Taking a break from this site for awhile. Dealing with a lot of real life stuff and just need to take a break. I apologize to everyone that I'm currently roleplaying with.
Flannery smiled at Norman. "Yeah, I'm taking a little time away from the Gym. My Gym Trainers can handle it while I'm gone." When Norman introduced Rex to her, she smiled and said, "Hey, Rex, I'm Flannery, but you probably already knew that, huh?"
Flannery, the young Gym Leader of the Lavaridge Gym had just arrived in Pettleburg. It had been a long journey, but she was eager to visit her friend Norman right away. She hadn't seen him in some time. They were both very busy with their duties as Gym Leaders. She was traveling light with only her backpack slung over her shoulder and her three Pokeballs on her belt. Spotting the Gym up ahead, she hurried over to the building and then went inside.
Hey everyone! I'm looking to start a Pokemon roleplay where you would play a new trainer just starting out on his/her adventure to defeat the Pokemon League while I would play a Gym Leader who's kind of like your character's mentor as well as friend and companion. There could be romance as well if we both want.
Misty realized that it wasn't going to be easy to convince her sister, maybe even impossible. "What are we supposed to do if the humans come here looking for us then? Do you really expect us to fight against them even though it might mean many of us will get hurt and likely die?"