participated in all of the gossiping, hearing some things of interest and many that she couldn't care less about. She learned that apparently many of the Riverlords didn't trust Jakob Frey. A few woman spoke about hearing that a doomsayer was heard two nights ago saying that the war of the Lion and the Dragon was inevitable. The man disappeared this morning and hasn't been heard since. Another woman claimed that the Ironborn were growing restless and planning to raid the North again. These were the most intriguing of the rumors, others didn't interest Khailey nearly as much. Lord Ben Bolton was seeking a new wife after his last wife died of mysterious causes, one of the Kingsguard was rumored to have taken a serving girl into his bed but there was no proof, and Ashlee Lorch had a bastard baby in her belly. Based on what Khailey knew of Ashlee Lorch, that wasn't hard for her to believe.
Growing bored with all of the sipping, Khailey managed to excuse herself. She wasn't hungry and just wanted to go back up to her room to rest her feet and get out of this gown. She walked past the Riverlords, catching a glimpse of Jakob Frey speaking with Tristan Tully as she made her way towards the exit.