Ser Vernan Lannister
An orderly had told him that Lord Jakob Frey had asked to speak with him. Vernan struggled to his feet and made his way over to the Lord of the Crossing with Ser Lothor Clegane at his side. Vernan did not like to be summoned like some squire. Lord Jakob was lucky that he wished to speak with the man, otherwise he would never have come. Ser Vernan was a knight and soldier first and foremost, he didn't much care for all of this political nonsense. But he wasn't incompetent either, and knew how important that it was.
He approached Lord Jakob and the two women that were with him, the Dornish Princess and Lady Gemma, the latter he had met before. "You wished to speak with me," Ser Vernan said to the Frey with an even tone that betrayed nothing about his distrust for all three of those present.